The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 7: Crossed
Gene Page/AMC

The mission to save Beth and Carol continues. In this week’s episode of The Walking Dead, we see the crew preparing their attack on Dawn’s Grady Memorial hospital group.

Rick, Tyrese, Daryl, Sasha, and Noah conjure up a plan to make the attack as smooth as possible. Rick’s plan is to slowly take down Dawn’s group since they won’t be expecting it, but Tyrese and Daryl oppose the idea. Instead, the two would like to rescue Beth and Carol without shedding blood.

Tyrese and Daryl’s plan is to bait a couple of the cops from Grady Memorial and keep them as hostages to compromise with Dawn. To do that, they send Noah outside to let his gun go off, so that a couple of the cops could hear gunshots and follow the noise. The plan works perfectly. Upon hearing gunshots, Dawn sends two of her cops to check it out. As the cops head out, they find Noah and tie him up, but Rick’s group shows up to capture the cops instead.

Meanwhile, Michonne and Carl are left at the church to take care of Judith along with Father Gabriel. Carl offers Gabriel weapons to choose from, so he could protect himself. A terrified Gabriel chooses the machete and hides off in his office. While at his office, he uses the machete to quietly remove some of the floor tiles to escape the church through an underground passage. He makes it out without Carl and Michonne realizing that he has left the building.

In the meantime, Abraham’s group is waiting for Eugene to regain consciousness. While waiting on Eugene to awake, Glenn, Tara, and Rosita roam to a nearby creek to get some water. At the creek, in addition to attaining water, they find out that there are fish swimming inside it and are able to catch some.

At Grady Memorial, Beth is trying to do her best to save Carol. She bribes one of the patients with strawberries to help her, so the patient does everything he can to distract all the cops, while Beth sneaks some drugs that would cure Carol.

Going back to Rick’s group, they are consulting with their hostages to figure out how they would compromise with Dawn. One of the cops, named Bob, offers to give help. He educates Rick about Dawn and how he could make a deal with her. As Rick walks off, Bob has a heartwarming, one-on-one conversation with Sasha, who is still grieving over the loss of her boyfriend. While having a pleasant conversation with Sasha, Bob makes up a story about one of his walker friends who he saw on the streets just recently. Sasha offers to help him put down the walker, but the whole thing was a setup, as Bob finds the perfect opportunity to shove Sasha from behind, causing her to hit her head on a window which knocks her out, while Bob runs off.  

Rick’s plan was to attack Dawn’s group when least expected. Now, Bob has escaped and may be able to make it back to the hospital to warn Dawn about Rick’s group. It looks like blood will be shed after all during the midseason finale. It’s going to be an all-out battle, and people are going to die. We will have to wait and see who those people are.

It seems like this episode was prolonging the story to set up for a huge finale next week. Not much action took place in this episode, but there was a lot of plotting and story build up.

Episode 7 – Overall Grade: 7.8/10