Supernatural: "About A Boy" Review
Yep. Dean is four-teen year old kid. Find out why here. image source ""

After getting kicked out of a bar, a guy drunkenly stumbles around a dumpster and mysteriously disappears in a flash of light leaving nothing but his clothes. A homeless is shocked to see all of this.

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After Dean let the Mark of Cain get the best of him and beat up one of him and Sam's closest friends Charlie, he has spent the last month looking for a way to get rid of the mark before he goes off of the deep end again. Sam interrupts Dean telling him that he has a case. Dean tells him to go and he'll stay here. Sam tells him that he needs to get out and he will find something eventually. Dean asks if he really believes that and of course Sam says yes to which Dean responds that Sam also believed in the tooth fairy until he was twelve. Sam says not true and that he was eleven. Sam eventually talks him into going with him and the to make there way to solve a case.

Dean and Sam find the homeless man who tell Sam and Dean everything he saw and that he smelled flowers after he disappeared. The homeless man then says he knows who did it. Dean says "Don't say it." and he did. He blamed it on aliens because he too had been abducted by them. Sam and Dean dismiss him as a drunken rambler. Dean decides to check the bar he was last seen at and Sam would check the guy's apartment. Dean gets there and talks to the bartender who tells him that JP (the guy who disappeared) deserved anything that happened to him. Dean gets angry and starts rubbing the Mark of Cain when a woman names Tina who was sitting at the bar tells him that the guy was over exaggerating how bad he was. The two would sit and drink for hours until Sam called.

Tina took that as an opportunity to leave. Dean hesitated and she told him to pick up before he falls in love with her. Sam calls and tells him that the landlord hadn't seen him and that his bathroom looked like "The Devil's Butt-Hole". In the middle of the conversation, Dean sees a man creeping up behind Tina. Dean follows them and finds just a pile of her clothes. Before Dean could do any real inspecting, the guy creeps up on Dean and grabs a pouch on his chest. In a flash of light Dean blinks and wakes up in a basement...and is a teenage boy again.

Dean is trying to figure out what is going on when a teenage girl calls to him and asked him from a whole in the wall his name. He tells her it's Dean and she is shocked. The teenage girl is Tina from the bar. She asks him if he as any idea what going on to which he replies no. Tina freaks out and Dean tells her to calm down. She says she can't calm down because she's a tween and he looks like a One Direction reject. Dean tells her to stay calm because he's not going to let anything happen to her. He says "Anything else happen to you". Dean looks over and sees another kid there but she doesn't know who it is. Dean thinks for a second and says "J.P.?" the boy looks up and it is J.P. Before anything else could happen, the large man that captured them comes to the basement and takes J.P. away screaming. A plate then slides through a small door. Dean hesitates but approaches it. he pulls the top off and it's...CAKE!!! OH THE HORROR!!!!

Back at the bar, Sam is calling Dean's phone. The bartender has Dean's jacket and ignores the call. Sam sees this and asked the bartender where he got the coat. He replies "From my bar mitzvah. It was a magical night". Bad move. Sam grabs the guy and slams his head on the bar and asks him again. He tells him the truth this time. Sam goes to the dumpster where the bartender found Dean's stuff and finds the rest of his clothes along with his gun that had a weird dirt on it. Sam wipes it off and sniffs it. It smelled like flowers.

Back in the basement, Dean is devouring the cake until Tina tells him that they probably poisoned it. Dean looks at the bed and takes a metal rod off of it and starts to chip away at the bars by the window. Tina says that when she first met him she thought he was just another drunk. Dean says he prefers "Functional alcoholic". Tina asked who he really was and he says that it's "A long @$$ story". Dean finally break through when the large man starts to make his way to the basement again. Tina tells him to run, but Dean refuses to leave her. She says that she knows he will be back for her. Tina starts to scream to distract the guy coming for them and Dean makes his escape. Sam gets a knock on his hotel room and sees a teenage boy and asked what he wanted. Dean says "Hiya, Sammy". Sam immediately realizes it's Dean.

The face you make when your 30 plus year old brother is no 14
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Dean walks into the room and grabs his bag of stuff (Guns, knives, etc) and Sam is just confused because he has no idea why someone would do anything like that. All Dean cares about is saving Tina. Dean walks out with the bag and helps an older woman who dropped her keys. Sam comes out and the woman tells Sam that his son is so polite. Confused, Sam just says thanks. Dean throws it in the backseat of the car and Dean hops in the front seat. Sam says that maybe he should drive. They agree. In the car, Sam can't stop looking at him because it is bizarre even for them and asks how it feels. Dean says that he's still him, but being a kid is weird. He says there was a Taylor Swift song on the bus he hopped to the hotel and he liked it a lot. He says he has like nine zits and he can't control his "Gentleman part".

That it's up and down and then Sam cuts him off. Sam explains that he found a flower that witches used by the dumpster where he got jumped. Sam says that they'll get him changed back and light Sebrina up (For you youngsters, Sebrina is a reference from an old TV show. Google it). There's silence in the car and Sam asks Dean if he's ok. But he says there's an upside. There's no MArk of Cain since he didn't have the Mark at fourteen and suggests that maybe staying a teenager isn't a bad thing. Dean then says he now has a virgin liver. Sam says that he can try it out in seven years. Dean didn't find that funny at all. Sam did.

Sam and Dean make their way into the house to save Tina. They get to the window and Tina is gone. Dean goes in and Sam finds another way in (Sam can't because he says that he's way too big to fit in there and Dean says that's the first time he's got to say that). Dean looks around and gets grabbed by the big guy who captured them. From behind, Sam hits the guy in the back of the head with his gun and asks where the girl is. He tells them she's upstairs and says he didn't turn them, because he's not a witch. He just works for them. He tells them that she is the worst person ever.

That she has made him and his sister capture and kill people and when they tried to escape, she made him eat his sister Gretel's heart. Dean puts it all together and finds out that the witch is the witch from Hansel and Gretel. He explains that it wasn't a fable but a true story. Hansel says that he wants to help, but Sam says that he will let them help if he tells him how to change Dean back. Hansel tells him that all Dean has to do is squeeze the hex bag around his neck and he will go back to his right age. He says if they kill the witch, that he will give him the hex bag.

Sam, Hansel, and Teen Dean
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Upstairs, the witch is cooking up a soup and saying that J.P. didn't have a lot of meat on him and that she (Tina) would make a good soup. Sam, Dean, and Hansel walk in and the witch laughs because she thought it was foolish for them to come back and then orders Hansel to take them out. Sam says that he shouldn't have made Hansel eat his sister's heart. The witch replies that she never made Hansel do anything. Hansel takes out Sam and the witch uses her powers to knock the blood molotov out of Dean's hand before he could light it and throw it at her. Sam and Dean are on their knees with Hansel pointing a gun at them and the witch asks "Who's hungry?" The witch goes to Dean and says that Dean is so skinny and needs to fatten him up. Sam asks why go after adults and not kids.

She says that in the old days if a kid went missing no one would notice, but now with all the technology and "Milk cartons" it's too hard. Dean says, "Yeah, I blame Obama". So she takes adults no one will miss, because it;s the only way they can eat in peace. Dean notices that Sam is reaching for something in his back pocket and starts to distract her. She goes on to say how good Americans taste because they are fatty. She then goes on to say that this is business and not pleasure. She is doing a job for the witch's coven to take care of a witch called Rowena. Dean confused and says "Red hair? Has a thing for fancy hotels" she asks how she knows her and approaches Dean. Sam uses this distraction to go at Hansel with his knife and then goes after the witch. But no use. She's too powerful. She orders Hansel to turn Sam, but he doesn't have the hex bag. Sam cut it off and now Dean has it and turns back to normal and immediately stabs Hansel and shoves the hex bag down the witch's throat and pushes her in the oven killing her.

And she dies like she did in the story.
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Outside, Tina says that what happened was crazy and asked if they do this all the time. Dean says "All the frickin' time" and Sam says not all the time. Tina asked if they could change her back, but unfortunately the hex bag went up in flames. Sam says they could probably find a way, but Tina looks in the mirror and decides not to. She says she has three ex husbands, fifty grand in debt, and not much else and is looking at this as a way to start over. They take her to a bus station and all the cash they had and left her on her way.

Sam asks Dean if the Mark of Cain is back and it is. Sam admits it's not ideal, but he's glad to have him back. They get in the car and he turns on the radio and "Shake it Off" is playing on the radio. Dean leaves it on and smiles as they drive away.

Rating: 9

This show continues to pull all sorts of stories out of nowhere and it's great. This was one of their classic episodes that had comedy, good supernatural being, great story, and a different a cool lore. Great episode.