Since “The Flash” burst on the scene a few months ago each episode has managed to out do the last. “Fallout” not only continued that trend, but to date is probably the best episode they have produced. This writer is curious to see exactly what the budget for this episode was. With the amount of special effects it took to pull this episode off it is obvious that the CW is firmly behind this show and willing to do anything it can to churn out quality episodes.

At the end of the last weeks, “The Nuclear Man” it appeared that Ronnie Raymond and Dr. Stein met an explosive end as they attempted to separate. In classic comic book fashion they of course were still alive and managed to separate back into two beings. The returning General Eiling has been hot on Firestorm’s trail and of course sends his military goons to track down Stein and Ronnie. This may go without saying but Clancy Brown is great at everything he does and his portrayal of General Eiling is the perfect mix of misplaced duty and downright douchiness. Also, does anyone else immediately picture Lex Luthor every time he speaks?

Joe shows Barry the images that Cisco was able to recreate using the mirror in Barry’s old house (don’t ask questions, just go with it). Barry is aware that he was there the night his mother died as The Flash, which is great and definitely moves the story along to the inevitable conflict between the Reverse Flash and Barry. One question though: what happened to the lady who owns the house now? She was obviously in to Joe (which was hilarious) but why is she ok with Cisco’s fancy-shamncy elementary school mimeographed 3D projector thingy just taking up space in her living room? Come on! It’s been weeks!

After sharing a body for the better part of a year Professor Stein and Ronnie have no desire to be around each other. Ironically they seem to be even more connected now then they were when they shared a body. This comes in handy once Stein ends up getting captured by General Eiling. Oh wait, Stein didn’t get captured, he was served up like a nicely cooked steak from Texas Roadhouse... Mmm steak. Any way once again Dr. Wells managed to prove that he is just a horrible, horrible person. Or is he? General Eiling wanted Firestorm, but instead of serving up both Ronnie and Stein, Wells along gave Eiling Stein. An action like that shows that on some level Wells does actually care about how the loss of Ronnie would affect those around him. Wells may be a psychopath, but he is a psychopath… with a heart? 

The Flash manages to save Stein form Eiling and in the process Ronnie and Stein merge back into Firestorm. Wells gave them the idea to not fight the transformation and the process will go smoother. This iteration of Firestorm more closely resembled his comic book counterpart. Ronnie was in control of the body, while Stein served as an inner voice for Ronnie. After the battle Ronnie and Stein say goodbye to their loved ones and start of on a journey. They have to drop the ring in the world’s hottest volcano so Sauron doesn’t get his hands… wait, sorry, wrong story. They are just going to try to get answer about their current condition. Which doesn’t make much sense with S.T.A.R. Labs literally being down the street, but hey they have to write Firestorm out of the show for the moment some how.

While wallowing in self-pity after his loss, General Eiling decides to have a drink… you know like every bad guy General in every movie/TV show ever (see the Incredible Hulk- Reload!). The General is suddenly whisked away and ends up in a sewer. The Reverse Flash reveals himself to General Eiling. For the first time since we found out Wells is the Reverse Flash we actually get to see a clear view of him in the yellow suit. Wells tells General Eiling that he takes care of his own. 

General Eiling: “Oh, Oh God!”

Off Screen: “Not god… Grodd.”

*Insert collective fanboy nerdgasim here*

We finally get to see a full screen shot of Gorilla Grodd in all his glory! The connection between Grodd and Wells was hinted towards previously, but now it looks like we will potentially have another super villain team up.

Episode Rank: 9.5 out of 10

This episode has set the stage for the rest of this season. All of the doubts can be put to rest. Dr. Harrison Wells (if that IS his real name) is Reverse Flash. Is General Eiling still alive? We know that Grodd has a pension for mind control. Could controlling Eiling through Grodd be part of Dr. Wells’ plan? Or was this the last we will see of General Eiling? Barry has another ally in the form of Firestorm. Considering the forces aligned against him, Barry is going to need all the help he can get.

If The CW continues to pour money into this show and also manages to keep up the phonetic pace it has set, season one of “The Flash” could go down as one of the greatest debut seasons in TV history.