Comic books have gone from the news stands to the big screen, and are now becoming exremely popular on television. WB's (now CW's) Smallville was a big hit. Arrow, The Flash, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. are also now televison hits. Fox decided to put their bid in with Gotham and now trying to bring in Marvel's superhero mutant team the X-Men to their network. With the X-Men, their roster is so big that there are tons of teams and characters that Fox could use. Here are my top three teams and my top three characters Fox should use when making an X-Men T.V. show.

Side note, Wolverine is the obvious choice for a character, so

The New/Young X-Men:

This team always had each other's back.
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If Fox decides to make this a tween type of show, than there is no better mutant team than The Young X-Men. While there have been other people on the roster, the main roster for a while consisted of Elixir, Hellion, Dust, Gentle, Rockslide, Prodigy, Anole, Surge, Pixie, Mercury, X-23. This team was special because of how they banded together after everything they went through. They watched as missiles blew their friends up, they've been dragged to Hell literally, tortured, hunted, and depowered. All of this is going on while having to deal with the tons of emotions and confusion of being a teenager. This could be Fox's Smallville. We could watch them grow and become full fledged X-Men or start their own team.


The New/Young X-Men have the disadvantage of getting all of the old X-Men villains on top of groups like The Purifiers and The Facility who seem to focus on killing the younger kids.

Astonishing X-Men:

The X-Men's a-team
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If Joss Whedon could get behind this, the Astonishing X-Men stories could be the best comic book series to ever grace television. The stories were so special. Kitty Pryde being reunited with the love of her life after he died, Cyclops and Emma having their love put to the test, Beast dealing with looking like, well, a beast, Wolverine finding a new a new protégé who didn't believe in herself, and so much more. While there was a good amount of action in Joss Whedon's stories, it was everything else that made this story special. Wolverine's cynicism was at an all time high adding the comedy to the sometimes overly dramatic moments. Watching the main X-Men roster pick themselves up after being torn apart (Torn was actually the name of one of their arcs). This would be the best way to go.


This team dealt with the Danger Room turned sentient called Danger, aliens from a place called Breakworld, and Agent Abigail Brand who seems to be doing all the right things and going about them wrong.

The Original X-Men:

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In the movies the original team consisted of Angel, Beast, Mystique, Havoc, Darwin (kind of) Banshee, Professor X, and Magneto. The original comic book lineup was Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Angel (Warren Worthington the Third), and Iceman. While maybe the villains and dialogue would be a bit dated, why not start where it all started. The team has everything that people want to see in a show. Romance is covered with Jean and Cyclops. There could be the jealous teammate with Angel who loves Jean and isn't shy about telling her while Cyclops remains timid. Beast being the insecure yet cocky genius covers the drama of being the "nerd" in the group. And then there's the comic relief with Iceman. Iceman could be the comic relief, but it doesn't hurt that Bobby Drake (Iceman) has tons of layers under all of the jokes. Iceman recently came out as gay, so that is also an avenue the show could travel. Not only being hated for being a mutant, but it must be even worse trying to deal with being hated for being a mutant and gay.


Well, there's Magneto and his Brotherhood, Mystique, humans, Sentinels, and all sorts of other random villains that hate mutants just because.


Say what you will, but Rogue has to have the hardest time with her powers. Touch is one of the senses we all take for granted. Not being able to hug someone when they're down or not being able to so much as kiss the person you're in love with is a torture beyond thought. Rogue has to deal with this every day of her life. To make matters worse, Mystique took advantage of her at a young age and made Rogue into a villain when all she wanted to do was help people. Going into her past with Mystique and seeing how she went from confused teeanger to hero could be a good story. Plus, Fox can get into her romance with...

One of the great romances in comics.
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Not using Channing Tatum for the show would be the way to go. Grab an up and coming guy with good looks and a cajun accent and BOOM gold. Gambit, like Rogue, has had his share of falling into the wrong crowd. Between being caught up with the Thieves Guild and Mr. Sinister, and all causing the death of dozens of mutants called the Morlocks (the event is later called "The Mutant Massacre"), Gambit is still trying to redeem himself. Gambit is also a smooth character who can also get down when it's time to fight. Gambit has all of the right skills and personality to base a show or a few episodes around.

Emma Frost:

Emma can be a b**** sometimes.
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By the looks of her as an adult, you would assume that Emma had a life of luxury. You'd be wrong. Emma spent a good part of her life being rich and insecure. And even when her father names her the heir to his estate and money, Emma decided to not accept it and make it on her own. Emma went from a flat chested girl, to the busty White Queen of an exclusive lodge for only the most elite called The Hellfire Club. This is another story of good to bad, to bad, to good again. Emma really just wanted to be a teacher and when she was given the opportunity, she became a really good one at that. Emma loves her students and alwasy wanted and expects nothing but the best from them. It nearly tore her heart out when she was the sole surviver of the Sentinel's attack on Genosha.