15 Great Aqua Teen Hunger Force Moments
They started as detectives and then things got a bit bizarre. image source "tvguide.com"

After fifteen years on Adult Swim, the most random and absurd television show ever created put out it's last episode late August. Aqua Teen Hunger Force was a twelve minute adult cartoon that has produced some of the weirdest and asinine things ever to be on TV. But what would you expect from a show that stars a genius box of fries named Frylock, an unjustified arrogant and rude soda cup named Master Shake, and a cute and naive meaball named Meatwad. So, since it went fifteen years, here are this writer's top fifteen Aqua Teen Hunger Force...Aqua Unit Patrol Squad One...Aqua Something You know Whatever...Aqua Teen Hunger Force Forever...That Aqua Teen show with a bunch of names and entrances.


This is easily the most memorable moment of the show. Meetwad asks Frylock for a dog so Frylock makes him one in Carl's pool. Problem is they need DNA. Shake starts splashing the water in the pool and thus a dog shaped like Shake's hand comes out of the cage in the pool. Meatwad names him Hand Banana and in a rare sentimental moment, Carl says the dog is kinda cute. Hand Banana points at Carl and with an evil look says, "Tonight. YOU." to Carl. But only Carl can here him.

Later, Frylock, Meatwad, and Shake are hugging talking about how good of a dog Hand Banana is. Meanwhile, Hand Banana is leaving and goes to Carl's house and rapes him. Hand Banana later tricks Carl into thinking Frylock sent thim to the pound. Carl decides that since he's safe, that he would pull his pants down and "Shine some sun, where the sun don't shine". Hand Banana comes around and then, you guessed it, rapes him again. While rape is not funny, when it's a cartoon dog and a fictional person, it's hilarious.

Season 4: Handbanana

2. You ARE The Mother:

During the many things going on during "Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie For Theaters", the guys were trying to find out who their parents are. Come to find out, their father is Walter Melon (he's a slice of watermelon). As Walter is leaving, Frylock asks who their mother is. Out of nowhere, a nine layer bean burrito pops out and says "I am". Shake takes one look at her and jumps out of the window.

Yep. A nine layer bean buritto voiced by Tina Fey
image source "complex.com"

"Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie for Theaters"

3. The Broodwich:

How do you make the Ultimate Sandwich? Well, someone in Hell has all of the ingredients. First, it's forged in darkness from wheat harvested in Hell's half-acre, baked by Beelzebub, slathered with mayonnaise beaten from the evil eggs of dark chicken forced into sauce by the hands of a one-eyed madman, cheese boiled from the rancid teat of a fanged cow, layered with six-hundred and sixty-six separate meats from an animal which has maggots for blood! Also Dijon mustard and a bed of evil and lettuce. But no bacon. Apparently there isn't swine in Hell evil enough to sacrifice upon the said bed of evil.

Season 2: "Broodwich"

4. Don't be d***

The cleanest way to say this is to censor it, so here we go. A Chinese food place was offering free prizes with every purchase. The prizes included free meals, your penis being cut off, and free wasabi fries. Did you catch that? Yes, one of the prizes was having your gentleman parts cut off. So why was this an option? Well, Mr. Wong Burger needed the... guy parts to create a giant ship made out of dangly parts. Obviously the ship will never fly. But what else could he have done? Frylock simply said to call someone to pick him up. And he did. The word d*** was said over thirty times in twelve minutes.

Season 4: Dickesode

5. Carl's Wild Story:

Carl tells the most outlandish story ever. It involves naked women, dragons, demons playing in a metal band, killing wooly mammoths for meat and fur, and at the end, he defeats the demon metal band in music battle (and deflecting beams off of his crotch) to win the most awesome shirt ever. Realistically, it was a shirt that he got at a gas station that won't come off unless he tricks someone else into taking it from him. Shake was dumb enough to believe he was the chosen one and took the shirt. Now every night (until the end of the episode) Shake was tortured.

Season 9: Shirt Herpes

6. The Clowning:

Carl finally gives up on being bald and buys a wig. But, this is no ordinary wig. This wig was from a great proud species of clowns!!! This wig slowly infected him with a disease that turned him completely into a clown forever. As far as premises go, this one was stupid, but the episode was hilarious.

Season 2: The Clowning

7.The Do's and Don't's of Seeing a Movie:

Before the movie started, a group of movie theater treats sang a cheerful song about some of the things you should and shouldn't do during a movie. They were soon interupted by some different movie theater treats who further explained movie theather. Mastodon did a metal rendition of the rules and laws of seeing a movie. Rules like don't bring your baby to the movies because they cry and it is rude (leave your seed outside in the street is what thet sugggest) and also don't make out here (they'll cut you if you do).

"Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie for Theaters"

8. Dr. Weird:

When the show first started, Dr. Weird would do something completely insane, stupid, or just plain weird (pun intended). One time he was so hungry his butt decided to eat his hand adn then the rest of his body.

Season: 1 and 2


Is it a murderous doll or an annoying prop.
image source "youtube.com"

It was a dark and stormy night and a mysterious bloody hand drops a box at the Aqua Teen's house. The box contained a ventriloquist doll that kept saying "KILL" over and over with a knife in his hand. But the doll didn't want to killl anyone. It was just saying die over and over again. After a while it got annoying and the Aqua Teens decided to destroy it. BUT THE DOLL COULDN'T BE DESTROYED!!!!! And it continued to be annoying until it met another doll male doll that only said "DIE". The two instantly fell in love. It was kinda sweet.

Season 5: "Dummy Love"

10. Unstar Wars Star Wars Episode:

A shaved guy by the name of Drew offered lawn service to the Aqua Teens and Carl. He needed the money to block out the moon. Why would he want to block out the moon? Because he was really a shaved Wookie by the name of Drewbacca. And during a full moon he'd go full Wookie. And we all know you never go full Wookie.

Season 6: "2-And-a-Half-Star Wars Out of Five" "Pink Man"

11. Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future:

A robot from the past comes back to the present to tell Carl a story about his house being build on an alien burial ground. So Santa (who's really an ape) was going to haunt his house. But then we find out Santa is a robot. Wait, no, he was an ape. Let this idiot explain.

Season 1: Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future

12. Super Toiet:

Frylock created a toilet that was more eco friendly and needed Carl to test it. Carl finally uses the toilet and his body is completely liquified after he flushed it. The only thing that was left was Carl's his head floating in the bowl. Frylock spent the rest of the episode trying to find a body that Carl could use. He ends up putting Carl's head on a toy remote control truck.

Season 2: "Total Re-Carl"

13. Billy Witch Doctor:

Meatwad started playing a game called "Video Ouija" where he could talk to the dead. Shake being the jerk that he is, decided to ruin Meatwad's fun. How? By comitting suicide so he could be in the game. Meatwad already moved on and stopped playing the game. Frylock searched for someone to ressurect Shake and decided on Billy Witch Doctor. Only problem is he works "mostly in chicken".

image source "myspce.com"

Season 3: "Video Ouija"

14. Why bother Excercising?

Not from a season. Show promo

15. Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary:
Shake tries to create the new birthday song because the old one apparently is no good. The song is terrible (but hilarious) and he owes Geddy Lee a ton of money for royalites of the writing and keeping Getty's white horse fed and bleached.

Season 2: "Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary"