Switched at Birth: "At First Clear Word" Review

Bay spends a night drinking and partying with Tank, and has to deal with the consequences of what happened even though she is unsure of what exactly did happen. She wakes up in a dorm room with Tank and has to ask around to people who were there to find out what exactly went on at the party. She goes home to find Kathryn who seems concerned that Bay did not come home or call, but when Bay tells her that she crashed in Daphne’s room she seems to be better. While at UMKC in Professor Marillo’s office, Daphne’s study group tries to get Professor Marillo to believe they have agreed on a proposal for a project they are to do. Vimla and Daphne start to bicker, and Professor Marillo invites them to her house for a “get together”, but leaves out the truth as to why they are there.

At the community service work site for the day, Tess notices that Bay is wearing sunglasses and keeping to herself and decides to go and talk to her about what is going on. They talk about how Emmett came to surprise Bay and Tess and Bay talk about what happened at the party. Tess tells her how she has been in Bay’s shoes and seven shots is usually how what happened to her happens. Bay doesn’t want to believe that she and Tank had relations, but Tess confides in Bay that she was in a similar situation and it is how she became pregnant with her son. She also tells Bay that when a girl wakes up in bed with a guy without her clothes on, it’s not really much of a mystery as to what happened.

At the coffee house, Regina and Eric talk about the way the decorating is coming and what happened between them and that it won’t happen anymore. Eric tells her he is disappointed in hearing that, and they talk more about what happened. Lily comes home to Toby’s apartment where he is looking at cars on his computer. She and Toby are to go over to the Kennish house for dinner and start to talk about covering his expenses and Lily gives Toby money to pay his rent.

Back at UMKC, Bay meets up with Tank to talk about what happened and tries to piece together exactly what did happen. Tank confirms what she thought they did, and he tells her that they did and he used a condom. He tries to convince her that no one has to know, which is wrong. But, then Bay tells him she has to go. Daphne and Josh talk about why she is getting asked to Marillo’s house and Josh tells her that he can’t go to Marillo’s house with her.

Bay comes into the kitchen and sees Toby seasoning the steaks they are going to eat. They talk about the party and if she did or did not see Tank and she decided to go talk to Regina instead of Kathryn. Outside, Lily is charming John and Kathryn and talk about Toby’s life choices when he tries to change the subject. John and Kathryn get weirded out when Lily talks to Toby about money and whether he needs a turntable right now or not.

Meanwhile, Daphne and Vimla go to Professor Marillo’s house where they discover three other students and discover the meeting is not a social gathering, but rather an experiment to see how they work together. She begins to tell them that they are there for ice cream, but the catch is that they have 30 minutes to make ice cream and takes away their smartphones for the experiment. Daphne, Vimla, and the others are concerned when Professor Marillo leaves and they are confused as to what to do next.

Back at the Kennish house, Toby and Lily get into an argument over the money she loaned him to pay his rent and him having a career with a future. She says that the check has nothing to do with it, but Toby doesn’t believe her.

Bay ends up at the coffee house wanting to talk to Regina and asks to help her paint the mural and Bay tells her about what happened but claims that it was a girl she “knows” named Tess. Regina tells her that it was not consensual and that what happened to Tess could be considered rape. Bay questions her and Regina says that if she was too drunk then she didn’t give consent in Regina’s opinion. Regina goes on to say that if she said yes but she was so wasted then the guy shouldn’t have taken advantage of her.

Toby, John, and Kathryn are cleaning up the kitchen when John and Kathryn opt to give him an “advance” on the musical, but he feels humiliated at their attempt and walks out on them as well. And at Casa Marillo, Daphne and Vimla argue when they spill the mixture of ice cream after fighting over the liquid nitrogen. Bay goes to talk to Travis about the party and Travis tells her about the desk chair race and how she ended up in the room with Tank where they had sex, and tries to say that Tank is a good guy but then asks her if everything is ok.

Toby and Lily are driving home talking about the check and the turntable and they get into an argument about the money and her wanting Toby to have a better career. The conversation ends with Toby thinking that Lily is breaking up with her. Vimla tells everyone in Casa Marillo that Daphne got a D on the exam but she got a “special break”. Bay confronts Tank after Travis tells her what happened and thinks that she did not give consent for having sex with Tank.

Tank tries to tell her that she kissed him but they remember the interaction differently, and Tank only thinks it’s because she is regretting what happened and having to explain it to Emmett. Bay seems to think that she pushed him away when he was trying to kiss her, and she asked if she said yes. They can’t seem to agree on what happened and then Toby comes home and sees Bay upset and asks what happened.

Professor Marillo returns after 30 minutes and explains that she got them all together for an experiment that would see if a roomful of young scientists could come together and work together to solve a problem, but that they failed the experiment. She also tells them that STEM will continue to be dominated by men they can keep doing what they are doing. If they want to change the culture then they need to change the conditions and become allies instead of enemies. Then, she tells them that they are still getting ice cream because she bought backup ice cream.

Eric and Regina are going over postcards she got for the tables for the coffee house when his son calls and doesn’t want to go to his trumpet lessons and Eric tells him that he has to do it even if he doesn’t want to. The moment seems to become more intimate and they end up kissing again but stop when she apologizes. Then they decide to have relations again.

Toby and Tank talk about what happened and he doesn’t know what’s going on and Tank is trying to convince Toby that what happened between Tank and Bay was consensual but he doesn’t believe it because Bay wouldn’t say otherwise. Daphne and Vimla walk back to the dorm talking about the project at Professor Marillo’s house and Vimla apologizes for saying that Daphne gets extra help and breaks and then they laugh after Daphne asks if Josh can help her study.

Toby calls Lily to apologize and decides to tell her about what happened to Bay which leads Lily to have to tell Melody in a later episode. Daphne asks Bay the truth about what’s going on, and they go to her room where she tells Daphne what happened. Daphne tells Bay that just because she was drunk doesn’t mean that Tank can do whatever he wants. The episode ends with them talking about it and Bay decides she wants to just forget about it and that she doesn’t want to talk about it anymore.

Reflection on this episode:

Bay is in a really messed up situation and how she seems to feel at the end of the episode is that she was date raped and that Tank should not have blamed Toby for siding with Bay since that is Toby’s sister. Toby was also wrong in telling Lily before talking to Bay, because since Lily now works at UMKC she has no choice but to tell Melody and the Title IX people at UMKC. Eric and Regina either need to decide they want to date or not date, but Regina needs to stop giving him mixed signals as they are doing nothing but confusing the both of them.

Kathryn and John had the right idea not paying for Toby’s bills anymore; however, it is apparent that they could have handled it differently. An idea for how they could have handled it is to start slowly and talk to Toby and tell him that he will have to contribute to his car insurance and cell bill. Once he does that steadily, then they can talk about raising the amount that Toby contributes to the bills they are covering for him.

At the beginning of the episode, Daphne and Vimla still bicker; however, closer to the end of the episode after going to Marillo’s house they seem to come to an understanding that will help them to become allies like Marillo said. Bay and Tess seem to be getting along again after what happened with Robbie getting caught with drugs. However, the episodes are going to get even more complicated as the storyline switches to dealing with the fallout from the night between Bay and Tank.