Celebrity Death Match is coming back after a bit of a haitus. While we have seen a range of brutal and hilarious already, with the world getting more and more silly and obnoxious celebrities every month, there are still a ton of fights we have yet to see. To be completely honest, the celebrities out now deserve the axe more than ever. 

Marilyn Monroe - Kim Kardashian:
Battle of the women who made a living off of being attractive. At least Marilyn could act or at the very least banged someone with power and not a wannabe pop star and Kanye.

Justin Bieber - Jayden Smith:
Hopefully they both lose and after the fight Agent J neutralizes us all and we forget they both existed. Especially "After Earth".

Michael Jordan - Lebron James:

image source "sportsmockery.com"

Who's the greatest NBA player of all time? Who cares! No way this happens and Lebron wins without the interference of a jealous Scottie Pippen. Hopefully Lebron just flops around the ring as Jordan kicks the crap out of him.
 Nicolas Cage - Keanu Reeves:
Two overrated actors fight for the title of who's slightly better.
Tim Burton - Edgar Allen Poe:
It's dark and tortured Emo versus the original dark and tortured emo. Tim Burton prably wins after Johnny Depp saves his lover...I mean director. Or maybe Helena Bonham Carter kills Burton and later marries Poe.
Chris Evans - Robert Downey Jr:
The real reason for Civil War. Iron Man has made more money while the Captain America movies might have been better.
 Walter White - Pablo Escobar:
Two of the most infamous drug dealers go one on one. Winner gets to keep dealing.
Taylor Swift - Miley Cyrus:

image source "thenet.ng"

Wholesome versus whorish (according to the media. I say get your freak on). Taylor Swift wins after she shakes off all of Miley's attacks. See what I did there?
 Mickey Mouse - Bugs Bunny - Kermit The Frog:
Kermit wins with the help of Donald and Daffy Duck who are tired of being in the shadows of Mickey and Bugs. Kermit then kills both Donald and Daffy before they can kill him.
Tyler Perry - Shakespeare:
Shakespeare comes back to defend good story writing.