* Spoilers Ahead*

Agents of SHIELD delved further into the Inhuman story line with much of the episode focusing on Skye's family. Agent May is now in charge of the team's old base and she appears to be growing more suspicious of Coulson by the minute. Also, we get to see a familiar face work along side Coulson again when he has to enlist the help of Grant Ward to try and find Skye before Hydra or the other SHIELD. 

The episode starts off with Skye's mom making the decision to send Cal away from the safe heaven and Skye pleading with her to think of all the people he could hurt. Skye loses the argument but insist on accompanying Cal and having a chance to say goodbye to him. Once Reader drops them off we get a lot of information on the life Skye could have had while Cal rambles off about all his dreams he had for his family. When Cal goes to buy them ice cream Skye uses the opportunity to call SHIELD and give them their location so they can take Cal in to keep him from hurting anyone. 

When Skye makes the call May never reveals to her any information about Coulson being in the wind and Skye has to ditch the phone before we see just has much May is leaning towards the ideas of the new SHIELD. This sequence of events shows a lot to the direction the show is taking Skye's character. While she has finally found her parents her loyalties still seem to be with Coulson and her duty as a SHIELD agent.  During her argument with her mom she frequently refers to her self as an agent of SHIELD, which goes a long way to showing who she is through her eyes. 

Agent May is starting to lean more towards thinking Coulson is a liability as well. When Simmons confides in her that she and Fitz switched the toolbox, May tells Bobbi and Mack right way. She spins the story to keep Simmons out of trouble but Simmons starts to doubt her trust in May. Also during all this we get a scene where Bobbi and Mack openly ask each other if they are doing the right thing or not. They may be the deciding factor in Coulson's take back of SHIELD. 

Coulson enlist Ward to help him track down Skye and while Hunter and Fitz aren't overly thrilled about it they show their faith in Coulson's judgment and follow along. Once they have tracked Skye down to her dad's old office building a fight breaks out between Coulson's team and the Hydra agents that led them there. Ward saves Coulson a few times and shows that he may still be valuable to Coulson. Before Coulson can get to Skye, Reader teleports in and takes Skye away even though she says she don't want to go. 

Deathlok and Ethan fight each other and both end up captured by Hydra during the end of the fight. When Bobbi and Mack finally track down Skye's earlier phone call they arrive to find Coulson sitting behind Cal's desk with his hands up volunteering his surrender for reasons I'm sure we will learn next week. 

This episode blended in a lot of character building with plenty of face-paced action in a typically beautiful Marvel way. They through in a nice little Easter egg when Skye read her fathers last name off his office door and said her name Daisy Johnson aloud to herself. This should rid any doubters that she is indeed Quake from the comics. May has had Coulson back since the beginning so it would be a shame to see her lose faith in him now, but it is looking that way. The next few episodes before the season finale could change the landscape completely once again for the show. 

Episode rating: 9