So the first thing that we see is the White House and Obama giving Kyle an award because of his brave speech he gave about "his hero" Caitlyn Jenner (who is so stunning and so brave). Kyle obviously is not happy about this at all. And for some reason Mr. Garrison is pissed off because Obama is upset that things are so tolerant and now illegal immigrants...sorry. PC Bro Randy Marsh has just stated that the correct term is "Undocumented immigrants".

Mr. Garrison isn't talking about Mexicans crossing the border. He is talking about Canadians. Mr. Garrison says its time they built a wall to keep them out. Oh, but it doesn't stop there. During class, Mr. Garrison tells one of his Canadian students to speak English (which he was) and when they were playing there horns because it was eight and eleven (it's South Park making fun of Canada). According to PC Principal, at 8am Canadians face north and play Chuck Mangione. Well, folks, strap in. Trey Parker and Matt Stone are going to tackle the illegal...the undocumented immigrants problem.

South Park has always been the show that speaks to the regular person and it looks like Mr. Garrison will be playing the role of Donald Trump. He is going on on rants about how the Canadians need to go home and give America back it's land and is finsihing with the classic "Sorry not sorry" quote to cover up his racist comment. How do we solve this problem? Well, Mr. Garrison suggests that we pull down their pants and **** them all to death, then build a wall, and if anyone comes across we should pull down their pants and **** them all to death too. But Canada has already built a wall to keep America from raping all of their women.

Mr. Garrison has amassed a follwoing of like minded people and it looks like people tempers are flaring. So what can stop all of these racist comments and bring people together? Cartman says that someone is going to have to date one of the Canadians and bring them together (Like in Lion King 2 according to Butters). All the kids say not it and Butters gets caught last. So he's going to have take one for the team.

Just go over there and give her the business. And by business Cartman means a Hot Cosby.
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Review: 8

This episode wasn't as deep as their other episodes, but they all don't have to be. This was a classic story where the writers make their point and the show is just funny. Mr. Garrison acts out some of the contradictions that some Americans have. Example, the father of girl Butters is dating left Canada because someone was elected even though he was a racist butt-hole. The just thought he was funny and speaking his mind. They never thought that he would actually be elected. That man was the Canadian version of Donald Trump.

A great thing is that it looks like PC Principle is going to be a regualr character. South Park has slowly been adding new characters and evolving their older characters to avoid getting stale. Last season, they made more of an effort to keep things connected. The Hot Cosby joke was brought up again and it doesn't look like it's going away any time soon.

Like most episodes of South Park, you will get a ton laughs. Just make sure you watch until the end. Make it a Slow Cosby and don't rush through the episode.