Ads have taken over the world. Once upon a time, adds ruled the world. You couldn't turn on the TV without someone seeing an ad. Then man created the means into skip ads. But the ads got smarter and disguised themselves as news. Now the adds have evolved. They're now people. Jimmy Valmer and the former news casters are here to stop the adds from taking over. Yeah...this is already kind of dumb. It gets better though.

Prinicple Victoria and Mr. Garrison are back to take their city back.
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While all of this is going on, former Principle Victoria, Mr. Garrison, and Caitlyn Jenner come into town to try and figure out what's going on. They almost immediately run Randy Marsh. Randy is thinking about leaving South Park because it has something he no longer likes. It's too expensive. Yes, it's his fault to begin with. Let's ignore that part. Also, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny, and Butters are trying to figure out where Jimmy has gone. The news paper says that he won a trip to Disney with PC Principle and his daughter Leslie. But they get distracted clicking on adds. The computer is too smart. It is distracting the boys from uncovering something. But what exactly? And while all of this is going on, Jimmy is too busy thinking about his d**k and actually helps Leslie out of the room she was trapped in. Kind of like the movie "Ex Machina". Actually, just like the movie. 

This episode, while funny, was all over the place. There was about three or four stories going on at once. Stan and Kyle are fighting, Nathan is apparently in cahoots with the Ex Machina ad girl, Randy is sort of kind of hating the PC life, the boys are fighting, and a bunch of other stuff. Ok, so that's more than four, but you get the idea. And the show ends on a continuation that was seen coming a mile away. 

Is PC Principle an ad as well?
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Here's the good news though. While this episode may not have been as good as the last few episodes, South Park almost always delivers in the end. Next week and possibly the week after (depending on if it's a three parter or more) will gve us the money shot we have all been waiting for.

Episode Rating: 5