Switched At Birth: "Art Like Love Is Dedication" Review

This episode begins with Bay and Tess talking about what happened in the situation with Tank and Bay explaining that she told the truth and he was expelled from UMKC. Tess then has to take a phone call from her aunt who is watching her son, Sam, and then Gordon tells Bay to paint over the graffiti on the bench. However, they get into an argument and he chokes on something before the argument is done forcing Bay to give him the Heimlich maneuver. Tess comes back to find out what’s going on and all Bay says is “19 more days”.

At UMKC, Mingo finds Daphne and Iris and Daphne and Mingo start talking about a video game while Iris stands there completely lost. Mingo then asks Daphne to a party at Campus View and says he will text her. Meanwhile, John and Kathryn are talking about Coach Walsh and the UMKC Baseball team and what they will do at the next practice. John is not happy that Coach Walsh wants them to watch film instead of practicing their fundamentals in fielding the ball. Travis shows up with an assignment in English asking for John’s help and then they talk to Kathryn about her helping with the assignment.

At the probation officer’s office, Bay thinks that after saving Gordon from choking, he has written her up and added time to her probation sentence. Her probation officer surprises her by telling her that in fact he has recommended that Bay be released early, an idea which the officer has seconded under the condition that Bay’s name never cross her desk again.

At the coffee house, Will comes in with a huge bag of books which Regina offers to help him carry. Eric follows him down with some other bags and tells Regina about how they have to stay in a motel until the roof gets fixed. Regina offers Daphne’s room in the Kennish Guest House to Will and a reluctant Eric, who finally says ok. Then, in the main Kennish house, Regina and Kathryn start to talk about Travis’ English paper but then Regina lets Kathryn know that she invited Eric and Will to stay with her for a couple of days. Kathryn tells her of course that’s fine since it’s her home too, and then Regina drops the bomb that she and Eric are involved.

Bay and Daphne are in Bay’s room talking about how she was released from probation and community service early, and trying to find the outfit that will make Daphne look amazing for her date with Mingo. Will and Eric come to the house and Eric and John start talking about Porsche’s and John discovers that Eric was an auto mechanic and can check on the check engine light for John, which he agrees to. Regina mentions that it took her three years to win over John and she’s impressed with how Eric did it so quickly.

At UMKC, Kathryn is trying to tutor Travis in English when he gets frustrated and tells her he has to get dinner before the cafeteria closes. Meanwhile in their room, Daphne and Iris talk about why Mingo isn’t texting Daphne. She doesn’t want to be the type of girl that waits by the phone for someone to text her, but wants to make sure that she heard him right so she asks Iris to be sure. Daphne texts Mingo to confirm their plans, only to find out that he posted a selfie of himself with two other females at the party.

Bay goes back to ask the interviewer from the Kansas City Arts Alliance if she can apply for another showcase since she’s not a considered a criminal anymore. Unfortunately, the interviewer tells her there are no more for the next calendar year.  The interviewer then tells Bay to find her own way to create and make art a part of her life again.

The next day, Vimla and Daphne are talking outside of the dorm when Mingo shows up. He thinks that Daphne and he agreed to meet at the party and Daphne tells him she texted him, which he doesn’t realize he missed. Then, they make plans for that night, and Vimla tells Daphne that it’s either “friends with benefits” or “one night stands” and to enjoy college.

Bay returns to the community service work site the day after she gets released to talk to Tess and return something of hers. They start to get into a fight, but then Bay tells Tess she wants to know about Tess’s life. Tess tells Bay that she got fired from her “job” and now she won’t be able to afford Sam’s medical bills and they want to start new treatments for him. When Bay asks why, Tess says because Sam has a defective heart valve. Bay and Tess continue to talk about it with Bay asking questions, and Tess breaks down when she tells Bay about it. But, before they can continue talking about her life, Gordon comes and asks Tess to get back to work leaving Bay to think about what she can do to help Tess out.

Daphne comes to Mingo’s room and they decide to watch a movie in his room together, and at the house Bay talks to Kathryn about Sam’s medical bills and Kathryn asks if they can help. Bay tells her that she thought about buying groceries but Tess probably would not take them. Kathryn’s advice to Bay is to think of something and the smallest thing could help. Back in Mingo’s room, Mingo and Daphne are kissing and then it leads to them deciding to have sex, but not before Daphne makes sure that Mingo has a condom.

A bit later, Kathryn confronts John about Travis’ paper for his English class and says that it’s too good and John looks puzzled and concerned and decides to confront Travis about it. Meanwhile, Bay shows up at Tess’s apartment with diapers for Sam. Tess seems a little put off by this, but agrees to listen to Bay’s proposal for her and Sam’s help. Regina, Eric, and Will all finish having dinner and Eric starts to give Will a hard time for leaving his things around. Then, Eric and Regina explain that Daphne and Bay were switched at the hospital and so Regina has two daughters and they have two moms.

Eric gets a bit agitated when Regina and Will are talking about how the girls are lucky and he doesn’t have any moms. Eric sends Will to bed and helps Regina clean up dinner, but when she continues that Will should be able to talk about his mother, Eric gets really angry. He walks out of the room and gives Regina a kiss on the cheek. Back in Mingo’s room, he and Daphne discover that the condom he used isn’t there and is suspicious about its whereabouts. They decide to go to the local free clinic so that Daphne can get checked out. While they are waiting a guy with a really bad scrape comes in and Mingo almost faints at the site of the blood (a site which yours truly probably would faint at and had to look away from during the scene). They banter back and forth after Mingo tells her that he had a girlfriend in high school for three and a half years. Then, the nurse shows up to escort Daphne back to the exam room where she will be looked at.

Late at night, Bay is seen painting a bench, but it’s not shown what she is painting. The next morning, Regina wakes up to find Will and Eric gone and a note thanking her for her hospitality. Regina looks shocked and a little sad when she starts to think that she ran Eric off. At UMKC Baseball practice, John is talking to Travis trying to find out about where he got his English paper from. Travis tells him that Coach Walsh found someone to write the paper for him and he was going to claim the credit. John tells him that is cheating and is unacceptable, but Travis admits he was scared he would be forced to quit baseball. John tells Travis that he could kick him off the team right then for this, and then gives him a talk and says schoolwork first and he needs to take the same determination he brings to practice to his schoolwork. Travis admits to John that Coach Walsh found someone to write the paper for Travis to turn in, and John knows immediately what he must do.

Outside at UMKC, Daphne is walking when Mingo runs into her with his friends and acts like he’s blowing her off. But, before Mingo walks away he asks her over after he’s done watching the game at his friend’s house. Daphne goes home to talk to Regina and is confused as to why he would act that way. Regina reacts when Daphne says she wishes she knew what Mingo wanted by telling her she should be asking what she wants. Travis comes to the house to apologize to Kathryn and Kathryn tells him she would have taken as much time as he needed to learn English so he could write the assignment himself. Travis also admits that he feels like he doesn’t have anything to say, which Kathryn is quick to point out that in fact, he does have a lot to say. She goes on to tell him that he is a deaf baseball player in college, and he has life experiences that no one else does and it will get easier to express himself.

Regina decides to go to the coffee house to talk to Eric, and Eric acts busy. Regina insists that they talk right then and tells Eric she doesn’t do secrets and that the one she kept for 13 years and that when it finally came to light, it almost destroyed her whole family. She tells him that keeping the secret about his wife to himself is a deal-breaker, to which he replies he will get to the point where he can talk to her about it, which Regina accepts.

Daphne shows up to Mingo’s room and decides to confront him and tell him that they want different things since he wants to just have fun and hook up and she wants a relationship. He asks her if she’s up for “hanging out” and she walks out on him after telling him they want different things, but looks sad. John comes home after talking to Coach Walsh, and after Coach Walsh decided to turn himself into the Dean at UMKC he is fired, and John is named the Interim Head Coach in his place.

Sam and Tess show up to see what Bay designed on the park bench. Bay tells Tess that she thinks Tess is a hero every day. Tess says that no one will want to look at the bench, but then Bay says that the Kansas City Arts Alliance has approved six more benches in East Riverside each portraying a different hero. Bay and Tess finally seem to have reached the point of being friends and the episode ends with them having fun with Sam sitting on the bench.


Tess really showed herself to be someone who isn’t a witch, and really cares but has been through so much and just made a few lousy decisions in her life. Sam is completely adorable, and it’s not hard to be empathetic towards her and Sam for the health problems that Sam has. Bay seems to really have reached a new point with Tess and hopefully they can really become friends outside of community service.

John and Kathryn really care about Travis, and it comes through when they try to help him with his paper. Unfortunately, Travis is swayed by Coach Walsh to let someone do the paper for him at first, but after he talks to Kathryn he seems to come to a much clearer realization about why he has to learn English.