The return of Arrow after its winter break begins with a scene of Oliver standing in a graveyard looking down at a tombstone. Barry appears next to him and tells Oliver how sorry he is for everything that’s happened. This leaves viewers wondering who could possibly be in the grave and with what happened in the previous episode - Felicity could be a candidate. A second later it is revealed that this is just a time leap to months from the previous day, so Felicity is still alive. This episode lives up to its name as revenge is the main theme.

Felicity Recieves Treatment

After the attack, Felicity goes in and out of surgery for her gunshot wounds. Everyone but Oliver comes to see her in the hospital. This is kind of bad on Oliver’s part, but of course Felicity makes excuses for him because she understands why he isn’t around.  

A Manhunt For Darhk

Oliver and the team continue searching for Darhk. Oliver is seeking revenge. He turns to Captain Lance for information on Darhk's location, while Diggle interrogates his brother Andy. Lance gives up Damien Darhk and gets a target put on his back. Diggle may have been acting through the desire to get revenge for the betrayal he felt from Andy’s actions. They track down Darhk's location, but find only several dead Ghost soldiers and an anarchy symbol painted in blood.

The team realize that Lonnie Machin is back and out for revenge against Darhk. Machin is caught and Oliver interrogates him for information on Darhk. Eventually, Oliver sets Machin free to go after Darhk, tracking him in the process. This leads to a heated argument between Laurel and Oliver who are both hypocrites. Laurel is not okay with the fact that Oliver let Machin loose, knowing that Oliver has his own vendetta. Oliver throws Sarah in Laurel’s face after she points out the fact that Oliver let a psychotic killer walk the streets. Oliver really has no room to talk considering his blood lusting sister is his sidekick.

Thea's Blood Lust

In this episode, fans see that Thea is really at war with herself. Oliver wants her to control her blood lust and keep it in check through force of will. Thea’s father, Malcolm Merlin wants her to kill pedophiles as a way of taming her blood lust. Thea is also afraid of being a target of revenge. Machin starts to latch on to her as both his savior and potential convert to his anarchist ways. Machin represents the final circuit in whether or not Thea can control her blood lust. Machin wants her to just let loose and give in to it, even though he doesn’t exactly know what it is.

A Debt To Be Owed

Machin goes after Darhk's family. The team arrives to Darhk’s house and saves his family, but Machin escapes. Right in the nick of time, Darhk shows up knowing what the situation is and desperate to know where his family is. It seems even an evil person like Darhk can still love. As payment for saving his family, Darhk grants Oliver time to spend with his own family before Darhk kills him.

Felicity Paralyzed

Now that Oliver knows there is still time and that he can get a break from Darhk, he finally visits Felicity. Before he enters her room, Oliver is stopped by Felicity’s mother who wants answers from him about his whereabouts. It’s obvious that Oliver has been feeling that Felicity’s condition is his fault. It doesn’t help when he learns that Felicity is now left paralyzed from being shot. Despite his absence, Felicity still forgives Oliver.


In flashbacks, Conklin presents Oliver as a traitor and the maps he found as proof to Reiter. While Conklin tortures Oliver, Reiter notices the spell on Oliver's stomach and forces Conklin to stop. In exchange for another prisoner's life, Oliver agrees to help Reiter.

Who Is Dead?

The end of the episode is taken back to the time jump of the graveyard. Who could possibly be in the grave? After the events of the last episode, an assumption can be made that it’s Felicity. Only it can’t be because after Oliver is done talking to Barry, he gets in a limo and Felicity is sitting in there. She is clearly distraught and says something totally out of her character. Felicity actually wants Oliver to kill “Him.” Oliver wants to kill “Him.” Barry is even for Oliver killing “Him.” So now this leaves two questions: Who is “Him?”