Switched at Birth: "I Lock The Door Upon Myself" Review

This episode begins with Emmett’s text that he sent from Lake Hollywood Park about being bummed that Bay wasn’t there when he runs into a girl from one of his classes named Skye. Skye knows sign language because she used to babysit someone who was deaf which makes it easy for them to talk to each other at first. They talk about Emmett being into horror films and then Skye invites him to go on a hike with her, but he tells her he’s waiting for a call at first and then decides to go with her.

John, Toby, Bay, Kathryn, Daphne, and Regina are at the Kennish house trying to get John to admit how old he is, but he only wants the cake. In the kitchen, Toby tells Daphne he was way too hard on her but she says it was ok and that they are good and that she’s glad she didn’t go away to school. Then, Bay walks in to light the candles and Daphne tries to talk to her but Bay looks really upset so that doesn’t go very well at all. Bay tells Daphne that she doesn’t get to use her phone much and the time she does have she spends on it with Emmett trying to convince him that it’s ok that he’s in California and she isn’t.

Bay then tells Daphne that she made a choice and she can’t really be mad at Daphne but then Daphne says “you are though.” And they go into the dining room to sing Happy Birthday to John. In their dorm room, Iris invites Daphne to do a few fun things with her but Daphne insists she has to study for Chemistry. Then, all the students in the dorm discover that someone has set off a stink bomb in their dorm causing them to have to leave.

At the house, Kathryn and John are talking about UMKC and Kathryn thinks that John is being a helicopter parent. John then told her that he wants to take a class there, instead of choosing Daphne’s classes for her. Toby arrives to stay with Bay for the weekend since she is on house arrest, and then Bay finds out that her art is going to be potentially chosen for a showcase. However, the problem with this is that the application was submitted before Bay made the choice to cover for Daphne, so now she cannot get in since they do not allow people who have been convicted of crimes into the showcase.

Bay and Toby talk about it and the interview that she has to ace to get into the showcase. She is concerned that she won’t finish the pieces in time. Meanwhile in Los Angeles, Emmett is at school and Skye finds him and tells him she got him on as a grip in a real movie that is shooting on a real lot, which makes Emmett really happy.

Back at the house, Bay and Toby get her studio set up when she starts to panic because she now has a criminal record for what she did for Daphne, meaning that this is just added to the list of things that she has to miss out on because of her decision. Kathryn and Regina talk about Angelo as she is trying to get rid of his clothes but can’t bring herself to give them up. They also talk about her and Wes because Kathryn thought they were having relations. Then, Regina decides she is ready to give Angelo’s things away.

Skye and Emmett get to the stage where the film is going to be made, but Emmett is suddenly lost when Skye has to run off to do her part for the production. In the meantime, Daphne returns to the dorm to talk to Natalie who explains to her that their bathroom is closed because the prank was a cherry bomb and now their bathroom will be closed for up to six weeks. Natalie, Travis, and Daphne then hatch a plan to retaliate after the incident when Travis tells them he set up a Go Pro camera to catch whoever was pranking them.

Then, Skye introduces Emmett to Taylor who proceeds to tell Skye to basically stop arguing and that the lens she put on the camera is wrong and she needs to get the one he wants on the camera ASAP. When Taylor finds out that Emmett is deaf, he demotes him from grip even after Skye asks him to reconsider. Emmett convinces Skye he is fine, and hangs out in the background while they are shooting the film.

Then Toby and Bay meet with the interviewer and try to keep the ankle bracelet hidden by a long skirt, while Daphne goes to talk to “Mingo” about the cherry bomb in their toilet. Mingo tries to convince Daphne that “hazing” is part of the experience, before she threatens to go to the dean and have him expelled. She then tries to tell him that the deaf kids get the hearing kids bathroom, but Mingo decides they will have a triathlon to see who gets the remaining bathroom.

The first event is tug-of-war and Mingo shows up with a bunch of muscular guys who aren’t even in their dorm and win the first event after he bribes the Lacrosse team. She gets mad then because he brought in the lacrosse team even though they don’t live in the dorm. And at the house Toby and Bay talk to the interviewer and she tells Bay that she’s in the showcase until Bay’s house arrest bracelet beeps and they have to come clean wasting the time of the interviewer because the National Endowment for the Arts does not allow anyone with a criminal record into the showcase.

At the coffee house, Regina and Eric discuss her ideas and he says that he hates the paint colors that she picked out for them to paint. They start to talk about his son and pry a little more into their personal lives by asking each other questions about their lives. She then tells him that she lost her husband as well since Eric tells her his wife died when his son was three. Paint accidentally spills on his shirt when Regina is painting while they are talking and she immediately tries to get the paint off of the shirt before the paint stains the shirt.

Back on the movie lot, Emmett makes Taylor even more upset and the director too when he opens a bag of chips while they are recording because he can’t hear and the sound is recorded on the tape. The crew gets angry when they find out it will take an hour to reset and Emmett apologizes multiple times, to which Skye replies “it’s ok”. And the second round of the triathlon begins with a surprise Mingo is not expecting and since there is no residency requirement for the triathlon, Daphne convinces John to show up to play in the second round. John decides he’s going to throw the ball for the round and the triathlon’s second round starts.

All this is going on while Regina is fixing the paint spot on Eric’s shirt and brings it out to him much to his approval and surprise, and they discuss the tattoos he has. He tells her that they are not art, but remind him of things he’s been through in his life including the tattoo of the name of his deceased wife Hope. They then decide to engage in their first kiss, and it leads to more. Back at the triathlon, Travis misses the ball after John throws it and Mingo throws the ball and hits the wall before Travis gets there, causing Travis to have to take a ball to the shorts. Mingo throws the ball but misses wide left and then John replaces Travis. John throws the ball and Mingo misses getting it and gets smoked by John trying to get to the wall, meaning Mingo has to take one in the shorts. Instead of John doing it, he decides to allow Travis to throw the ball and hit Mingo in the butt.

The art interviewer is almost out of the house when the ankle monitor beeps she begs the interviewer to still let her in but she declines. Bay needs to plug in the battery for the monitor, but then it dies and the plug gives out so now she’s in real trouble. Daphne comes back to the dorm and Iris is upset because no one told her about the second event in the triathlon and starts to cry when she feels like she is not even noticed.

Travis and John go to the car wash with a speed gun and John tests Travis’s pitching speed. Travis’s first throw tops out at 86 miles per hour, and then Kathryn shows up to talk to John and gives him an iPad for his textbooks, but then John says he doesn’t know that he’s going to go to college anymore. He then asks Travis to pitch with Kathryn watching and his second pitch tops out at 87 miles per hour and John decides to try to get him onto the UMKC baseball team and gets him a try out.

At the corrections office, Bay and Toby talk to her probation officer as Bay tries to explain that she tried to charge her ankle monitor but there must be a short in the cord. When her officer leaves to fetch another cord, Toby and Bay talk about her choice and how she can’t be around Daphne because she can’t be mad at her without feeling guilty. Her probation officer returns with the cord and tells her to go home and plug it in and they will start monitoring her in a couple of hours. Toby and Bay leave and go to do whatever Bay wants to do.

Daphne finds Iris and apologizes to her for making her feel horrible and explains that she is just caught up in her premed classes but can’t be in a doctor if she (Daphne) can’t tell when those around her are hurting. This leads them to have a conversation, which brings them closer together. Then, they decide to go to a mud run which Iris says she did and knows how to do it. Iris tells everyone in sign language the best ways to win the event. The event starts and Daphne’s dorm ends up winning with the advice from Iris and the event ends up in a celebratory hug between Iris and Travis.

Regina is looking for Kathryn and decides she does not want to give up Angelo’s clothes after her rendezvous with Eric and Skye shows Emmett the stage where his favorite movie “Psycho” was filmed after the situation with Skye and Taylor. This is part of her way to apologize for what happened in the other situation. They laugh and talk about making their own movies and take a selfie to capture the moment. Then, Skye gets caught up in the moment and kisses Emmett, which makes things really uncomfortable.

And the episode closes with Bay and Toby going to find Daphne at the triathlon and Daphne apologizes to Bay and says that she shouldn’t have gone along with Bay’s plan to take the fall. When Bay says we can’t and walks away, Daphne starts to throw mud at her and Toby and they all decide to mud fight before Bay is going to have to go home and get her bracelet plugged in.

Reflection on this episode:

It seems that Daphne is finally starting to see the true effect that Bay’s decision is having on her and feels really guilty even though she’s already been working as hard as possible to show Bay that she will become a doctor. Bay also seems to regret the decision and all that she is giving up because of that one choice, even though Toby tells her it will be ok. Emmett waited too long to tell Skye about the kiss, though it might be better told in person.

Regina can’t get rid of Angelo’s belongings yet, which is understandable since she too is still grieving, but it is also apparent that Regina regrets having relations with Eric. Kathryn and John don’t really show up much as the episode seems to focus on the other characters. Iris and Daphne seem to come to an understanding, which seems in turn to bring them closer together in the end.