Supernatural: "Paper Moon" Review
The Wincheseters are back at it again IMAGE SOURCE ""

When we last left, Castiel (who now has some angel grace) and Sam got all of the demon out of Dean and Dean is back to normal. Unfortunately, Dean still has the mark of Cain on him and will still have the violent urges.
The episode starts with "Werewolves of London" playing and through someone else's point of view, we see a person walking into a biker bar. It turns out to be a woman who finds a guy and takes him outside for what looks like some making out or sex. She rips his shirt off and then finger nails turn into claws and she slices across his throat and leaves him to bleed out. *Cue "Supernatural Logo"

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We now find Dean and Sam actually relaxing. After everything that has happened to them, they decided to take some time and recuperate. Dean asks Sam how he breaks his arm after all the other nonsense they've been through (a question every fan has wondered). Well, more ragging on him than asking. Sam says it was demon. Sam then asks Dean if he's o.k., to which Dean says he is. There is a pause until Dean asks if Sam read the paper and saw the attack. Sam tries to talk him out of it, Dean tells him he needs it. Sam agrees but only after making Dean agree that if things go sideways for him that Dean lets him know.

Dean and Sam show up at the local police station in what appears to be animal control uniforms. Dean is completely out of practice talking to cops and being in character and it's hilarious. The officer tells them that their hearts were ripped out and that the only reliable witness isn't someone that can be taken seriously. He tells them that the guy swore he saw another woman get torn up. Except there was no woman's body found. The guys head out to the bar where the guy's body was found and talk to the witness. He's hesitant to talk to them because of their badges, but they convince him that they have seen some weird stuff in their travels. He tells them that the girl that was attacked that night at the bar and she was bloodied up, but when he turned around to help her she was gone. Like a ghost.

The Winchesters head up to the spot where the girl who was last saw. They grab their werewolf hunting guns and make their way to the barn. Dean comes across chicken heads (not the ratchet kind). Dean finds a girl on he phone with her back turned. She smells Dean and tries to take off, but is cut off by Sam. To Sam's surprise, they know her. It's Kate. A werewolf they let go because she wasn't evil (season 8).

The Winchester's chain her up and start asking questions on why he she changed her mind and didn't go straight. She says that something in her changed. She evolved. Dean is about to kill her, but Sam offers to kill her because he thinks Dean isn't ready. Sam gets a phone call saying that there had been another animal attack cross-town and that the body was still warm so it couldn't have been Kate. While the guys are talking, Kate escapes using one of her claws. Sam doesn't think she did it. Dean took her phone to see whom she was calling and it was a hotel.

In the car on their way to the hotel that Kate called, Dean knows that Sam thinks he's not ready to take a life. But Dean asks Sam is he himself is ready to kill because of what happened to Lester (the guy from episode two who Sam accidentally talked into selling his soul). Sam says there's nothing to talk about and the two argue back and forth about who needs to talk more. Dean for killing him or Sam for getting his soul bought by a demon. The two don't talk about it and continue the drive.

Back at the hotel, Sam and Dean are tracking a woman coming out of Kate's room. They assume it's Kate and start to follow her. She's following a jogger and they stop him right before it looks like she is about to pounce on the jogger. The woman was not Kate. She is in fact a werewolf though. Right before Dean could test her, she jumps and attacks the Winchesters. While she is on Sam, Kate comes out of nowhere and stops her. She runs away and right as Sam is about to shoot her, Kate tells them that was her sister.

Back from the break, Dean is pissed because he lost her and needs to know why she's a werewolf. Kate apparently turned her and since being turned she has been slaughtering people. They trio leave the woods and take the conversation to a diner. At the diner, Kate explains that she carries a silver knife in case she goes crazy and goes on to explain that the only people she has killed are those who deserve it and has never eaten a human heart. She says she eats deer and game and things like that. Kate says yoga helps. Dean laughs at her. Kate says that after school, she tried to go back home and realized it just wasn't safe going to be safe for her family. Kate later saw a Facebook post that her sister Tasha had been in a really bad car accident and went to go visit her.

So in order to save her life, she turned her into a werewolf. Kate explained to her what she was and what was necessary to live and not be an animal. Kate thought Tasha had it under control, until one day she came home and found her eating a human body. Kate tells Sam and Dean that it's her responsibility to solve the problem she created even if it means killing her. Dean tells Kate that he knows a way to cure her. Kate is ecstatic and goes to get Tasha. Too bad Dean was lying. Sam is telling Dean that it isn't right to just kill her. Dean says that she is a monster and has to die (A bit of irony there).

It's nighttime, Sam and Dean with Late asleep in the passenger seat on their way to get Tasha. Sam goes on to admit that Lester wasn't the first person he went too far on in order to save Dean. He explains that seeing him die and then seeing him come back as a demon really messed him up. Dean hoped the note would keep him away. Dean is embarrassed by all the things he did even though he was a demon. Even now. The two have a normal Winchester moment and they're back to normal. When they get to the cabin that Tasha is at, Dean cuffs Kate to the steering wheel and tells her that her sister has gone too far and that there is no turning back for her now. Sam doesn't seem too happy about this.

Sam and Dean enter the cabin ready to kill Tasha. Sam finds Tasha first and she's sad that her sister sold her out. Sam tells her she didn't and Tasha tells him that he isn't going to kill her. Dean says Sam's name and when he turns around, he sees a guy with a gun to Dean's head. Dean tells him not to drop the gun, the guy holding Dean hits Dean with the gun and then Sam obviously drops the gun. Kate is brought back in by another guy. Apparently Tasha has been turning people and the two guys are her new family. Tasha tells Kate to join their new pack or leave. Kate refuses and Tasha tells her two guy wolves to kill Sam and Dean and save her a heart.

Kate continues to try and talk her out of going down the animal path. Tasha says that she was tired of being weak and now she's strong. You know, the typical villain rant. In the other room, Sam and Dean make short work of the world's worst werewolves. Tasha is still trying to talk her into being a family again. Kate pulls her close, says she loves her and kills her sister. Sam and Dean kick in the door and Kate is gone and left Tasha's dead body.

Sam and Dean are back on the road on their way back home. Sam and Dean decide to not go after Kate and kill her. Sam calls out Dean for almost killing Kate even though she was not the killer. Sam says that maybe Dean wasn't ready to get back into the swing of things. Dean says he needed to because he needed to do it instead of sitting around doing nothing and stewing. Kate's phone rings and it's Kate calling from a payphone. She says her goodbyes and goes on her way hoping to never see the Winchesters again.

Dean says that maybe Sam is right that he's not ready to hunt, but he has to because he has to do the right thing because he is sick of doing the wrong thing.

Rating: 6

This was just an average episode. Not really much going on in the story of the Winchester's life.