Marvel's Agent Carter returned for the second episode Tuesday evening. While they had two hours for their premier episode this week they had to squeeze a meaningful Marvel storyline into the hour slot that they will normally work with. The conclusion of the first episode ended with the discovery of the license plate of the car Jarvis was driving during the refinery explosion being found by the SSR. This week Agent Carter had to deal with balancing her duties at the SSR with her own private escapade to clear her friend Howard Stark's name. 

The second episode deals with Carter trying to discovery who stole Stark's secret weapons by returning to the where they were taken from. She goes to Stark's mansion with hope of finding some clues that others had missed during the investigation. Once there their plans to take another look at the burglary are interrupted by the arrival of two SSR agents. The agents give Jarvis two options, either come downtown with them or they can wait to get a warrant to figure out why the license plate was at the crime scene by searching the property. Jarvis agrees to go downtown to keep the agents from entering the house with a warrant and discovering Agent Carter hiding inside. Once they arrive inside the SSR station Jarvis is taken to an interrogation room to be questioned by the SSR's top interrogator. Agent Carter arrived shortly after and just in time to witness the questioning process going on. 

During the questioning Jarvis proclaimed that he filed a stolen car report and that he certainly couldn’t be held accountable for what happened to the car. The SSR claimed they couldn't find the report even though they had it in the next room and went into a hard line of questions. They brought up that Jarvis was dishonorably discharged from the English military and was accused of treason before intervention from Stark. After bringing up the treason they threatened to call immigration and have him and his beloved wife deported if he did not come forth with his information on Stark. T

his caused Agent Carter to spring into action and secretly get the Chief of SSR to sign the stolen car report before mentioning they had it In front of Jarvis, allowing him to leave. Once freed from the SSR, Carter and Jarvis returned to the task of looking for new clues. They traced the escape root of the thirds and found the majority of the missing weapons on a boat docked just a little but up river. They used a pay phone to leave an anonymous tip to SSR before being attacked by a hired thug who was trying to prevent the weapons recovery. 

Carter and Jarvis defeated the thug and left the scene before the SSR could arrive. Once the SSR arrived they loaded the discovered Stark tech and tasked Agent Kryzeminski with transporting the subdued thug. The thug asked if the English woman that subdued him is working for SSR and Krzeminiski starts to get suspicious that it could be Carter. Before he can put the pieces together a mysterious man in a coat and hat executes both Krzmeniski and the thug at a Red-light. When Carter arrives at the SSR the mood is understandably very gloomy. She gets the news of Krzmeniski's death moments before the Chief informs the SSR that his blood is on Howard Stark's hands and that they will devote themselves to taking him down. The show ends with a visibly shaken Carter at her friend’s job asking her if she still has her bottle of schnapps. 

The show has set a tone for what will be a moral clash in Carter's heart between trusting her duty to the SSR and government and helping Howard Stark who was an ally of both Captain America and herself during the war. With more questions than answers right now the show should continue to connect the dots and provide thrills for Marvel fans eager to better understand the early days of the MCU. 

Episode Rating: 7