The show starts with Mr. Mackey having a meeting with all of the town because rape was referred to as a "Hot Cosby" and that their old principal was fired. So Mr. Mackey introduced P.C. Principal. A a "bro" who immediately goes into how he Googled the town of South Park and that they aren't tolerant enough. They had a black chef who the white kids made sing soul songs and that a kid acted transgender to use a separate bathroom. and then went on to ask where the minorities were (Mr. Mackey goes on to mention Token). P.C. gives Butters detention for asking a question ans vows to change things. The Next day in school, Kyle is talking about how nice it is to have a principal that cares and is happy that things are changing. Mr. Mackey calls Kyle into the office, and when he gets there Kyle is detention for saying that he didn't think Caitlyn Jenner is a hero.

At a bar, the fathers of some of the kids are talking about how they thought that the principal was going to far with the political correctness. One of the dad's agrees and then says that he didn't think Caitlyn Jenner wasn't that brave. At that moment, the other dads look at him and say that Caitlyn Jenner is stunning and amazing and an inspiration and all that when a some bros come over and check him for saying that he wasn't anything else but an inspiration and a hero. More and more bros came over to check him and then they decided to start a club for political correctness. And their club is really just an annoying frat house.

The next day in school, Cartman is at his locker with a defeated demeanor because he was given so much detention that he couldn't handle it. The boys remind him that his hero Tom Brady wouldn't stand for this. Tom Brady would say "No! I am not taking any detention at all!!". So Cartman stands up and defies rules just like his hero Tom Brady and comes up with a plan. Cartman catches P.C. Principal in the bathroom peeing and tells P.C. Principal that if he doesn't stay out of his way that he was going to show people Butter's underwear with his DNA all over them (CArtman just swished them around in the urinal P.C. Principal just used) and ended it by saying "kapiece". P.C. Principal grabs Cartman and viciously slams Cartman up against the wall for using the phrase kapiece because it looks as Italians in a negative light (intimidation tactics). Every time Cartman tries to explain that he is trying to only blackmail him he said something that offended his p.c. bro feelings. The beating was so bad that Cartman ended up in the hospital.

That night, Randy Marsh gets so fed up with the noise coming from the frat house...p.c. club that he goes over to tell them to cut it out, but in typical Randy Marsh fashion he ends up becoming and pledge and drinking all night. The next morning, Randy's wife Sheila is in the kitchen waiting for Randy to come downstairs. And when he does he is hung over beyond words. Apparently he didn't get home until 6 in the morning and missed work. He explains to her that, "I've joined a social awareness group. It's a coalition that discourages the use of words *burp* that have negative condensation of people who are victim to unfair stereotypes."

In the hospital, Cartman says that he can't beat P.C. Principal and that he is going to admit he's wrong and that he is not Tom Brady. Cartman vows to be a better person and urges Kyle to do the same. Kyle says he won't do it. He then goes on to say that he doesn't think that Caitlyn Jenner is a good person. Stan, Butters, Kenny, and Cartman all gasped. Kyle asks if Cartman will ever call him a dirty Jew again adn Cartman replies by saying "No. I will only call you friend". Kyle says f*** you to Cartman and walks out. Cartman says that he guesses they never knew how racist Kyle really was. Ladies and gentlemen, that is a prime example of irony.

At the Bro's frat house, the pledges are given a speech about how white people have been full of privilege and how its time they did something about it. P.C. Principal uses Bret Favre's half clap during Caitlyn Jenner's speech as an example. Randy asks if he wanted them to shame Bret Favre and P.C. Principal says no because there is someone worse. So Randy and some of the other bros go to Kyle's house while he was sleeping and woke him up violently shaking the bed and left leaving a bunch of pigs in his room that had "bigot" written on them.

Kyle's hazing gets worse when some of his head is shaved, the rest is put into pigtails, and penises were drawn all over his face in what looks like permanent ink. Stan asked his dad (who is just as hung over as he was the night before)if he drew d***s on his friends face to which Randy responds "Did I check his privilege? Yes. I had some refreshments and I checked his privilege". and that "D***s on his face is a very first world problem". Translation is he got drunk and drew d***s on his face. Stan says that maybe he should just admit that Caitlyn Jenner is a hero and Kyle says that he never said she wan't a hero, just that she wasn't a hero to him and that he didn't like him on the Kardashian's show and he doesn't like him now. A bro then does a siren noise and says "Her".

There were beverages served, Sheila.
image source ""

Back at the hospital Cartman finds out that Kyle is being shamed and decides that he is going to go to war with the p.c. bros for messing with his friend. He tells Butters to get him two hundred pregnant Mexican women and a taco launcher. Yes, you read that correctly. So Cartman shows up at the bros frat house and launches tacos into their house. Then he unleashes the two hundred Mexican women. Then, unleashes a truck full of illegal immigrant miners. And then, the coup de grace, he unleashes Jared from Subway to go after the children (yep).

Kyle walks into the middle of the street and yells for everyone to stop. Kyle says the Caitlyn Jenner is an inspiration and a hero. Everyone claps and the next day they had cake. Randy is the newest p.c. bro. Cartman gives a speech about how sometimes joking about un p.c. things can start a dialogue. Cartman asks Kyle what's wrong and says "You have your cake, Kyle, eat it too". Kyle points out that it looks like Cartman was the only person who won in this situation. Cartman says "Who, does that remind you of? Now, I'm going to go home and bang my hot wife...who kind of looks like a dude".

Rating: 10

They. Are. BACK!!! South Park delivered on their season opener as they do every season. But this one was particularly special. They went in and pretty much said everything that annoys a lot of us about this world that has become way too politically correct....Sorry. Caitlyn Jenner is a hero and an inspiration and totally probably not looking for attention and was never a jerk...EVER!!!!