Introducing #NewVAVEL, a customizable media outlet with its own algorithm search engine
VAVEL launches the #NewVAVEL

This September 24, 2018, VAVEL launches the #NewVAVEL. The objective of this new platform, whose development began in September 2013, is to innovate in the way in which users interact and consume information.

According to different research studies, the global media industry is experiencing the most complicated moments in its history. Faced with this situation, VAVEL seeks, through the #NewVAVEL, to provide a new option for Internet users.

This is the #NewVAVEL

After exhaustive analytics' studies, it was concluded that the classic menu no longer meets the needs of the reader. Facing this new reality, VAVEL opted to create an own algorithm search engine, developed with Business Intelligence technology, to provide the best results for each search intent.

VAVEL Search: 15 million articles indexed since 2013 in 18 languages

VAVEL Search is an essential piece of the new #NewVAVEL platform puzzle. As its name says, it is an information search engine. When writing any keyword in the minimalist search bar, the user can consult, in 18 languages, any news published by the rest of the media in the world.

Infinity of topics, infinite tastes. From sports to economics to fashion. A universal means of reference.

The customizable newspaper, tailored to your needs

VAVEL is your means. Therefore, the #NewVAVEL development focused on the customization of information. Each reader has different tastes and, now, you can consume them in a unique way. In addition, you will have two ways of consuming VAVEL; the homepage, whose content is defined by the editorial team; and the carousel, where the personalized information will be.

Depending on their interests and language, readers can set up their custom carousels and consult the information generated by the VAVEL editions, every time they access the website.

In addition, with the integration of the new VAVEL Search, the user will be able to choose if the personalized carousels will contain only VAVEL content or the information of the global media, under the "on the web" tab. Also, the reader will decide among the 18 available languages.

Grid: a minimalist design

#NewVAVEL bases its design and user experience on the growing rate of smartphones' adoption in the world. A modern and simple user interface that benefits the loading speed for users with slow internet connections.

The use of cards facilitates navigation and reading. VAVEL will provide you with all the information you want with an unprecedented speed and simplicity.

Coming soon: VAVEL's subscribers

VAVEL's business model, dependent on digital advertising, is experiencing the same delicate financial situation as all the media industry.

Making an independent media outlet, such as VAVEL, profitable requires, among many things, the active support of its readers. As well as many media outlets in the United States such as The New York Times or The Guardian in the UK; Animal Político, in Mexico; in Spain, VAVEL will open the possibility of being a subscriber for a monthly fee. This revenue will be distributed, in a transparent manner, to the staff of the media.

New technologies

Launched in 2012, the previous New VAVEL was a fundamentally interface refurbishment. On the other hand, #NewVAVEL is a totally new platform based on the latest technologies and Business Intelligence components, for the development of the algorithm.

The spirit of VAVEL for a prestigious sports press remains intact. This launch reinforces the origins of the project.

According to VAVEL's roadmap, the new platform will continue its evolution since the #NewVAVEL has different verticals of development among which photography, advertising, technology, and information stand out.

On behalf of all the people who have made and make possible VAVEL, we thank each of our readers for their trust.

VAVEL grows and diversifies for you.