It's time for season two of The Flash! After the cliffhanger at the end of season one, season two can go in many exciting and different directions. We all have questions and this wouldn't be the Internet if we didn't spend an inordinate amount of time trying to speculate what the answers are!

So... There is a multiverse... Wait what?

Yeah... try not to get lost. Credit: DC Comics

Those who don't read DC Comics (or any comics for that matter) will probably be confused by this concept. In comics, there are alternate realities. This is a common coming writing trope to justify having multiple versions of popular characters. It's easy to kill off the alternate versions of a character in lieu of killing off the main one for shock value (see: Ultimate Spider-man).

DC is the worst at utilizing the multiverse concept because they can't seem to decide if there is one or isn't. This has to lead to multiple "crisis" story arcs that either center on destroying or resurrecting their version of the multiverse. According to the trailer for season two of The Flash, the massive singularity at the end of season one created a portal to the multiverse that allowed some people who don't belong to creep into the main-verse (don't try to steal that one DC!!).

So that is how Silver Age Flash, Jay Garrick, is able to cross over to Barry Allen's dimension. Still following? Good. Even though the multiverse concept is much maligned by comic fans, it could lead to interesting possibilities in the small screen. So instead of having Caitlin Snow develop her Killer Frost powers out of thin air, the vision we saw of her, as Killer Frost could be her Earth-2 counterpart. Also, the villain possibilities become literally endless. Personally, this writer is praying for a decent version of Psycho Pirate. Come on, that name is awesome.

No Doctor Wells? No problem! Long live Zoom.

Hide your wife, Hide your kids... Credit The CW

Jay Garrick warns Barry that something terrible is coming. He seems to be referring to Zoom (Reverse Flash 2). Let's not dwell on who Zoom is too long. Think of it this way: he is 100 times more dangerous than Dr. Wells/Eobard Thawne ever was. In the comics, Zoom's powers have more to do with time manipulation than speed, which essentially makes him faster than The Flash.

As entertaining as Dr. Wells was in season one (shame he is gone... Or is he? Dun dun dunnnnn) it will be a lot of fun to know nothing about Barry's adversary this time around. Well, other than the bit of info we will get from Garrick the audience knows nothing about Zoom. Plus add in the fact that Tony Todd is going to voice the character just adds to the intrigue. In the past, Zoom has killed Flash -2's (Wally West) wife and once she was resurrected (don’t ask, just go with it), he made her miscarry. Even though these events were with a different Flash entirely, could either of them come into play this season? Iris should watch her back. Flash’s significant others don't last long when Zoom is around.

Wally West has been cast for season two. It’s a bit early for that, yes?

Season one of The Flash was an unbridled success. The ratings stayed strong throughout the season and the critics and fans alike universally lauded the show. All that said nothing would kill a show quicker than adding too many characters too fast. Look no further than the first series run of “Heroes”. That show was great until they decided to give everyone powers. Syndrome from “The Incredibles” said it best, “When everyone’s special… no one is special.”

Casting Wally West is fine, well if it were season four or five of the show. Obviously just because the character is going to show up doesn’t mean he will get his Flash powers just yet, but its hard to put faith into the writers that they won’t blow their proverbial load too early. Between the prospect having “Kid Flash”, Caitlin as Killer Frost, and the revelation that Cisco was affected by the particle accelerator (which means he will be getting his Vibe powers at some point) may just be too much. This show could go on for a decade if they pace themselves. Hopefully, this sentiment isn’t lost on The Flash’s writer’s room.