Sunday’s all new episode of The Walking Dead had a different feel to it and had many side plots going on. The episode mostly focused on building character, as we were introduced to many more of Alexandria’s residents. However, Rick’s group was still trying to fit in.

Let’s start off with Sasha.


Sasha seems to still be hurting over her losses. Throughout the episode, she kept isolating herself and seemed to be in agony over the losses of Beth, Bob, and her brother Tyreese. For now, it seems like Sasha does not want to fit in and is not ready to mesh in a community like Alexandria just yet.


Daryl, on the other hand, was isolating himself for completely different reasons. He was still trying to figure the place out and attempting to fit in. In this episode, while Daryl was out scavenging, he ran into Aaron. The two were hunting for rabbits but instead ran into a horse that Aaron said his crew had been looking to capture for quite some time. Daryl tried to help Aaron catch the horse, but it ran off and was eventually killed by a small herd of walkers.

Later, Aaron invited Daryl for dinner where he assigned Daryl to a job. He asked Daryl if he would join the recruiting team, and Daryl agreed. In addition, Aaron gifted Daryl with a motorcycle that was a bit of a fixer upper.


Carol continued to play the role of a sweet and innocent lady, when we all know that she is actually a strong fighter. Throughout the episode, she was trying to help Rick gather some guns by getting on the sweet side of Alexandria’s residents and fooling them to earn trust. With no supervision at the armory, Carol sneaked in and collected a handful of hand guns. Unfortunately, one of the boys, Sam, followed her to the armory and caught her in the act. Carol viciously threatened the boy to keep his mouth shut.


We didn’t get to see much of Michonne, but she appeared to be ready to start a new life in Alexandria. Towards the end of the episode, we saw her retire her Katana by hanging it up on a wall in the house. She was also sporting a police jacket, as she was assigned to be a cop by Deanna in the previous episode.


Deanna, the town’s leader, hosted a party for Rick’s group. She wanted the people of Alexandria to formally meet them and get to know one another. We were also introduced to her husband, the infamous person who put up the walls for their wonderful community. Deanna has enormous visions for Alexandria. She eventually wants a government instated and many police officers patrolling the place, just like a pre-apocalyptic community used to be.


In this episode, Rick wanted his people to have guns around so they could protect the community, but Deanna did not agree with him. Thus, Rick had Carol help him embezzle some guns just to be on the safe side. Rick’s biggest concern was that some other group could come and raid the place, and they need to be ready for that.

Additionally, Rick was worried because the gun that he hid in a blender somewhere outside of Alexandria was missing, and he was curious as to what happened to it. Basically, he does not want his group to let their guards down. That was one lesson he taught Carl a while back. “Never let your guard down.”

As a side note, Daryl killed a walker that had the letter “W” carved on its skull, which is something to keep an eye on. There may be a group out there since the same “W’s” were found on the skulls of walkers that were killed at Noah’s neighborhood in episode 9.

This episode was not action packed but had many hints to what may happen in the future episodes. Plus, the character buildup was great, and we were introduced to many of the other people living in Alexandria.

Episode 13 – Overall Grade: 7.2/10