Episode 3 "Two Balls":

Galavant, Princess Isabella, and Sid grow wearier during their travel and Sid suggests that they stop and take time to rest in the village that adopted him. When they arrive, they come across a statue of Sid standing victorious over a dragon's head. Sid turns to them and says that he may have exaggerated his time with Galavant to the people of his town. Upon entering, Sid is greeted by a woman looking for an autograph (which he signed on her boob). Galavant is tickled by this, until they arrive at Sid's house and at the last minute he tells them that he told his parents that Galavant is his squire. Sid's parents open the door and greet Sid and Princess Isabella with smiles and hugs. They ask them if they are hungry to which Galavant enthusiastically says yes. Sid's mother then hands him a fowl and tells him to prepare it. Galavant was not happy.

Sid might have exaggerated his tales a bit.
image source "tvtome.com"

At dinner, Sid's parents are talking about how proud they were of him becoming a knight and so forth and in the middle of all of his flustering; he says that he is engaged to Princess Isabella. She goes right along with it to make Sid's parents happy. They decide that this was cause for a ball. Where is Galavant during all of this? Sitting at the squire's table. Later, Galavant and Princess Isabella re in Sid's room and Galavant is laughing at Sid's collection of figurines (that Galavant is calling dolls). Princess Isabella says that Galavant is being poppas and should try being a sport for Sid and not be so selfish for once. Galavant said that he is being selfless by saving her kingdom. Princess Isabella immediately reminds Galavant that he isn't doing it for her or her village, but for his love.

Galavant is later seen with a bunch of the squires of the town who are professing their hatred for the knights. They don't know Galavant is a knight himself and begins to here how much they hate their knights and why. What's even more shocking to him are the things that the squires do to their knights. For example, one of the squires said that he spits in his knight's drink every day and he loves it. In fact the one time he didn't he said that it didn't taste right. Galavant starts to realize that he has actually been everything that Isabella says he was.

At the ball, Galavant pulls Sid aside and tells him why he picked him to be his squire. It was because he liked him. Unlike the other applicants, Sid was likeable and not just typical squire.

Meanwhile, King Richard decides to throw a ball for the people of Valencia (the people who's town he destroyed) to boost their spirit. He then turns to his Queen and tells him that her and the Jester should go to her chamber and not leave until they have come up with a routine. The Jester and Queen giggle away to her chamber. Gareth just looks at the king because he still doesn't realize that she is totally having sex with the Jester. The King and Gareth set everything up. Two problems. One, the people of Valencia don't eat meat and the only vegetables they have are the few he kept after he burned all their crops (which King Richard found Hilarious) and he also needed a live band. So he charges the executioners with making upbeat music for the ball even though all they play is slow death music.

It's the night of the ball and the jester comes out, tells one joke, and then gets off the stage. King Richards ask if that was it and the Jester said "Always keep them wanting more.". The King just nodded and went on with the ball. He then brings out a wagon with some of the vegetables of Valencia and the two people are ecstatic, then King Richard sets fire to them saying "Since the people of Valencia can't have any, then neither should I". He doesn't get how much of a jerk he's looking like. So after the Executioners play a horribly morose song, King Richard ask why they're so mad and asks them to roast him. They town’s people do and King Richard is enjoying it until one guy goes "He's so dumb he doesn't even realize his wife is cheating on him with the Jester". OOOOUCH. King Richard has Gareth...dispose of him.

A badly done good gesture.
image source "wegotthiscovered.com"

Rating: 7.5

Episode 4 "Comedy Gold":

The episode starts with Galavant, Princess Isabella, and Sid arguing about whose fault it was that pirates captured them. Then they are brought to their home, which was not a pirate ship. Apparently their ship ended up on top of a hill and the crew argued on how to get the ship down so it ended up just staying there (there was a hilarious song that went along with it. Definitely worth checking out). So the Captain pulls Galavant aside and gives him an ultimatum; either join him and his friends die or they all die. Galavant easily escapes the restraints, takes the "Pirate" captain's sword and tells him no, but said he would help him get the ship off of the cliff if he gave him and his friends a lift to Velencia. The Captain agrees. When the two get back to where Sid and Princess Isasbella were tied up, they find the pirates defeated. So they pirates along with Galavant, Princess Isabella, and Sid worked together to get the ship off the cliff and they were on their way to Velencia.

Pirate of the sea (even though they're no on the sea)
image source "tvtome.com"

While on the ship, Galavant told Isabella that he appreciated everything she's done for him and he was glad they were friends. Isabella feels bad that she was deceiving Galavant (remember she's really working for King Richard) and starts to tell Galavant what she was doing, but Galavant doesn't hear her and she keeps it to herself.

Back at King Richard's Castle, King Richard is talking to Gareth and upset that he never noticed that the Jester was doing his wife. King Richard decides that something must be done. So he finds the Jester alone in his chamber approaches him with a sword and stabs him...with a rubber sword. King Richard found this hilarious, the jester not so much. King Richard tells him that he wants to kill him (he actually said it would be funny to cut his face off and sew it back on inside out) but decides instead to have the jester teach him to be funny. The jester agrees mostly because it's either that or death.

So the night comes and King Richard gathers the people of Valencia and his Queen to his performance. And he bombs. He tells nothing but bad puns that no one found funny. The jester cuts his show short and tells the king to go for the grand finale. He hands King Richard a pie and hits Gareth in the face with it. The crowd enjoys it. King Richards was going to do it again, but Gareth started to draw his sword and King Richard quickly changed his mind. So in order to get laughs, King Richard brings out the unic and allows people to kick him in the groin (there is no feeling there so it didn't hurt him).

After the show, the queen went to the jester looking for sex and the jester said no because he started to feel bad for what he was doing. The Queen said that since he grew a conscience he was of no use to him and had him thrown in the dungeon (and the ones with the scary rats) The jester cried out "At least let me change my clothes! These are gang colors!", but the Queen would not listen. King Richard then comes around the corner and continues to tell her bad jokes.

Rating 8:

Really good episode. Maybe their best one. Check out the musical numbers. They're really good

It is a good thing this is a mini series. The direction the show is going is a bit obvious (especially since it's a fairy tale of sorts). Hopefully there will be a curveball at the end.