The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 12: Remember
Gene Page/AMC

Rick and his group finally entered Alexandria in Sunday’s all new episode of The Walking Dead. Upon their arrival, the group members were introduced to Deanna, a former Congress woman who was in charge of the place, and everyone was forced to hand over their guns.

One by one, each member of the group had a sit down with Deanna who evaluated them all and handed them jobs. The group was also gifted with two luxurious houses that included water and electricity.

Every member, except for Daryl, enjoyed a nice, warm shower. Additionally, Rick got a clean shave as his iconic beard and long hair are gone. He looks like the Rick of season one again.

While enjoying some of the luxury at Alexandria, Rick and the others were still exploring the place, trying to get a better understanding of the people and their surroundings. One thing that the group immediately noticed was that the people of Alexandria are weak. Carl was the first one to bring it up when he told his father, “I like it here. I like the people, but they’re weak.”

Daryl was the only one not allowing himself to get sucked in by the community. He refused to talk to people and did not want to take a shower. He was basically isolating himself and examining the area to see if they would fit in.

Meanwhile, Deanna’s son, Aiden, and Nicolas, a member of Alexandria, took Glenn, Tara, and Noah on a supply run. Soon, Glenn found out that Nicolas and Aiden do not know how to handle themselves in the outside world as the two almost got Tara killed by a walker.

Later, Carol also noted that the people in Alexandria are weak as she said, “If we get comfortable and let our guard down, this place is going to make us weak.”

Rick had a mind-blowing response to that.

We won’t get weak. That’s not in us anymore. We’ll make it work. If they can’t make it, then we’ll just take this place,” he said, rocking a sheriff’s uniform since Deanna had assigned him to police officer duties.

So Alexandria turned out to be a safe place after all, with walls, houses, food, electricity, water, and other necessities. It was a legitimate community with civilized people. The only problem was that Rick’s group recognized that the people in this community do not know how to fight and protect themselves.

If the show continues to follow the comic books, then it is safe to say that Rick will indeed take over Alexandria, as he properly noted at the end of the episode.

It looks like the group will continue to settle in and familiarize themselves with the others living in Alexandria over the next couple of episodes. But will Rick and his crew take over the place sooner rather than later? That remains to be seen. 

Episode 12 - Overall Grade: 7.8/10