Five Things You Need To Know About Daredevil
Netflix's Daredevil is here. Image source ""

The cinematic and television world just isn't enough for Marvel. On April tenth Marvel will debut their initial Netflix show "Daredevil". Marvel Announced this years ago and it is now time for them to deliver. Daredevil is a character that a lot of people have heard of but don't know much about and they almost definitely don't know about his supporting cast. So here are five things you should know about Marvel's "Daredevil" and some if his supporting cast.

Matt Murdock and Religion:

One other major part of Matt Murdock is his Catholic faith. Even though he calls himself Daredevil (it's a name he adopted from his youth when he used to be teased as a kid), Matt Murdock takes his Catholic faith very seriously. Sometimes it's a curse when he gets so wrapped up feeling guilty for what he has done that it can become a distraction when he is fighting or in the courtroom. It's one of the reasons why he doesn't kill even with his extremely bad temper.

Wilson Fisk is a horrible person:

Of all the people in Daredevil's life, Wilson "The Kingpin" Fisk is by far the one person that remains a constant. Wilson Fisk is possibly the most evil villain in the Marvel Universe. Most villains are fighting for something they believe in. Dr. Doom fights because he really believes that he is the one true way, Magneto for his race, and even though Red Skull is a Nazi, at least he believes in something. Fisk is all about money and power. If Wilson Fisk gained all of the money and power in the world he would go for the universe and then beyond.

He is more than just a fat guy in a suit. Wilson Fisk is also easily on of the smartest villains there are as well. He doesn't have the intellect to rival the geniuses, but he has enough street smarts and savvy to stay in power longer than most people who have had him at a disadvantage. So much so that when he realized his ways were outdated that he put the deadly clan the Hand under his rule.

Ben Urich and Foggy Nelson are important:

Best of friends
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Matt Murdock's legal partner Foggy Nelson and beat reporter Ben Urich are two of (if not the) most important people in Daredevil's life. On the normal side, Foggy Nelson is that one friend that everyone needs. Foggy acts as Murdock's conscience and advisor when he get's too involved in a case and especially when he gets too wrapped in his Daredevil life to maintain his normalcy. So when things get bad, he has to let Murdock know it's time to take a step back and be a normal person and not a superhero for a while.

On the Daredevil end, Ben Urich is the guy who gives an honest opinion on who Daredevil is a vigilante and what he represents. When Matt Murdock is doing to right thing and making sure the criminals are being brought to justice and not killed, Urich reports it. But when Daredevil goes off the deep end starts getting too abusive, he reports that too. While each of them knows about his secret identity, neither of them would sell Murdock out. Urich could win a Pulitzer and Foggy could make millions selling the story, but both of them feel that it just isn't worth it.

Matt Murdock is a ladies man:

Echo is an example of the women Daredevil has been with
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Despite the fact that Matt Murdock barely has time for anything other than work and superheroing (if that's word)(Editors Note: it totally isn’t a word, but let’s go with it anyways), he still manages to have some very attractive women fighting over him, chasing after him, or feeling sorry for him and his struggle. There's Karen Page who is probably the one who got away (not going to tell you how are why it happens) and she stood by him for a while until he got too involved in his alter ego.

Then there's Elektra. Crazy Greek ninja who's tried to beat the snot out of him and has worked with Wilson Fisk. And a personal favorite, Natasha Romanova. Of all of the women that have been with Murdock, she seems to have him wrapped around her finger. She says jump, Murdock changes into his uniform and asks what building and how high.

Spider-Man villains but smarter:

Bullseye is not a nice person
image source ""

his has been said a millions times, but a hero is defined by his villains and Daredevil's villains aren't the cream of the crop, but they are maybe the most ruthless and some of the smartest. A personal favorite of this writer's is Bullseye. Bullseye is probably the most accurate assassin in Marvel. Anything he uses can be turned into a weapon. He tends to use playing cards, but he can use anything. He's probably Daredevil's deadliest villain and his most hated after he killed someone that Daredevil loved and Daredevil hates him because he makes him consistently miss.

Also on that list are the Purple Man who makes people do whatever he wants (he will probably end up in the A.K.A. Jessica Jones Netflix show) and Mr. Fear. These guys are some of his most dangerous because they tend to use people to distract Murdock knowing he will be hesitant to fight a civilian. Not quite Magneto or Mr. Sinister, but they are very effective.


Daredevil is a great character to kick off the Marvel Netflix shows. He's a fairly known character and has a lot of layers that can be explored for long time. Look for this show to be around for a while and be prepared for some very sad moments. Daredevil's life is depressing at times, but it makes for great viewing.