Sons Of Anarchy: "Suits Of Woe" Review

Last episode Able told Jax that since Wendy is his second mommy that why grandma killed his first mommy. That left Jax head spinning, trying to search for answers. Opening scene of this episode shows us that Jax has spent the entire night sitting on the floor of Able’s room, no doubt trying to wrap his head around what his five-year-old son just told him. Morning finally arrives and Jax goes into the kitchen where Wendy is making coffee. Wendy, feeling as though she needs to clear her conscience and stop with the secrets tells Jax when she got out of rehab and went back to her apartment Juice was there and that Gemma was helping him out. The why Gemma would help Juice is driving Jax to dig deeper. He leaves to go get some answers but before he does, he tells Wendy "Take care of our boys". Looks like Wendy is finally back in Jax good graces and no longer seen as a “junkie whore”. 

Jax goes to Unser looking for answers. He wants to know why his mother would help Juice. Unser doesn't know, but he does know that the Chinese guy the Gemma fingered as the one who killed Tara was not in Charming the night Tara was killed. He was in Vegas being held in a drunk tank. Jax needed to speak to Juice face-to-face. Jax ask Unser if sheriff Jarry could make it happen. Unser needed a little bit of incentive to make the meeting happen so Jax tells Unser if he arranges the sit down the camera footage from the sit down will give the police answers they can use to find Tara's murderer. Unser agrees to get Jax inside to have a sit down with Juice but ultimately Jax sets a plan in motion to have the cameras turned off once he and Juice are alone. 

Back at the prison, Juice gets the word that its time to kill Henry Lin. Lin is being held in a boiler room and he's handcuffed to pipe while standing on a chair. Juice sets up a phone to record and tells Lin if he just tells him who ratted the club out and told him the location of the guns he would be set costless. Lin confesses that it was Barosky that ratted on the club. Juice got what he wanted and then kills Lin. Three stabs to the neck. Now that it’s done its time to meet up with Jax.

Jax makes his way to the prison to have his sit down with Juice but first he meets with Tully to secure the room. Tully and Jax have a few words and Tully lets Jax know that Lin is dead and hands him over the phone. Juice makes his way in the room and Tully leave, not before tell his he'll see him later. Juice sits down and Jax stares at him. Juice tell him he did what the club wanted him to do, no doubt Juice think its over. But Jax, starts asking him questions. He tells Juice his son told him Gemma killed his mommy. He knows that Juice was hiding out in Wendy's apartment. He can't piece everything together and he needs Juice's help. With tears rolling down his cheek Juice tells the entire truth. He tells Jax he went to his house that night looking for Gemma, as Jax had asked. It's not until he says Tara was dead after apparently getting into a fight with Gemma that Jax loses it. By the time Juice finished his story his tone has change to emotionless. He walked in that room thinking he had hope of paying his debt to the club. Now, that he has told the truth he know his fate is doomed. Jax hold it together long enough to thank Juice for the truth and told him he will make sure it will be quick. Juice gives a courtesy call to Gemma let her know that Jax knows everything.

Gemma knows Jax will be looking for her so she starts packing to skip town. Gemma is about ready to leave when she hears Happy and Rat ride up to her house with the help of Chucky she does get a step ahead of SAMCRO. Back at the garage Unser and Jax get into it and Jax punched Unser. With that Unser orders an ABP out on jax.

There is a car chase with the police and Jax manages to get away and hides out in Alvarez's office. Jax calls the crew over and at the table; Jax apologizes for the lack of communication and tells the club what he learned that day about Gemma and Juice—and how the man whose head he'd split open wasn't even in the state when Tara was killed. Jax takes full responsibility for everything that has happened. He says he's going to sit down with the presidents from the other SOA charters and come clean about Jury and accept his fate. Jax says, "I'm sorry that the family I was given created so much chaos in the family I've chosen," he says. "I hope you know I love you all very much." There's just silence. The club leaves without first giving their hugs and letting him know that they love him. 

Nero then shows up, and they have a sit down. Nero still cares for Gemma is some way because he asks what is Jax going to do about Gemma. “.... But a son killing his mother... Jax, that's a wound that's too deep to heal. And I know you... that's gonna swallow you up. That's gonna destroy you, man." Nero tells Jax. Jax knows that. "That's the part that hurts the most about all this, man. I mean after everything she did—all the lies, the death, and the wreckage—I still love her, you know. She's my mom," Jax says. Jax voice cracks. He starts crying into his hand, Jax just cannot comprehend. He can barley speak when he says, "How could she do this?" Nero and Jax hug each other, and Jax lets the tears just fall and sobs. Nero's the best father figure Jax has ever had.

Last scene of the night and the last time we see Gemma she is driving and humming to herself. The road sign says 9 miles to Portento, 23 miles to Fortuna, and 47 miles to Eureka.


With just two episodes left until the series is over this by far had to be the most emotional, and gut wrenching episode to date. It ranks right up there with the scene of Jax sobbing over Tara's dead body. The truth comes out fully in the episode and Gemma goes on the run. Juice's fate is somewhat sealed with death even though he still alive by the end. I can see Able has become a lot less hostile knowing he has a mommy and that his grandma is no longer around. This episode is a 10 out of 10! I couldn't have asked for anything more, it even has a pretty cool car chase scene.