When we last left, Sam had Demon Dean in the back seat of his car handcuffed in the back seat of Sam's car on their way back to the Lord of Letter's base to hopefully try and fix Dean's...condition. The episode starts with priest blessing blood that Sam is going to try and use to get rid of the demon in Dean. Dean is shackled and manacled to a chair in a demon trap and Sam is performing an exorcism. Dean is just sitting their talking trash because he knows that it isn't going to work. Sam's first dose of blessed blood does in fact have an affect on Dean. It seems like it might actually work after a few dozen more doses.

While on the road to help Sam with the exorcism of Dean, Hannah starts to question how Castiel is doing. Castiel says he's fine, but Hannah knows he's lying and also questions why Sam would ask him to drive all this way to help him knowing his condition. Hannah realizes by Castiel's facial expressions that he hasn't told Sam about his fading grace. Castiel explains that he knows a little and that he has to be there in case it doesn't work. Because if it doesn't, then the demon must be dealt with. Hannah explains that she asks because she is worried about him.

Back at base, Sam is continuing the treatment. Dean continues to try and torment Sam by telling him that this is the real Dean. Sam doesn't believe it. Dean tells him he's no different than he is. Dean knows all about what he did to find out where Dean went. Crowley told him all about it. Dean finishes by asking, "which one of them is a monster". This leads to a flashback of Sam in a bar talking to a drunk in a bar who's talking about how his wife cheated on him. The drunk is the guy from the last episode who made a deal with a crossroads demon to have his wife killed. Looks like Sam told a guy about the demon so he could find a way to get info on his brother and Crowley. Sam talked a guy into selling his soul. And the demon he tortured in episode one in the beginning of the season was the same demon that made the deal. Sam was actually planning on getting to the guy before he could make the deal. But it was too late. The deal was done. No matter how much he tortured her, the demon knew nothing. Dean tells him that he killed the guy anyway and that line that used to be so clear wasn't so clear anymore. Dean goes on to twist the knife even more because he made a man sell his soul and was directly involved with him being murdered. All things he never would have done before.

Back from commercial break, Crowley is what appears to be Hell dealing with some of the paper work of being the Lord of Hell. Dealing with all of the demons that betrayed him when Abaddon was in charge. One of his workers comes in to tell Crowley that Castiel's lack of grace and suggests that he should do something about it. Crowley tells him to follow him and keep him informed of his regression (This guy obviously has plans of hi own. But that shouldn't shock you. He's a ****ing demon). Crowely has a flashback of him and Dean, which leaves yet again, distracted. A demon of Hell said he could be his new wingman. Crowley kills him for his insubordination and asked if anyone else wished to speak out of turn. Obviously, they all kept quiet.

On the road, Hannah and Castiel are on the road and lost. Hannah is trying her best to try and get Castiel to get his grace back in some way shape or form. But Castiel won't take grace from an angel or make a deal with Metatron. Sam calls him to find out where he is. Sam tells him that the treatments might be killing him. Casitel tells him that it might have to be that way. He's not a normal demon and that if he has to kill him then so be it. Dean appears to be getting worse. Dean tells him that there is no more older Dean and that he has to kill him. Sam continues to refuse. Dean goes on to talk but get personal. Dean says that their mother would still be alive if not for them. Sam ignores the trash talk and continues on.

Back in Hell, another demon is standing trial and another was killed. After the second demon is brought to trial, a worker demon tells him to stop. Saying that Crowley is unfit for rule. He then light himself o fire and kills himself because he'd rather die and go to purgatory than live in Hell. Crowley says, "I did not see that coming".
Castiel and Hannah are making a pit stop on their way to Sam's base and Castiel is trying to talk her out of going. Saying that she is distracted by her feelings for Castiel. Hannah is obviously hurt by his statement. Hannah walks into the gas station store and sees that the store clerk doesn't have any eyes. Castiel walks in to see the female angel they were previously tracking in the store with a knife to Hannah's throat. She says Castiel has to pay. Castiel offers himself in place for Hannah. She says that she is going to kill him slowly while Hannah watches and proceeds to beat the crap out of him. Castiel wakes up later to Crowely standing over him. The angel that was beating Castiel and Hannah has an angel sword at Hannah's neck telling her that she just wanted to be left alone but they just wouldn't. As she is about to kill Hanna, Crowley slits hurt throat and takes her grace. Crowley goes outside and forces Castiel take in the dead Angle's grace. He says that Castiel is no use to him dead and that he now owes him and that this is only business and that having Dean as a demon has caused him nothing but grief and tells him to fix the problem.

Well, this is awkward. IMAGE SOURCE "ibtimes.com"

Back at base, Sam is in Dean's old room looking at old pictures of their family and smiling at better times. Sam makes his way back to where Dean was being held to find Dean gone. Sam looks like he just pooped his pants a little. Sam and Dean are tracking each other around the base. Dean finds a drawer with a machete and grabs a hammer instead. Sam locks the place down, but Dean says he doesn't want to leave. He is looking to kill Sam. Dean tells Sam that the reason he escaped was because all of the blood that they pumped into him made him less of a demon. The less demon he became, the less the demon spells and traps worked. Dean's arrogance leads him right into a trap. Not much of one though. It was just a locked door. Sam was giving it one more chance to talk Dean into letting him finish the treatment. Sam says he doesn't want to use the demon blade on him, Dean tell shim that that's too bad because he has just enough demon juice left in him to finish Sam off. Dean breaks down the door and begins the hunt again. Sam catches up to him and puts the blade to Dean's throat, but doesn't kill him. Castiel appears and saves Dean from killing Sam.

Dean gets put back and the treatment is finished. Dean is no longer a demon and is back to being human again. But it looks like he has all the memories of all the horrible things he has done.

Later, Castiel explains that while Dean is no longer a demon, he still has the Mark of Cain and that is still a problem. Castiel goes and talks to Dean and tells him to take some time off before he jumps right back into hunting again.

In Tulsa Oklahoma, we see a mysterious red haired being of some sort and they have two hotel workers dead, bloody, and on the ceiling of the room she is in. Who is this new big bad?

Rating: 7

While this was a really good episode, the ending was really disappointing. Dean being the big bad that had to be faced all season was promising. But now everything is back to normal. A gift and a curse.