With the success of Smallville and now walking Dead, Arrow and the Flash, television networks will propbably start looking to buy up more comic book characters and arcs to use as shows. While the popular ones like Batman might be taken, there are a plethora of characters who's tales would make for great TV.

Eric O'Grady:

People will absolutely hate him. He is the scumbag that everyone knows and can't wait to see get what's coming to him. What's even worse is that he is hilarious. On one hand he shows the side of S.H.I.E.L.D. that no one sees. The part where the agents sit in front of a screen and just watch nothingness. It's not all flying cars and hellicarriers. Realistically, the superstar agents probably only account for around ten to fifteen percent of S.H.I.E.L.D. So we would get to see Eric goofing off while Stark is giving a speech, hiding in a janitor's closet when Hydra attacked, or ripping the Ant Man suit off his dead friend's body when the hellicarriers went down in Captain America Winter Soldier

That's his best freind he's pushing out of the way.
image source "comicvine.com"

As far as horrible human beings go, Eric O'Grady is possibly the worst person ever. You're probaly thinking "Well, Red Skull is a Nazi" and "Sabretooth" is a murderer. At least Red Skull believed in something and Sabretooth is a victim of his powers and no one to stear him in the right direction. Eric O'Grady just did things to make himself happy. In the span of a month, he told his Best friend's girlfriend that he was cheating on her when he said he was away trying to figure out how his suit worked, pushed his best friend out of his way to avoid getting shot (his friend ended up getting shot in the head and dying), stole the suit off of his dead body, and to finish it all up, he tried to have sex with his dead best friend's girlfriend on his grave the night of the funeral. He is the perfect person to have in a movie.

As always, there is the tale of redemption. Eventually O'Grady worked to become a better persona and even started performing acts of selflessness. They may not make up for the horrible things he's done, but at the end of it all he continued to try and be a good person, a hero, and still probably spied on Ms. Marvel in the shower when he got the chance.

Platform: Any channel that is not faily oriented

A show like this needs to be on a channel where he can be given more than just one season to do well. Fox or FXX would be a great idea, unfortunately that station cancels everything and O'Grady isn't an ABC type of character. Given the opportunity, this writer feels that O'Grady could be like Vic Macky. You know he's wrong, but you hope he doesn't get caught.

Actor: James Roday

James Roday would be absolutely perfect for this. He has the comedic timing and ability to act like coward and then turn around and act like nothing happened. His role in Psych is a prime example of how good he could be as Eric O'Grady. An imature guy who redeems himself little by little as time goes on. Eric won't change much, but he will eventually become a good person. Just like Shawn Spencer.

Picture Shawn saying this to Lassie on Psych.
image source "classycomics.tumblr.com"

As you have read, Eric O'Grady is a scumbag. There is no debating that. But he also makes for for great television. Eric could be the reason people tune in every week hoping that someone slaps some sense into him or the agent chasing him finally catches him. O'Grady wouldn't be a show that lasts longer than two or three seasons, but sometimes a sample size is all that is needed to make something great and memorable.