This episode starts with Bay and Emmett video chatting, and Bay remains oblivious to the fact that Emmett is about to surprise her on the very night her house arrest is over. She freaks out when she sees Emmett at her door and finding out that he got a last minute flight from Los Angeles to be there to free her from house arrest. After her bracelet is taken off, they cuddle in her bed until he has to leave to go home to his mom’s house.

Bay seems really happy he is there, though she is sad at the same time that he is only there for two days. Daphne is studying when Regina brings her a new microwave and hears all about Professor Marillo and the amazing things she did while her children were growing up. Regina is surprised to find ramen noodles on Daphne’s desk but Daphne says she only eats them when she misses dinner studying for Chem I. Travis and John go to his tryout at the UMKC baseball practice and Travis doubts that he can do it. But, he steps up and throws a pitch that even hurts the hand of the UMKC catcher.

Meanwhile, Daphne is taking her Chem I exam and is stressed out about her grade after Professor Marillo tells her that 1/3 of the class will fail and she ends up with a D. Bay and Emmett walk through a park and talk about what has been going on since the last time they saw each other. Emmett tells her about Skye and how she had the French film night. Bay tells him that he going to USC was the best thing for him and he says he is glad he listened.

Daphne checks her grade on her Chemistry midterm grade and it is a D forcing her to stress even more, despite Regina’s attempts to cheer her up. In the meantime, Kathryn is trying to write music for her musical when Toby comes in. After Toby listens to what Kathryn has, he gives her some advice to clean it up and make it sound better, they talk about him needing the money to help cover his expenses, but he opts to not help her on the musical. At UMKC, Melody and Travis talk about him dropping a class and she becomes upset when he decides to drop the class because of baseball.

Daphne finds Josh and tells him about her D and asks him if he thinks she should drop the class. He tells her that she is the only one who can decide what to do. Bay and Regina talk about her relationship with Emmett and her second thoughts about him going to Los Angeles. At the car wash, Melody confronts John because of Travis’ dropping the class and tells John that he needs to be studying not playing baseball. They have a few choice words until Melody tells him to back off and let Travis make up his own mind.

Kathryn and John discuss Toby’s unwillingness to take any job to pay his own expenses and decide to cut his phone’s internet without even so much as letting him know. Regina decides she is going to talk to Professor Marillo and makes the mistake of playing the “deaf card” and tried to get Professor Marillo to give Daphne a retest, which she denies. Bay and Emmett go to a screening of a film festival in China town and she tries to impress him with her knowledge of the movie. Emmett goes to show Bay pictures on his phone and gets all weird when the selfie of he and Skye shows up. Then, he decides to tell her about how they kissed but tells Bay that Skye kissed her.

At UMKC, Travis talks to Mary Beth about him having to drop the class and asks for her opinion and she says that she agrees with Melody and that she has a bad feeling about him joining baseball. Toby discovers that his phone’s data is off and confronts Kathryn about it. She tells him that he is turning down work and that they will not continue to pay for things for him and it leads to a fight and him storming off after saying that he doesn’t think she is being supportive of what he wants to do. Daphne and Regina get into a heated argument when Regina tells her that she spoke to Professor Marillo about Daphne’s issues, which cause Regina to storm out.

Bay and Emmett go to a park and end up getting in a fight when Bay brings up Skye and Emmett tells her that if it weren’t for Skye he’d hate California. Bay gets defensive and upset and Emmett tries to tell her that she doesn’t get to be mad since she is the one that made the decision that caused her to have to stay behind while Emmett went to California. Then, she asks him if it’s her fault that Skye kissed him, which makes the fight even worse. Bay ends up trying to convince Emmett that she is still coming to be with him in Los Angeles, but he doesn’t believe her because she broke the plan once and could do it again. Emmett then storms off angry to go to the airport leaving Bay alone and upset.

Professor Marillo and Daphne discuss Regina’s coming to see her and for her to sign Daphne’s drop form, which makes Professor Marillo decide to tell Daphne she lost 30 points for confusing two ions and offers her an extra credit assignment. The assignment is 2500 words on the difference between the two ions that she messed up and if Daphne does well she will be able to bring her grade up to a C. It also comes along with advice that Daphne shouldn’t give up so quickly in the future if she really wants to become a doctor.

At the baseball field, Travis sees Melody and she tells him that she believes it’s what he wants and she is not mad any longer, but then tells John that if Travis’ grades suffer at all he is going to be to blame. John also tries to tell her that the conversation at the car wash got him thinking and he decided he needed to teach what he learned in baseball to the next generation. Bay decides to go to Daphne’s dorm party to blow off some steam after her fight with Emmett. At the party, Bay and Daphne find Tank and he takes Bay off to find an adult beverage. Daphne sees Josh and tells him about the essay and that she won’t be dropping the class after all, which he finds surprising and tells her that it was cool what her mom did.

Daphne then discovers that Josh and the girl from her study group are dating and Bay and Tank enjoy their beverages and talk about what is going on with them including Emmett. Tank continues to listen while Bay vents about her troubles with Emmett and they decide to party. The episode ends with a conversation between Toby and Kathryn when he asks for the papers to the BMW so he can trade it in because it is too expensive for car insurance on his own. He also asks Kathryn if he can still write the musical with her and Regina and Daphne have a conversation where Daphne apologizes for talking to her mom the way she did and explains that she’s afraid she’s going to let everyone down and fail. They talk about the grade Daphne got on her exam and that she’s going to have a chance for extra credit. When Bay wakes up the next morning in bed with Tank, she can’t remember what happened but finds her clothes on the floor.

Reflection on the episode:

Bay should not have partied with Tank like she did, though she is visibly upset with Emmett for fighting with her, and Daphne is struggling as a pre-med student but everyone still believes she can do it. Kathryn, John, and Toby seem to have reached an understanding about dealing with Toby’s financial situation and the fact that he is out of the house now.

Professor Marillo and Daphne share a moment that seems to bring them to a better understanding and help Daphne to get some self-esteem after she gets the D on the midterm. Josh and the girl from Daphne’s group are now dating, but it seems that Daphne is weirded out by it. Melody seems to have gotten over her issues with baseball, but still thinks that Travis should have a college degree, but reaches an understanding with John. It does, however, seem weird that Mary Beth would be “Team Melody” although the jocks were the ones who invited her to that party where they would see who had brought the ugliest girl. She just doesn’t want Travis to end up like those people, which is totally understandable.