The spring finale opens with Bay surprising Emmett in LA at the shooting place for his student film that Professor Epstein set up. Skye is the Director of Photography and they are about to reshoot a scene when Bay comes up and surprises Emmett. Bay and Emmett talk for a brief moment about the weather and the movie shoot, and then Skye comes and tells Emmett that they need to reshoot the scene if they are going to finish up in one day.

At UMKC, Josh and Daphne are playing Frisbee golf while waiting for the semester grades to come out. Then, Daphne discovers she got a D in Chemistry and becomes upset and walks away to ponder what to do next. And at the coffee house, Regina finds out that she and Eric are going horseback riding for their first official date, and says “I Love You” before she even realizes the words are out of her mouth.

Toby walks into the Kennish house to find out that Kathryn’s book editor Lydia that a producer is coming out to Kansas City to see the musical showcase they have planned at the coffee house. After considering it for a moment, Toby then decides that having a producer come out there will be good and get his mind off of his troubles with Lily. Back in LA, Skye and Bay share a very tense moment while Emmett is talking to the cast of his short film. When Emmett comes back, Bay claims she has some things to do and decides to meet him back at his dorm later. Emmett brings up concerns about the ending of the movie to Skye who tells him to try to keep Bay away, since he cannot change the ending of the script now, and they go back to shooting.

Meanwhile, Regina and Eric are horseback riding but Regina feels weird after the little slip of “I Love You” earlier, so Eric asks her if she’s ok since she hasn’t said anything in a while. She tells him she’s fine and then comments on the weather, before Eric decides to tell her that he got an offer for the coffee house for $200,000. Regina asks him why he would want to sell it now, and he claims he has to be practical even though it really seems that he doesn’t want to sell.

Emmett returns to his dorm to find that Bay was looking at apartments and also got him a director’s chair with his name on it. He lies to her and tells her he wants her to move there and when she asks him if he’s ok he says yes. Emmett continues to try to tell Bay that if she doesn’t want to come to set she doesn’t have to, and suggests to her instead sightseeing. Back at the Kennish house, John comes outside to find Regina in her car in the driveway crying, and asks her for “permission to come aboard.” She agrees and then reluctantly tells him that Eric wants to sell the coffee house and that she said “I Love You” to Eric but he didn’t say it back. Regina believes that he will bail on her and their relationship if he is so quick to bail on the coffee house, but John listens and then tells her that he thinks she is in love. When John hears that Eric didn’t say I love you back, it’s not necessarily a good sign but they are big words for someone. It is sure nice to see them having a tender type moment right here, because when the series began, they all were against each other and fighting all of the time.

In her dorm room at UMKC, Daphne is talking to Travis, Iris, and Natalie about her D in Chemistry and how she killed herself in class. She doesn’t understand with as hard as she worked, how she could have only gotten a D, and is afraid that she won’t be able to fill her end of the bargain for the sacrifice Bay made because of it. Daphne feels like, because convicted felons don’t go to medical school, and that Bay made a big sacrifice and if Daphne doesn’t become a doctor she will let Bay and the rest of the family down.

Iris’ phone buzzes and then she tells Daphne, Natalie, and Travis that she is going to the bonfire with the Lambda’s and asks if they are going. Natalie and Travis say they are, but they are going to get pizza first. Daphne, finally referring to the Kennish’s as family instead of “Kathryn” and “Toby”, talks about how she promised her mom and brother she would go see the musical showcase.

Toby is getting ready for the performance when Lily walks in, and they share a kiss. Lily notices how happy Toby is and Toby goes on to tell her about the producer coming to the showcase tonight, which makes Lily really excited for him, but she thinks that with everything going on and what she said before she needs time to figure out how she feels. It is also easy to sense some tension or animosity when Toby refers to Julian as a “deaf Colin Firth”. Then, they talk about the feelings between her and Julian and then Lily tells Toby that she didn’t realize she had feelings for Julian until Kathryn said something which makes things between them even more awkward. In the middle of Lily explaining, Toby asks her to stop and then walks out letting the door slam behind him.

Regina joins Eric back at the coffee house for Kathryn and Toby’s musical showcase and they start to talk about the offer and Regina saying “I Love You” to Eric. Eric tells Regina she’s not crazy, and she tells Eric that she knows that it’s hard to move on and she thought they were getting closer. Eric drops the excuse that Will comes first and if they sell “The Cracked Mug” (the coffee house) then he will pay for college and Eric has to think about the future and having Regina be a part of it is complicated. Regina then concedes and says that they should sell.

Back in LA, Bay is calling around trying to look at different apartments for her and Emmett and speaks to someone about the “Silverlake Apartments”. While she is looking for a pen, Bay finds the first draft script of Emmett’s movie he pitched to Professor Epstein. Emmett and Skye had been trying to keep Bay away from seeing the filming of the end and now Bay finally sees why. At “The Cracked Mug”, Toby walks in angry and decides to confront Kathryn and ask her if she said something to Lily about his and Lily’s relationship. Kathryn admits that she should have talked to Toby before confronting Lily, but after what happened with him and Nikki, she was just trying to keep Toby from getting his heart broken again. This makes Toby become angry and he says he doesn’t need protection from his girlfriend, and that he is an adult, which causes Kathryn to apologize for saying anything at all.

Toby gets angry and wants to leave, but then Kathryn tells him if he wants to be treated like a grown-up then he needs to act like it. She also reminds him that he is the composer, the musical is going on in three minutes, and there are a lot of people who have come out to see them. John interrupts them and thinks that the producer is there and asks them if they are ready, and they start the show. Back in LA, Emmett and Skye are back on the beach filming the last scenes of his movie when Bay shows up. She’s visibly angry when she sees what’s going on and tells Emmett they need to talk now. He tries to explain, but she still keeps saying that he had no right to film this without asking her. When Emmett decides to try to use the reasoning that artists draw from their lives all the time, Bay reminds him that this is her life he’s drawing from not his own.

Emmett claims that he was using this to try to figure out how he feels, and Bay starts to tell him that she gave him space and he had all the time while they were “apart” to figure out how he feels about it, and that it’s not fair that he still thinks it was cheating when it wasn’t.

Skye comes to try to get Emmett back to the scene and Bay tells him to “back off” and that they are still talking about this. After Skye walks away, Bay asks Emmett if he still thinks that she cheated on him with Tank, and he replies “I don’t know.” Bay is so angry by his response that she can’t say anything and just walks away. Back at “The Cracked Mug”, Kathryn thinks the producer is in the front row, so she and Toby start their showcase.

Then at UMKC, the Lambda’s and others are enjoying the bonfire when Daphne shows up and Mingo sees her asking her if she brought something to torch. Daphne says she’s late, but tells him to have a good time. Mingo’s friend tells him about some deaf students that got run over by a drunk driver, and then Mingo runs to catch up to Daphne and tell her. Daphne has no clue that it’s Natalie and Travis yet, but since she knows they are deaf students, there are not too many people it could be, and Mingo offers to drive Daphne to the hospital. At the coffee house, Regina walks in to find Will looking for his “gusto” (action figure), and Regina remembers that Will told her about Gusto and from a distance Eric sees their conversation and smiles. Kathryn introduces herself to the woman she thinks is the producer, and the lady admits she’s not the producer. Then, Kathryn gets a text from Lydia that the producer didn’t come and she passed on the musical. Kathryn seems really sad and Toby tells her that it is a musical and that producer is wrong. Kathryn tells him that Lily is wrong if she doesn’t pick him, but he doesn’t agree with her.

Daphne and Mingo make it to the hospital and she finds Travis who tells her that they were just walking one moment and then another they were on the ground. He begs Daphne to go try to find Natalie and that no one will tell him anything because he’s not family. Daphne promises that she will be back and she will find Natalie, and tells him not to worry. She sneaks in and finds Natalie laying in a bed in a neck brace and trying to rest and wakes her up. Natalie starts to get scared as she tells Daphne that no one has told her anything and she doesn’t know if her family has been called or anything. The nurse comes and asks Daphne who she is and then if she can interpret for Natalie so the nurse can tell her what is going on. Daphne agrees and then tries to read the nurse’s lips, and tells Natalie that she (Natalie) has a possible fractured pelvis and needs an MRI.

Natalie and Daphne talk about Natalie’s back pain and Daphne knows from her time at Segrave about the pain scale. Daphne asks Natalie to rate her pain, and Natalie rates it at a seven. Natalie has trouble remembering the pain medication she is allergic to and then Daphne asks her if it is Dilaudid. Natalie then signs yes, and Daphne tells the nurse. The nurse goes on to say that it is good to know that she is allergic to that. Daphne questions why there is no interpreter here, and the nurse tells her they do not have a “contract” with the interpreter service on the weekends. After a bit of an intense moment, Daphne calms down but seems to come to the realization that she should still try to be a doctor after seeing there are none there who know American Sign Language. Then, Daphne walks out into the waiting room to see Mingo waiting for her. This surprises her and after finding it out gives him a big hug and looks to start crying.

Back in LA, Bay is sitting at a lifeguards stand on the beach and seems upset when Emmett walks up. He admits he should have told her what he was writing about the situation and apologizes. Bay tells him she’s still trying to deal with it all and process it and she knows it’s hard on Emmett too. Emmett tells her that he feels like they have been disconnected for months and it’s about more than just Tank. Emmett thinks that they shouldn’t have to try “to make it work”, it should just work, and Bay reminds him that he begged her for months to fly out there and now she can and she’s there. Emmett tries to tell her that it’s too late for them and she just still believes that he is trying to blame Daphne for everything, and forces Emmett to tell say that he doesn’t want her to move out there.

He says it, and then tries to sugar coat it saying that it’s too much pressure and he needs to focus on school. She starts to question everything he has said to her and he claims he meant them, but she says that she doesn’t believe it. He tries to tell Bay that it doesn’t have to be forever, but she tells him that if he does it then it’s done and there is no undoing it. Their relationship ends with them on the beach and Bay telling Emmett “I guess you’re going to have to redo the end of our timeline.”

At UMKC, Mingo admits he is jealous of Daphne because she knows what she wants to do and she is doing it. Daphne confides in him that she failed Chemistry, or got a D. She tries to tell him that she won’t be able to become a doctor now, but Mingo stops her and says that he doesn’t believe that. Mingo tells her about these deaf singers and one of them lost her hearing in music school. Basically, the point of the story is that the singer worked through her issues, and Daphne can too. Daphne thinks it insane to attempt Chemistry I again, and he corrects her and says it will be hard but if she really wants to be a doctor then she will take the class again, and they kiss.

The day after the showcase, Juanita is at the coffee house and tells her the coffee is pretty good, and that it’s nice to have a place like this in East Riverside. Regina thanks her and tells her that her opinion means a lot, and then Eric walks in and says they need to talk. Regina starts to talk about buying Eric out of his portion of the coffee house, but then they agree that they don’t want to give up the coffee house. Regina asks what about Will, and Eric admits he’s been spending so much time worrying about what he needs and that Eric realizes that Will and he need Regina most. She tells him not to play with her heart, to which he says “I am stupid in love with you too”, and then they kiss. Regina finds Will’s toy and gives it back to him and they both say “I really like you” and then Regina tells him that he will always have his mom, and he tells her that his mom isn’t dead.

Back in the Kennish house, Daphne walks in to find Bay crying about what happened with Emmett and gives her a hug. They talk about why Emmett did what he did and Bay says that it’s because Emmett is weak and a liar and not the person that she thought he was. Daphne continues by telling Bay that Emmett will regret what he’s done and asks her what she’s doing with all of the pictures and things she has of them. Bay tells her that it’s too hard for her to look at them but she also can’t throw them out. The closing moments of the scene show how their relationship has evolved and they finally see each other as sisters instead of enemies like they did in the beginning.


This reflection is going to be short, sweet, and to the point tonight. This episode had a lot of surprises to say the least. Mingo helps Daphne more than anyone else at UMKC and they seem to have a connection there, which would hopefully develop into something. Natalie and Travis will recover from the accident, but Mary Beth not being there when they obviously love each other is a mistake, so maybe when she finds out things will change. As far as the musical goes, Kathryn and Toby will still make it and find a way to get it to Broadway. The musical is too good, and someone somewhere will love it. Also, there is hope that Toby will realize that his mom is right and there is nothing wrong with him, but rather with Nikki and Lily.

What Bay has to deal with now is even more complicated than before, she was so happy to surprise Emmett and really did not deserve that, but at least it happened in person. Hopefully the project with the benches will get back on track and her coaching job with John will bring them close again, and she will go back to school and try to become the artist she knows she is.