Marvel's Agent Carter is closing in on the end of its run this winter. With only one episode remaining after this week's airing Marvel has turned the intensity wide open for the closing stretch. This week Marvel shakes up the SSR and puts Agent Carter in a position to set things right for everyone. 

The show picks up where last week left off, Carter is shown in the interrogation room being questioned as a traitor to the United States. She says very little except to try and convince them that they're waiting their time with her and should be out looking for Dottie Underwood. They ignore her warnings that there is still trouble lurking out in the world and believe that she and Stark have been working together from the beginning. 

Jarvis enters the telephone company front the SSR use to hide their operations and gains entrance be claiming he has a written and signed confession from Howard Stark to turn over to Chief Dooley. Once Jarvis finally gets to talk to Dooley he informs him Stark has agreed to turn himself in with the confession if they release both Carter and himself. Dooley agrees even though Carter claims she wants no part in a false confession of things she knows Stark didn't do. 

Dooley refuses to listen to Carter's proclamation of Stark's innocents and confines her and Jarvis in a conference room to await the arrival of Stark. While they are waiting Carter notices Dr. Ivchenko sending a message in morse code to a building across the street. Carter then decides to confess everything she has done in order to gain the trust of the SSR enough for them to listen to her warning about the doctor. 

After convincing the SSR to trust her enough to at least follow up on her warning, Dooley sends a team over to the next building to try and locate whom the doctor was communicating with. Agent Sousa finds and engages Dottie but she gets the best of him and the rest of the SSR team in the building and makes her way to an escape vehicle. 

While the SSR are fighting Dottie, Dr. Ivchenko hypnotizes Dooley and uses him to gain access to all the Stark weapons being held by the agency. Dooley also draws a gun on Carter and Jarvis before locking them into a room and breaking the key off in the door knob. Once Dooley gives the doctor all the weapons, Dottie arrives in front of the building and picks Dr. Ivchenko up and drives away towards safety. 

Agent Thompson finds Carter and Jarvis locked in the room and chained to a table and after hearing what happen they rush off to find Dooley. Dooley is caught in his mind and appears to be at home with his family finally happy and kisses his wife moments before he his awoken by Agent Thompson's banging on his office door. Dooley awakens to the realization that he was dreaming and that he is now enclosed in a experimental armor vest that Stark was designing for troops. The design included a self-warming capability that never made production because of one big flaw: it was unstable and exploded. 

Once Jarvis explains the problem with the vest and that there isn't a way to remove it, Dooley makes Carter promise to catch Dr. Ivchenko. He then grabs Thompson's service pistol and shoots out the office window before leaping through it, exploding outside the office to save the lives of his agents. Carter and Thompson are in a moment of shock with the rest of the office before they realize Ivchenko has escaped with the weapons and they decide to go after him right away. 

While the SSR are racing off to find Dottie and Ivchenko, the fugitives are in a movie theater across town. They arm and leave a weapon Stark designed in the theater before walking out and locking the door behind themselves. The device goes off and causes a frenzy in the theater that leaves all the movie goers dead in the after math. 


This week's episode finally broke the story-building trend of the last couple of weeks. We finally got to see some action take place due to the last couple episodes story building and it was well worth the wait. Dooley being killed in this week's episode was kind of a downer, especially after you get to see the scene with his son and wife. It was a grim reminder not to be so caught up in work that you waste away time with your loved ones. 

With all of Jarvis' involvement with the investigation Carter was running and his being right in the middle of all the action this week, it will be interesting to see if he has a role in the founding of SHIELD. In the Marvel comics Jarvis has a large role in the beginnings of the Avengers, so they may use him in a similar role for SHIELD since his AI counter part has taken his place in the modern MCU. While Stark has been absent in this week and the last few week's episodes, the teaser for next week shows him finally getting in the action to recover his reputation and weapons. 

With only one episode remaining it doesn't look like SHIELD will have as much to do with the Agent Carter series, as I would have like to have seen. Part of me was expecting Dum Dum to step in at some point in the last two episodes to save Carter and inform her Stark wanted help founding his own agency to handle things like his weapons. With Stark entering back into the picture next week I think it's safe to expect a scene in the last few minutes of next week's episode where Stark tells Carter he has a new project he would like her help with. 

Episode Rating: 9