Ruxin is back! He has returned from his business trip from Korea.

In Wednesday’s episode of The League, Kevin’s father-in-law, Bruce, is in town for a visit. When Bruce calls Kevin a “ninny,” Kevin agrees to go on a camping trip with him to prove that he is a man. Ruxin, Pete, and Taco are invited by Bruce to tag along.

While walking in the woods, the gang runs into Rafi, who has apparently been tracking Kevin. Rafi tags along with the group as they set up camp. In the meantime, Kevin is on his cell phone looking for a signal, so he could set up his fantasy football lineup. The crew is also looking for something good to eat but don’t find anything in the woods, so Bruce agrees to take them to a nearby bar for the night.

While at the bar, Pete and Kevin find WiFi signal and begin to set up their lineups. However, they start arguing football and toss the name “Redskins” around in a negative fashion, but the two were talking about the football team. With no idea that the bar was packed with Native Americans who find the football team’s name offensive, Kevin and Pete get themselves in trouble. All of sudden, a whole gang of Indians surround Kevin and Pete, while Bruce comes in for their defense but fails. Ruxin tries to help the matter, but it doesn’t work. Later, Taco comes in and makes matters even worse.

The Native Americans pull out a knife on the crew, so Bruce whips out his pistol and shoots at the roof, and the group races out of the bar quickly to lose the Natives in the woods. While running out, Bruce accidentally drops his gun.

Though, the group makes it out alive, and they get back to their camp. In the morning, they wake up to a missing Kevin and suddenly an enormous bear shows up to threaten the lives of Pete, Taco, Bruce, Ruxin, and Rafi. The guys are cornered, with no weapons, scared for their lives, and then out of the woods comes Kevin who starts yelling psychotically at the bear and scares it away. Bruce appreciates Kevin's courage and labels him as a man.

Meanwhile, back in the city, Andre and Russell are planning on opening a wine bar and use the help of Jenny to find a place for their bar.

Back at the camp, the boys manage to find their way out of the woods, only to run into the Native Americans again. The Natives make a deal with the boys. They tell them to drop their fantasy players who play for the Washington Redskins for the safety of their lives and a ride back home. The boys are eventually forced to drop their players, and Andre is the one who benefits from this as he picks up all the dropped players since he is first on the waiver wire.

The episode concludes with Kevin returning home, and Bruce giving the approval to Jenny that Kevin is indeed a man.

It was certainly good to see Ruxin back with the crew. His presence was definitely missed. The episode was humorous and filled with a bunch of fantasy football references, which is what the show is about. It was good to see the show shift its focus back to football a little more than it has throughout the season.

Episode 8 – Overall Grade: 8.5/10