'Castle' Two-Parter is Bone-Chilling *Spoilers Ahead*

The 'Castle' two-parter has classically been nothing short of spectacular in the past, and this most recent one is no different. Castle and Beckett find themselves diving back into a very familiar case that had a turn at every expected dead end.  

Things kicked off with news that Beckett had put serious thought into finally having a baby with her husband, and it was the most heart-warming part of the whole episode.  Beckett gets called out to a crime scene where M.E. Lanie Parish recognizes something odd about the victim.  It isn't until later when we learn that Lanie's hunch that Kelly Nieman had returned was correct.  

Beckett took to trying to break Nieman, and she's nothing less than infuriating and manages to dodge everything that is thrown her way.  It's determined that Kelly Nieman was back helping serial killer Jerry Tyson, also known as 3xk.  Nieman was taking women who had nothing and preforming plastic surgery on them, giving Jerry Tyson victims who look like his mother which he had then killed.  

Tyson is caught and fakes a persona the whole time he is in the precinct, his fingerprints are covered up and match someone else’s, he pretends not to know Castle and Beckett, and his dental work doesn't match an old sample either.  Tyson and Nieman form the most unbreakable duo that the NYPD has ever seen, and they've gotten to everyone on Beckett's team.  3xk used Detective Ryan's gun and framed him for murder, he also framed Castle for murder and had Lanie and Esposito look-alikes killed.  

Nieman waits for Tyson to be released from holding because the NYPD has nothing concrete that can hold him, as his case-files were all stolen by him without anyone knowing last time around.  A potential victim calls Beckett and she feels as though her life is in danger, Beckett leaves to help the young woman and Tyson is released shortly thereafter.  

Castle is back in the precinct to help out with this case only, but as Tyson and Nieman walk to the elevator hand-in-hand, he feels uneasy and realizes that Beckett is the only one 3xk hasn't gone after on their team.  As Castle tries to reach his wife his concern grows, and it's shown that Beckett is stabbed with a needle and passes out into a wheelchair.  Dr. Nieman gets a phonecall alerting her that "it's done.", which causes a smug smile to appear and her face, and a wink from Tyson as the elevator closes.  

Next Monday is the finale of the two-parter as Castle tries desparately to get his wife back.  

'Castle' airs on Mondays at 10/9 central on ABC.