Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: "Who You Really Are" Review

Agents of SHIELD returned this week and brought in two famous parts of Marvel’s 616 comic book universe with it. Lady Sif makes her second appearance in the TV series and showed up to fight a Kree soldier in the process. During all these events Skye is still trying to get a grip on her new found abilities, while dealing with the fear and doubts of her teammates over the Inhumans We also get a few new clues as to where the Marvel Cinematic Universe is as far as character relationships and knowledge off the silver screen.

The show brings back Lady Sif, who has lost her memory after a fight with a Kree soldier. Sif has been sent on a mission by Odin himself to intercept the Kree who have received knowledge that a terrigenesis event had taken place on Earth. Apparently the Kree and Asgardians have a history that dates past the events in the MCU, Some snide remarks between Sif and Vin-Tak (Kree soldier) also suggest the two races haven’t always seen eye to eye.

Vin-Tak informs SHIELD that a long time ago the Kree visited earth and conducted experiments on primitive humans to create weapons for the Kree to use during an intergalactic war they were fighting. Eventually the Kree abandoned this process and deemed the altered humans to be too dangerous. Asgard has some knowledge of these experiments and has kept an eye on the Kree ever since.

Bobbi and Hunter’s relationship is starting to cause her to have reservations about her and Mack’s secret mission. Mack tells Bobbi to cut hunter lose before he gets to close and compromises the mission.  Bobbi tells hunter she wants to slow things down between them, Hunter takes it pretty hard and walks out on the conversation leaving Bobbi showing signs of hurt on her face.

According to Vin-Tak there were more diviners on earth that the SHIELD team failed to recover. Each of these diviners has the potential to transform people into Inhumans and unleash super powered people into the Marvel Universe. Coulson informs both Sif and Vin-Tak that they flooded the temple where the transformation happened so there shouldn’t be any danger of terrigenesis from the diviners.

Everything comes to a halt when Skye begins to lose control over her powers when a conversation gets heated between Vin-Tak and Sif over the Kree being involved in Earth affairs. Coulson ask Skye what is causing the quakes and she simple replies to him that she is. Vin-Tak immediately says that Skye must be killed to ensure the safety of Earth, while Sif wants to take her to Asgard to be monitored. Coulson and May both put themselves between Skye and move her out to a holding cell.

Mack and Hunter intercept Vin-Tak during his pursuit of Skye but are quickly beaten down by the Kree. Bobbi runs into him next and lures him into a small corner where she is able to use his staff on him to wipe his memory of why he is on Earth. Sif follows Skye and May all the way to the holding cell in the base. May throws up the energy barrier between the cell and the viewing area and tries to get Skye to focus and regain control of her powers. Sif drives her sword through the cells barrier and after a brief argument with May over Skye’s fate, Skye using May’s stun bullets on herself to stop her surging powers.

Sif agrees to let SHIELD try and handle Skye’s powers, she takes Vin-Tak back to his home world before she goes back to Asgard. Simmons confronts Fitz about lying and hiding the truth about Skye from her, while everyone else on the team tries to deal with Skye’s changes. During a group conversation Mack makes the comment that they need protection from Skye, Skye over hears this and walks away clearly hurt and locks herself into a padded interrogation room.

The show ended with a scene that will shake up the next couple episodes, Hunter confronts Mack on what is really going on with him and Bobbi and Mack chokes Hunter out in the Bus. Hunter is gaining stronger ties to SHIELD and while he may have been ready to turn coat on SHIELD at the beginning of the show now I’m not so sure. Next week’s episode shows a group of supervillains going toe to toe with the SHIELD team.

Episode Rating: 8