Mark Hamill To Play Joker In "The Killing Joke"?
Say CHEESE!!! This will make sense once you see the movie. image source ""

After a long hiatus, Mark Hamill may just once again do what he does better than anyone.Voice the Joker. Not only will we get to hear that iconic laugh again, but he will be voicing The Joker in Alan Moore's "The Killing Joke". Not only is this a big deal because of the internet rumors that Mark Hamill would no longer do the voice, but this is THE Joker Story.

This is the story where the Joker finally wen too far. And if you are going to tell the premier Joker story, then you have to have Mark Hamill. With all of the controversy involving the things that went on in that book, it's shocking that DC Comics would actually do a movie based on the book. Even If it is a straight to own (Blu-ray, DVD, digital download, etc.) cartoon. For those of you unfamiliar with the story, allow this writer to give you readers an idea of what happened.


The Joker "visited" Commissioner Gordon's home with a group of goons and shot him and his daughter Barbara in their home. But he didn't kill them. That would be too easy for someone like the Joker. He took Commissioner Gordon to an amusement park that he recently...purchased and left him in a cage naked. That is actually the light side of what he did. The shot that hit Barbara Gordon got her in the spine paralyzing her from the waste down. But, wait, unfortunately it gets worse. Joker took pictures of Barbara naked and showed them to Gordon in an attempt to break him. This didn't work. Gordon knew that Batman was coming and that he would stop him like he always did. Eventually Batman does show up, and like always, Batman wipes the floor with Joker's goons and then goes after he Joker himself.

What happened when he caught up to him was shocking. Batman gave one last plea to the Joker. Batman explained that he didn't want to keep fighting him anymore. That this would only end in one of their deaths and that he would do all he could to help him. Batman offered to help rehabilitate Joker and one last time, he asked Joker to stop. Joker for the first time in recent memory, the Joker looked sad. Not sad clown looking for laughs, Joker genuinely looked sad as he said that he is too far gone for help. What happened next was weird. The Joker tells a joke and laughed. The weird part was Batman laughed with him. They both laughed hysterically as the police took Joker away again.

Batman asking one last time to stop.
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Beyond the main story, another great part that makes the story great is finding out why Joker is the way he is. We actually find out why he is the way he is and what his connection to the Red Hood really is. Trust your faithful writer, it isn't what you think it is and how he became the Joker makes a lot of sense. If there is one cataegory that DC completely dominates MArvel in it's their cartoons and straight to own movies.

"The Killing Joke" has the potential to be the best one they have put out and that is saying a lot. Maybe Kevin Conroy wil play Batman and the two can have a "Batman The Animated Series" reunion of sorts. If Mark Hamill is only going to voice Joker one more time, let it be in this story. The Swan Song of Joker stories and then he can ride off into the sunset laughing.

With all the controversy surrounding this cover, it's shocking DC is doing the movie
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