The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 10: Them
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Sunday night’s The Walking Dead episode had a reoccurring theme of food, water, shelter, and not giving up. After burying Tyreese, the group's notion was to move forward and find some supplies, as they looked exhausted and extremely hungry.

Throughout the episode, the group was splitting up in attempts to find something to eat, as it looked like none of them had any food in their system for quite some time. After scouring the woods a couple of times, Rick’s group came up dry.

Fortunately, while resting alongside the road, a handful of dogs showed up and began to bark at the group members. Sasha shot them down, and they had their food. Sadly, it came to them in the form of dog, but they were lucky that those dogs showed up; otherwise they would continue to starve.

However, could those dogs have been owned by someone, maybe a large group? This is something that we will get into later.

After devouring their food, the group then needed water. Once again, they were fortunate as it started to rain, and everyone got plenty of water. Though, the rain was pouring down hard, so they needed to find sanctuary, preferably with a roof to protect them from the roaring storm.

Daryl stumbled upon a barn, and the group settled in, built a cozy fire, and slept there for the night.

The most important message in this episode was “don’t give up.” It seemed as though some of the characters were ready to give in, such as Sasha, Maggie, Daryl, and Noah.

Maggie most recently lost her sister, and this happened not too long after she lost her father. Maggie is the only one remaining from the Greene family, and in this episode, it was almost as if she wanted to be left alone. She seemed a bit hopeless and frustrated at the same time.

Sasha is going through the same thing as Maggie. She, too, just lost her sibling and is having a difficult time grieving. Not only that, but it wasn’t too long ago when she lost her lover, Bob. She feels a little disjointed from the group, and at the same time, is extremely irritated. Sasha showed her rage when the group was taking down a small herd of walkers near a bridge. Instead of remaining in formation, she took it upon herself to stab the walkers with every inch of anger bottled up inside and almost got herself and a few others killed.

When Abraham was confronting Sasha, he said, “Hey, you’re with friends.” Sasha responded, “We’re not friends,” further proving how disconnected she is from the rest of the group at the moment.

Meanwhile, Daryl is also trying to get over the loss of Beth, whom he established a friendly relationship with in the past. Daryl detached himself from the group a few times to scour the woods for food, but realistically, it seemed like he wanted to be alone.

Noah proved his hopelessness when he blatantly told Sasha, “I don’t think I’m going to make it.” Noah is going through a rough patch as well since he found out that his entire family and loved ones had been murdered back in his old neighborhood.

Ultimately, these four characters will need to regroup and pick themselves back up because there is no time to feel sorry. At the end of the episode, while Maggie and Sasha were outside the barn admiring the sunrise, a stranger by the name of Aaron approached them and asked to speak to “the person in charge.” He alarmingly knew Rick by name and closed the episode by saying, “I have good news.”

Who can he be? Perhaps the dogs mentioned above belonged to this man and his group. Maybe he has been following them, because earlier in the episode the group found bottled waters with a note that read, “From A Friend,” and when Aaron showed up, he first referred to himself as “a friend.”

Comic book spoiler ahead!

For those who have read the comic books may already know who Aaron is. He is apparently a scout who follows groups closely, watches them for a while, then invites them to his group's kingdom of Alexsandria if he believes they are worthy people. Let's see if the TV series follows the comics and takes us to Alexandria Safe-Zone.


Episode 10 – Overall Grade: 7/10