Ruxin is missing in action again in this week’s episode of The League, and there is no indication of where he is.

However, this week, Andre is pretending to be blind as he has acquired a pair of large glasses to endorse his foolish act. Of course, the guys don’t buy Andre’s lie about him being blind, but Andre does not know that the fellas are aware of his absurd stunt.

What’s more, Andre and Kevin’s teams are matched up this week, and Andre comes up with this idea of “honesty” as he tells Kevin that they should set each other’s lineups to show that they have trust in each other. Kevin uses Andre’s fake blindness story against him as he forces Andre to take off his glasses and benches one of Andre’s running backs, Eddie Lacy. As a result, Kevin’s fantasy team crushes Andre’s.

In the meantime, Pete enjoys epileptic sex (epi-sex) with his new girlfriend, Heather, who has mini seizures during intercourse. However, during the next time he and Heather perform intercourse, Pete is the one who has a seizure while having sex and this time, he’s the one to please Heather instead.  

Meanwhile, Jenny is forced to cook chow mein for Ellie’s class as part of a school project. The downside is that Jenny has been fooling Ellie for years as she has been feeding her chow mein that she orders from a Chinese restaurant and has been passing it off as her own cooking. The truth is that she does not know how to cook chow mein on her own.

When in need of help, Jenny turns to Taco, who supposedly knows a really good Chinese chef, Lee Wei Lee. However, Taco’s chef is an utter failure, so Jenny decides to make the chow mein by herself. Taco, all the while, has been secretly hiding his marijuana in different locations at the MacArthur house. He actually decides to hide it in the Chinese spices, in which Jenny used to cook her chow mein and unknowingly poured the marijuana in the food. When the children in Ellie’s class, including her homeroom teacher, eat the chow mein, they begin to act weird, and that’s when Jenny realizes that there is weed in the food.

There was a pretty strong dose of Rafi in this episode as well with Ruxin missing, but his parts in Wednesday night’s episode seemed irrelevant and tedious. Throughout the episode, he randomly pops up and talks about his self-defense course for women and how Lee Wei Lee stole his girlfriend. Rafi ends up fighting Lee Wei Lee over the girl, and that’s how the episode concludes.

There weren’t many good moments from this episode. It seemed to have lost some energy with Ruxin absent once again. There is no sign of what’s going on, but it seems like Ruxin’s appearances in this show are slowly reducing. Ruxin is one of the best and most energetic characters on the show. He makes the show much better and without him, the episodes are not as hysterical. Nonetheless, there was one lesson to be learned from this episode - honesty. Andre was not honest about his eye sight, while Jenny was not honest to Ellie about her cooking. In both cases, not being honest backfired. 

Episode 10 – Overall Grade: 5.7/10