Good news for fans of South Park. Creators of the show, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, have signed a two-year deal with Comedy Central that will keep them going at least through 2016. The creators have also gone on to say that they will continue to keep doing the show until Comedy Central kicks them off. Stone said, "Either drop the mic, get sued, get thrown off television...something like that." Parker added that every year he feels like Comedy Central is going to cancel the show saying every year he thinks, "Okay, well, they're going to cancel us, for sure! We've been waiting to get canceled for 18 f***ing years." Stone later added, "We won't stop until we get canceled. We're renewing. They have to f***ing cancel us, god******!".

Some fans of the show (this writer included) were ecstatic to hear this news. After eighteen seasons, the show hasn't had any indication that the writers or creators have fallen off of their game of shown signs of getting lazy. Even when they do get lazy, they turn their laziness into a joke in the show and make it work. Obviously, some people are going to be skeptical and say that maybe they should quit while they are on top. Some say The Simpsons have gone on too long. But knowing Fox's reputation for canceling shows, the ratings must still be good enough to keep the show on the air. And if "The Simpsons" can stay on as long as they can, then there is no reason why "South Park" can't continue on just as long if not longer.

While the news worthy topics are great, the creators never forget that the boys are still just kids.
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South Park has remained fresh for eighteen years for it's creativity, stepping outside of the box with it's humor, and also not apologizing for the things they say. Trey Parker and Matt Stone have never been ones to shy away from a subject in the news that may have been "too soon". Most of the time they are making the jokes we all make and say the things we are saying in our heads or in private. People appreciate their honesty and tune in for it. In this writers most humble opinion, the only way South Park gets canceled is if the writers stop speaking their minds or Comedy Central all of sudden stops being the television station that pushes the bar. The one time it seemed like the creators were going to quit was during their 200th episode when they were forced to censor the prophet Mohammed. Despite the death threats that they received, Trey Parker and Matt Stone stood behind everything they did. What was weirder was the fact that Mohammed was shown on a previous episode and nothing was said about it. South Park is all about equal opportunity when it comes to making fun of things. Every deity, race, creed, sexual orientation, country, and even driving preference has been made fun. They even make fun of themselves during the season.

No subject is off limits. Not transgender or Lorde.
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At the end of the day, as long as people are doing stupid things on the news, in sports, and in the world in general, you can count on South Park to be right there to make fun of it. If someone does something racist, Cartman will be there waving a Confederate Flag and Stan and Kyle will be there calling Cartman a fat racist. When Kim Kardashian says something silly, trust and believe Kanye West will make an appearance to explain his wife's action. When feminism is being threatened, Wendy will be on the front line making sure women's rights are being protected. But, Butters and Kenny, and most importantly, Randy Marsh (yah yah yah, he is Lorde) will be on the show to make sure that things don't get to political and that the poop and fart and the jokes that are obscene will be there for no other reason than to make you laugh. So continue to go on down to South Park and meet some friends and stay away from Kenny. He has a tendency to die and get blood all over everything.