The Blacklist: The Mombasa Cartel

WARNING: Partial to Full Spoilers!!!

On paper, Red has been labeled as cruel, crooked, vengeful and countless other synonyms. Little did we know, that he has a soft and caring side. Yes, he cares for the ones he loves, but that is different. He is passionate about helping the helpless; he has been supporting this group of animal activists that prevent poachers from killing animals in Africa. Dead members of the Mombasa Cartel have been washing up on different parts of the globe. These remains were skinned after they were killed. Eventually, the FBI was able to link other Mombasa Cartels that have gone or been missing to a group known as the Animal Underground. Agent Ressler was sent to investigate the former headquarters of the Animal Underground.

On the other side of the nation, Red has been spending time with Zoe. Zoe is the supposed key to unlocking Berlin's secrets against Red. She has no idea what she has been dragged into. She has been pitted between two titans of the criminal underworld.

Liz has been assigned to go undercover for a philanthropist to assist her in gaining more information on the Mombasa Cartel. Red, in the past has given some funding this organization to prevent and protect the animals from poachers. While undercover, Liz, receives a text from the guard she has hired to guard the locked door. She then rushes to the site to find her hired guard unconscious and Red's hired mercenary coming out of the locked door. He gave Liz a choice, to either tell Red herself or he will. To prevent this from going out of her control, she roused a plan to have this mercenary captured and charged with conspiring with Red. Now that he is out of the picture her focus is back onto the cartel.

During agent Ressler's investigation he was captured for snooping around and not having backup. One tell tale sign that something is wrong is when cell phone service is non existent. He wakes up caged up in the middle of woods. Beside him was another caged member of the cartel. This portion of the episode seemed so familiar. It closely resembles "Surviving The Game" starring Ice-T. Humans being hunted by other humans. Although agent Ressler was able survive longer than the cartel member, he was also able to get close and wound the hunter. If not for his shaking, due to his self-medication he would have done more or even apprehend the hunter.

While agent Ressler managed to get away, a raid team was forming outside the Animal Underground compound. As the team makes it way to the house, the matriarch of the family tends to his wounded son. A phone call from the rich philanthropist to the matriarch of the Animal Underground group was taking place. The philanthropist was the sole survivor of the original group. He managed to become the 33rd richest man in the world by using his knowledge of the poachers and eliminating the competition and creating a monopoly of the illegal trade. During the raid of the Animal Underground compound, the eldest son was gunned down, the mother and youngest son committed suicide.

During the investigation of the Animal Underground, it was revealed that a company named Windego was used as a front for illegal poaching. This same company was responsible for the murders of families around the area, particularly the Zuma family. Only one member of the Zuma family survived, this survivor was taken under Red's wing. He was trained, he was educated, and he has grown to be fair. This sole survivor is named Dembe. The Windego Company is one of the front companies funded by the rich philanthropist. This is why Red wanted to take down the Mombasa Cartel. He was seeking revenge for Dembe's family.

Now… the moment that we have all been waiting for. Who is behind door number one, many of you may have guessed it during the "Monarch Douglas Bank" episode. Yes, it was Tom Keene, chained up behind the locked door. According to him, he has provided Liz with every bit of information that he has on Red. Could he be trusted? Although he was correct with the bank information, it may just be a ploy to temp the desperate. The question we should be asking is what will Liz do? The ball is on her court, she has the power to destroy Red or help Red gain the upper hand on the war against Berlin.


Grade: 9/10