Scandal: "Heavy Is The Head" Review

Scandal is finally back, and it kick-starts where it left off in season 4: Olivia Pope and the President, Fitz. Fitz and Olivia share a night together, perk up for a party, in which the Queen of Caldonia is visiting with her newly-wed prince.

The Queen's daughter-in-law was in a car wreck and was found dead at the scene, and Olivia's goal was to get the paparazzi off of the pictures surrounding the screen. Later does she find out that the scene wasn't just any car crash, but, a murder.

Scandal takes an interesting move into a direction between Fitz and Mellie. In the end of season 4, Fitz kicks Mellie out of the White House. Now, we see Fitz come into Mellie's office and as she thanks him for joining her as she was sworn into the Senate, Fitz hands her divorce papers. All is looking swell for Fitz and Olivia to be together now but Olivia is nervous and isn't ready.

The second direction Scandal goes into briefly is the relationship between Fitz and Olivia, and work. Olivia wants to find the culprit of the murder, but Fitz has naval base priorities with the Queen and doesn't want to hurt those chances. Olivia and Fitz having to work out awkward situations like these will surely come up as the show goes on.

Olivia finds evidence that would link the prince to the murder of his wife, as she was having an affair with her bodyguard. Little does Olivia know, she talks to the Queen and the Queen admits to killing her daughter-in-law. The Queen had diplomatic immunity as well as a confidentiality agreement with Olivia, so Olivia seemed to not be able to do anything about it. Olivia ends up telling the prince, who makes demands to step into office and her step down.

The episode ends with Olivia and Fitz discussing their relationship. Fitz wants to come clean but Olivia wants to take it slow to make sure they re ready for the media. Little do they know Sally is on her television news show and releases pictures of Olivia and Fitz seeing each other and showing a relationship.


Episode Grade: 8/10

It was a quality start to the season and the two dynamic's that Scandal is going into will be very interesting. How can Olivia and Fitz work through their relationship at work and home? How will Fitz and Olivia handle the media that wll surely be swarming in episode two?

The scandals are back and better than ever as we join Olivia and her bumpy journey. Episode two may go into more detail about Huck and his struggles. Here we go, another season of Scandal.

Mitchell Evans is an NBA Editor for VAVEL USA. Follow him on Twitter @MitchellAEvans.