Supernatural: "The Executioner's Song" Review
Time to settle the score. Image Source ""

This episode starts with a prison guard talking to a death row prisoner who is attempting to get the guard to attack him in his cell, but he didn't. The lights go out and mysterious man is now walking through the hallway. The guards see the shadow but then it's gone and out of nowhere, Cain pops up behind him. Cain tells him how many people he killed and gets him to attack him and then Cain asks if he's here to punish him or save him. Cain whispers in his ear, says both, and ten stabs him.

Sam and Dean make their way to the prison to investigate the disappearance of the prisoner Tommy. The murderer that Cain killed. They get to Tommy's cell and there was nothing in the cell. No clue of tampering or how her escaped. The warden shows Sam and Dean the video and Dean recognizes that it's Cain.
Meanwhile, Castiel is interrogating a demon looking for Cain. The demon tells him that he's been spotted, but none of the demons know why because they all keep their distance from him. It looks like they are scared of him. Castiel pauses and says he believes him and then kills the demon anyway. Don't lose any sleep over it. It's a demon and who cares about demons?

In hell Crowley, is being talked to by a crossroad demon that is complaining that he does receive the credit that he deserves for all of the souls he has collected. He does so scared and with respect to his king, of course. Crowley agrees and then Crowley's mother Rowena interrupts saying that it's not what she would do. She says that she would kill him for asking for more credit and use him to set an example that whining will not be tolerated in the king of Hell's court. While Crowley may not like his mother, he does agree that her method makes sense and so he is to be split down the middle and hung on the king's door. Later, Rowena is trying to talk Crowley into killing the leader of the coven that's trying to kill her. Crowley tells her to stop trying to manipulate him and she flat out admits that she was trying to manipulate him because that's what she does and that's what he does. She is completely honest for once and after she tries to talk him into it, Crowley leaves without saying a word.

Back on Earth, Sam did some research on Tommy and while he didn't find out why he was taken, he did find that Tommy's father was just as bad a person as Tommy was and hasn't been seen in a week. Castiel soon after calls and Dean tells Castiel what he's learned about Tommy. Castiel tells him that Tommy is dead. He knows this for certain because he is standing in the woods where Cain has been burying his victims. Castiel hangs up when he realizes Cain is behind him. Castiel asks why he killed them and Cain says he's cleaning up a mess he started a long time ago and that he has got the itch to kill again. Cain is looking to kill everyone in his lineage. Everyone with his blood. Cain asks how Dean is and then realizes that he's not doing well and says he will get to Dean soon. Castiel draws his angel blade and Cain says "Sorry, Castiel, you're not on my list" and disappears instantly. Castiel meets up with Sam and Dean later and tells them that Cain is trying to kill everyone in his bloodline. They find the last person in a bloodline and they makes his way save the kid. Sam asks how and Dean says he will do what he has to do and kill Cain.

Mother and son fun.
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Dean is packing a bag to try and take down Cain and tells them that Cain told him he'd have to take him down and that he set him this path and that he has to finish it. Sam warns him that wielding the First Blade against Cain, win or lose, he might not come back from that fight. Dean is aware of the consequences.
Back in Hell, Crowley and his mom are devising a plan to kill the head witch when Dean calls and says he needs the blade. Crowley asked why he'd give him the blade. Dean lies and says that Crowley is on his list. This is enough to get Crowley to give Dean the blade. Crowley tells his mother that their plan would have to wait because he has to deliver the blade. She tells him that this is ruining his reputation. Crowley just leaves with the blade to meet Dean.
Dean, Sam, and Castiel are around the boy's house using him as bait and Sam is not happy about it. Crowely shows up and decides to hold onto the blade until Cain shows up. Castiel and Sam think it's a good idea.

Time goes by and Cain appears to kill the kid. Castiel cuts him off and does his best to stop him, but he is no match for Cain. The kid runs to the barn an Sam closes the door. Cain pops up behind him and stabs the kid. But Cain was tricked by an illusion spell. The real Austin is long gone and they have Cain held in a demon trap. But they know it won't hold him for long. Sam, Castiel, and Crowley all stay out on Dean's order just in case Cain comes out and needs to be dealt with or Dean the Demon comes out and needs to be dealt with also.

Dean goes into the barn with the First Blade and confronts Cain. Cain tells Dean that his mission is justified and that he is thinking clearly. And even though the kid could have gone either way, he'd prefer to be thorough. The two fight, but Cain is too good a fighter. Even for Dean. Cain tosses him around effortlessly. Dean lands a punch and Cain says his punch was weak from someone who holds the blade and then he realizes it's because Dean is holding back. He taunts him saying that there is no resisting the mark or the blade that there is only remission or relapse. Cain uses his power to telepathically throw Dean across the barn through a window and then tells Dean that he planned this. He knew that letting Castiel live would bring him the one thing he needed and the one thing that could kill him. Cain pulls the knife to him and Cain seems to power up and says he has no idea how he resisted the blade so long and is glad it's back. Dean tries to take the blade from Cain but Cain grabs him by the throat. Cain tells him that he is living his life in reverse. While Cain's story started when he killed his brother, which is how Dean's story will end. Dean doesn't believe it. First he will kill Crowley and won't care, and then he will kill, Castiel, and then the murder he won't be able to escape. Cain is about to stab Dean when Dean grabs a blade out of Cain's pocket and cuts his hand off. Dean pleads with Cain to tell him that he will stop. Cain says he will never stop and Dean with tears in his eyes kills Cain with the first blade.

Only one of them could survive this confrontation
omage source ""

Dean walks down the stairs with a heavy heart and hands Castiel the First Blade. Crowley is mad because he lied to him. Dean says it wasn't the first time today and tells him Crowley wasn't on Cain's list. Corwley disappears.

Back in Hell, Crowley in beyond mad and pours himself a shot. Rowena says that she is disappointed in her son because even though he is the king, he keeps getting manipulated by the Winchesters. She leaves after saying that Crowley is their b****. She storms out and leaves Crowley standing there.
Sam tries to tell Dean that because he didn't completely lose it that there is hope for him. Dean doesn't seem to sure. Castiel comes back and tells them that the blade is somewhere safe. Dean leaves and says he is going to sleep for a few days. Castiel asks how Dean is and Sam with tears in his eyes says that Dean is in trouble.

Rating: 10

To quote Luke Cage "SWEET CHRISTMAS!!!". This is the type of episodes that fans of the show loved. The ones that give you the satisfaction of something happening that should have happened and the ending left with a great way to lead to the rest of the season. The writing team deserves a ton of credit for this episode and the actors out did themselves. Standing ovation.