Gallavant: "Completely Mad...Alena" and "Dungeons and Dragon Lady” Recap
It's Queen Madalena's time for a plan. image source ""

While both of these episodes were amazing, there isn't much to say. Both episodes were pretty much about the same thing. So instead of the normal set up when both episodes are broken down separately, they will be broken down together.

The episode starts with Galavant, Princess Isabella and Sid on the Pirate ship almost at the kingdom of Valencia. Isabella is starting to feel more and more guilty about walking Galavant into a trap and is trying her hardest into delaying and even stopping Galavant from going and trying to rescue Queen Madalena. The Queen still has no idea what's going on and dismisses his actions as his normal shenanigans and walks away. She walks away and goes to her room. She stops and thinks (and sings a song) about how she should be in charge because no one is fit to rule except her. So she goes and sees the cook and bribes him into poisoning King Richard's food.

After they get on land, Sid is trying to talk Galavant and Isabella into a device where you don't have to pull your pants down to use the bathroom. An apparatus to zip and unzip on your trousers. While Sid is doing that, Isabella is trying to talk Galavant into waiting another day or so to storm the castle (She suggested a week but Galavant said his rescue will be so heroic that songs will be written about it and nothing rhymes with Wednesday). Isabella tells Galavant that he needs to shower, Galavant doesn't agree until he smells himself and decides to take her advice and stop somewhere and take a bath.

Their the monks *clap*
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Isabella takes Sid and Galavant to the most well known monastery in her kingdom. These are no ordinary monks. They didn't take a vow of silence, they took a vow of song (The lead monk is played by Weird Al Yankovic). So the monks sang a song about who they are, where Galavant could bathe, and Sid is absolutely in love with this consept. After Galavant leaves to take his bath, Isabella talks to one of the monks about what to do about her current situation. He pretty much just recaps the events and there was no advice given.

Back at the castle, Queen Madalena over hears King Richards is going to kill Galavant. While King Richard is preparing his voice and speech for when his plan comes full circle (he settles on "Well, well, well..." in his most intimidating voice). But Galavant is late. The door opens and King Richard turn around expecting it to be Galavant and says, "WELL, WELL, WELL," and it’s Princess Isabella. She tells King Richard that he will get the stone and set her parents free, but can't kill Galavant. King Richard obviously doesn't agree to her terms. Princess Isabella says that she will not give him the stone. King Richard's says this was predictable and says that if she doesn't deliver Galavant and the stone that she will suffer the same fate as her parents. Unveils her parent’s heads on a platter. King Richards laughs because they aren't really dead. Her parents said they agreed because King Richard said it would be funny and that they have been prisoners so long they lost perspective. King Richard then went on to say that he will kill her parents "For realizees" if she doesn't get Galavant there.

It was kinda funny
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The time has come and Galavant and Sid dress as monks to infiltrate the castle since the monks were going to perform anyway. Too bad King Richard already knew (and ruined his entrance being nervous). So as Galavant is explaining what's going on, he asks Isabella where her parents are being held, King Richard comes down the stairs and says "Probably in your butt!". Then he explains that they couldn't literally be in his butt and says "WELL, WELL, WELL...Too late. I shouldn't have gone with the stupid butt joke". Galavant fights off King Richard’s knights but Gareth grabs Princess Isabella and threatens to kill her if he doesn't surrender. King Richard is mad because only he was supposed to say the cool things. Galavant does as King Richards says and then King Richard reveals that she knew about this all along. King Richard then says his "WELL, WELL, WELL..." in his deep voice and says "Nailed it". Galavant is set to be hung.

At the hanging, King Richard is about to have Galavant executed when he finds out that the chef was put in his place. The Chef tells King Richard that Queen Madalena planned to have him killed and switched him for Galavant. King Richard becomes distraught that the Queen played him for a fool, but Gareth tells him that he's been trying to tell him that and that he wouldn't listen. Gareth then leaves because he has a job to do for The Queen. King Richards asks the Chef what he should do. The Chef says he needs to relax and tells him that he needs Xanax. The King asks if he's the new wizard and the Chef says yes. So they make their way to see Xanax for help.

Waaaaait. That's not Galavant
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Back in the Queen's chamber, Queen Madalena is telling Galavant that she wants to rule and have Galavant at her side as her...special friend. Galavant professes his love for her and that he planned on them living somewhere in the country together to which Madalena says sounds very boring and that she loves him as much as someone like her can love someone (and does so in a hilarious song). Galavant is still confused is sent him back to the dungeon to be tortured by Gareth.

Galavant has no clue what Madalena is proposing to him.
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King Richard and the Chef make their way to see Xanax (who's played by Ricky Gervais) and gives King Richard a "potion" to drink that makes him trip. During his hallucination, King Richard goes back to his castle when his father died and his brother Kingsley was to be made king. King Richard, who was called Dicky then, was being completely ignored and couldn't even see what was going on. After Kingsley refused to be king because he "Only takes things and not given things, the sword was then to be passed on to Dicky since he was next in line. Gareth was named his protector who said "Sure. Even if I am only 11". Just as Dicky is about to become King Richard, Kingsley takes the sword and says "Now I am to be king". King Richard realizes that it was this moment that made him such a naïve wuss. King Richard comes back to Xanax's home and is about to leave when Xanax tells him that he can't ride his for at least an hour.

Why, yes, that is Ricky Gervais playing a Xanax.
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While King Richard is having his moment of clarity, a lot is going on in the dungeon a lot is going on. Galavant is trying to figure out if Madalena saying she loves him as much as someone like her can love somebody is a good thing or not. Sid and Princess Isabella are trying to convince him that she doesn't love him at all. Isabella is trying to tell Galavant that she likes him (But does so babbling and Galavant calls her "Isababbla".). And Gareth is saying how much he doesn't want to kill King Richard because that's his friend despite all his flaws. Gareth decides to not kill King Richard and goes off to tell Queen Madalena so. Galavant and Isabella sing a song about their feelings (It's a really sweet song) and Galavant decides to go free the people of Valencia. Through all of this, Galavant just realized they left the cells just by opening the door. Apparently no one bothered to check to see if they were locked.

Back in the King's throne room, Gareth tells Queen Madalena that he will not kill the king and as Gareth says that, King Richard comes in with a new found confidence and tells Madalena it's over. Just then, Kingsley returns. Apparently, the message she sent earlier wasn't to Gareth but to Kingsley.

Rating: 8

Hands down the best episode of the season.