The title alone sent chills. Have you read some of the Supernatural fan fiction? To put it mildly, it's creepy.

The episode starts off with a typewriter writing; Supernatural "Pilot" created by Erik Kripke. And it continues with a play on stage and girl on a couch reading a book and a bad prop ghost falls from the ceiling and she screams. In comes two women dressed as Sam and Dean Winchester complete with Shotguns and then the director yells cut. The camera pans over to a high school girl who is all but pleased with the performance of her actors. After the two continue bickering the teacher leaves upset because there is "Too much drama in the drama club." (her exact words).

The teacher leaves the school to go to her car talking on her phone complaining that the story is too far fetch. All of a sudden, there's a rumbling in the bushes, so of course she goes and investigates. The teacher is wrapped up in tree vines and dragged into the bushes. "Supernatural" is shown in show lights. Teenage director says that the sign is ok but needs more. Then a montage of all of the Supernatural opening signs are shown (It was pretty cool).

We now see Dean working on his car outside a random motel. Sam comes out and Dean tell him that he found a case. Sam skeptical says "I guess you feel better". Dean explains that a teacher in Flint, Michigan disappeared after going to her car and wasn't seen again. Sam doesn't think it's a case, but Dean insists on going because hunting is what feels normal to him. So the brothers make their way to Michigan and to the school she was last seen at. The two walk into the auditorium where the first thing they see is a girl saying "Idjits" dressed just like their old friend and father figure Bobby (complete with beard). The two are confused, but then they see a girl by the stage saying "Hey, ass-butt" dressed like Castiel and holding a fake Holy Water Molotov cocktail. Sam and Dean are even more confused. THEN there is a musical playing about their mother and father and bringing home Sam for the first time and ten their mother burning on Sam's room's sealing. This is there life. The two are very confused.

The director, who's name is Marie, introduces herself and her assistant May because they think the brothers are from the publisher. Sam pulls out his badge only to see two girls on stage doing the same thing. Sam puts Dean's hand down before he can pull out his badge. Sam starts to talk about the case and Dean blurts out that there is no singing in "Supernatural" and if there was it would be classic rock. They continue to question the two students and they tell them that has become a drunk since her divorce. The two split up to check for cursed objects. Dean gets Marie as a guide. Marie starts to tell Dean about the melodrama scene and Dean realizes that's how him and Sam look in front of their car. Marie says she knows they're brothers, but it's subtext. Dean becomes even more uncomfortable. Sam is with May around the sound studio and asks her if she's heard anything weird. May plays all of their sound affect of creepy noises. So, no.

Dean and Marie are in the missing teacher's room where she explains that this is based off of the Supernatural books that were written (see season 5 for details on that) and that there was no way the story could end with Dean living with Lisa and Sam back from Hell but not with Dean. So she decides to write her own version with aliens and ninjas and...Dean temporarily becoming a woman. Dean tells Marie he can tell her what really happened because he has the unreleased books and then tells her the cliff notes of their life. She calls it some of the worst fan fiction she's ever heard. Back at their car, Sam is saying how there is nothing supernatural going on and that there isn't a case. Dean agrees and the two go on their way.

It's now night, and Marie is talking one of the students trying to talk her into coming back to the show. The other girl says that she is going to get the show canceled. The girl takes a few steps and is carried away by some sort of scarecrow looking monster with vines for arms.

Back from commercial, Sam and Dean are back at the auditorium investigating the girl's disappearance. The only thing the cameras picked up was a flower that was found by the dumpster. This happened to be the same flower that was left by the teacher's cell phone. Marie comes to them and tells them what she saw and how no one believed them. Marie and May are scared because now they believe in monsters and demons. Sam says they should and says that they are real and says that they are Sam and Dean Winchester. The girls laugh at them hysterically because they are too old to be Sam and Dean. That they are more of a Bobby/Rufus combo. They settle on just being FBI Hunters. Marie goes on to say she changed the lore because she was scared as a kid.

Sam and Dean move away from Marie and May for a second and Sam says that he knows he's seen the flower somewhere lore and there has to be a connection. Sam goes to look for it and Dean goes to the boiler room to burn the Scarecrow. They burn the scarecrow and go back to the library only to find out that it's not a Tulpa (conjured being). It's Calliope the goddess of epic poetry. She's associated with borage (the flower from the crime). She gets tuned into the story and manifests creatures from the story to motivate the writer and then she eats the author after the play is done. But in order to get Calliope, the play has to be finished. So, the show must go on (Dean's words).

Back from break, Marie is freaking out because she could possibly be eaten and die. Sam leaves Dean to work on the spell to stop her. Marie blames herself for making the play, but Dean tells her that she is wrong and motivates her into keeping on going. She decides to play Sam and "Barbra Streisand this b***h". The show is about to start, and Dean gives them a pep talk and amps them up to put on a performance of a lifetime.

Sam, Dean, and the cast of the "Supernatural the musical".
Image source ""

The show starts and it is absolutely hilarious seeing their story in musical form. Even Dean is bobbing his head to the music. While the play is going on, Sam is taken away by Colliope's scarecrow and vanishes. Sam was transported to the basement and trapped. Colliope reveals herself and holds Sam against the wall with her powers. Marie is getting scared and tells her to continue on. Marie looks scared but agrees. Dean continues the search for his brother. Collippe is saying that she can't wait to consume her. No clue why, but she says it's probably because the story is real.

Back on stage, Marie is on her solo and as she finishes, the scarecrow manifests itself and Dean runs across the stage and tackles it. Everyone thinks it's part of the story. Dean and the scarecrow battle back and forth. Back in the basement, the student and the teacher attack Colliope while she's distracted holding Sam and telling her why she chose this play. Typical villain "This is why I am doing this" speech. On stage, Marie (who is playing Sam) faces her fears and stabs the scarecrow, while in the basement, Sam stabs Colliope. The audience is silent and then breaks into a round of applause not knowing any of that was real. Dean walks up to Marie and says "Take a bow, Sammy".

May thanks Sam and says if he cut his hair, he'd make a great Dean. Dean tells Marie to keep writing and that she's doing a great job. Sam admits that Dean was and that it's time to get back on the road and keep on hunting.

The episode ends with Marie talking to the writer of the Supernatural books and smiles and says "Not bad".

Rating: 10

This was a great 200th episode. It was a good retrospective episode without having a ton of flashbacks cheapening the episode. The girls singing, "Carry on my Wayward son" by Kansas was an amazing touch. There was a ton of comedy, a well-written story, and a perfect ending.