Season ten of “Supernatural” has just finished and, as always, it ended with a cliffhanger. Fans of the show have gotten used to the season finales ending this way. It’s been a pleasant surprise that after ten years “Supernatural” can still shock it’s audience and still find ways to take supernatural lore and stay close to their facts or take it and twist it a bit. Now, even though there are hundreds of lore out there for the show to use, is it time for the show to wrap up after season 11?

How else should an article on this show start?
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When season nine ended and Dean became a demon, fans rejoiced at a great plot twist. When season ten started and we saw a Dean who was partying, doing bad karaoke, and killing people, fans were even happier. Then there was the coup des grace seeing Sam go from passive Sam to being more aggressive than he has since he had demon blood running through his veins. It was a bit disappointing when Dean was no longer a demon and things went back to the Winchesters boys went back to hunting monsters and solving supernatural mysteries.

Just when it seemed like this was going to be just another season Dean started getting more hostile than normal. This was absolutely great! Fans of the show have been waiting to see Dean just go off on a violent rampage for a while and we got it. And (SPOILER ALERT) just when it looks like Dean is going to kill Sammy and the show was going to go in a new direction, things go back to normal. The season ends with a new big bad to fight and the Winchesters have to find a way to beat something that the Earth has not seen since before God made man.

Rowena shows her true power, puts a spell on Castiel and orders him to kill her son Crowley as she walks away with the Book of the Dead and Metatron has the demon tablet and who knows what he will do with it. So even though the cliffhanger was cool, it wasn’t as great as they have been in the past. So where does the show go now.

As it was stated earlier in this article, there are hundreds of mythological beings that the show could use battle while they search for a way to fight whatever being is threatening to destroy the world and or consume humans. Saying hundreds is actually underselling how many different stories are out there. The writer’s hand people who do the research for the show have done an amazing job finding new things for the boys to fight and team up every year. “The Hammer of the Gods” episode is a perfect example of the show stepping outside of the box.

Using more pagan gods is definitely something the show could use. With the “Darkness” consuming the world, the likes of Zeus, Hermes, and a plethora of other beings might try and step in to defeat it and take God’s place and become worshipped like the days of old. And what about Thor? We know his hammer exists, so does he exist and he quit being the god of thunder or was he cast out for being an arrogant jerk? Or was the hammer taken from him and he has been searching for it for centuries? Either way, there are options on where things can go from here.

Odin, Kali, Ganesh, and other Pagan gods have shown up in "Supernatural"
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Where has God been? That has to be addressed at some point before the show ends for good. With everything that has been going on to the Earth and humanity, there is no way that God doesn’t know what’s going on. Why hasn’t he done anything about it? We know he exists because when one of his angels went and spoke for him, the other angels nearly pooped their pants knowing that S/He gave an order. So since God exists, where the **** S/He?!?!?!? At some point God has to step in and either set things right or destroy everything. It’s been done before. For all we know, God has been setting up all of these events up as a way to weed out the weak and start again.

When the show finally ends, do the Winchesters die or do they keep on hunting because they don’t ever stay dead? Maybe Sam and Dean are made rulers of Heaven and Hell since they have both been to Hell and have personal experience on how the world is really run and it’s certain they would like to change the way things are done in the afterlife.

For all we know, God could be grooming them to take over because S/He’s tired. There have been two beings that God has created and then put away because they were too evil. For all we know, there were two gods and humans are a third God’s attempt at a being and this has been a failure as well.

Beyond the lore, the show has to do something different with the Winchesters this upcoming season. Every season it seems like Sam and Dean are hiding something from each other (Bobby even said that in an episode this season). The relationship between Sam and Dean is important to the show and there doesn’t have to be animosity between them for the show to thrive. The Winchesters are probably at their best when they aren’t keeping secrets are only disagreeing on cases and not whether or not one or the other should live or die to save the world.

The chemistry between the actors is phenomenal, so just letting the two of them just be good at what they do isn’t going to do anything but make the show better. That’s not to say that they should agree on everything. Watching the two of them argue on the right way to solve an issue is great. But having the keeping secrets A and B storyline has been done to death.

The show works best when they are working together
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The show could easily go on for another two or three seasons just doing what Law and Order does by just solving cases and being funny. “Supernatural” has a great blend of drama, comedy, action, and good story telling. With these four things the show could continue and not get stale. That’s if the show continues to be creative with the bad guys and allow for the Winchesters and their supporting cast to grow and surprise the fans. Hopefully season eleven will keep us watching and looking forward to hearing Kansas’ “Carry on my Wayward Son” at the season’s end waiting for that inevitable season ending shocker.