The Blacklist: The Front
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WARNING: Partial to Full Spoilers ahead!

The Front is an Eco terrorist group made up of less than fifty members. Carrie, a member of The Front is threatening to expose the group and what they are planning on doing. Although it was not clear at first at the severity of this threat, but from her stating, "it will kill everyone" allows the viewers to identify that The Front is willing to go to the extreme. On the surface, this Eco terrorist group seems to be pro environment and wanting to give the planet back to nature. Internally, one member that comes to his or her senses will become a major struggle. The information to which Carrie almost died for what was unclear until testing was done. Remnants of old clay were found on her fingernails which lead to an old painting.

This painting holds a gruesome secret. Further analysis of the painting reveals some kind of map, a map leading to nothing according to the FBI ancient expert. Unknown to the FBI, this so-called expert is under Red's payroll. She revealed information to Red, but not to the FBI. Yet again, another corrupt FBI specialist. It seems as though that the FBI is easily infiltrated. The information that she shared with Red was a map to a burial site. The information provided by the expert also suggest that corpse containing the pneumonic plague within there DNA was kept there. The burial site did not contain the remains, but it did provide clues to where it was it was being kept. Maddox, the leader of The Front is one step ahead of the FBI. He was able to obtain the remains before agent Keen and Ressler were able to stop him.

While the FBI were on a goose hunt, Red is waiting for his number to be called at the DMV. Glen Carter, the best tracker according to Red. Being the best doesn't mean having results right away. Glen was unsuccessful at tracking down the unidentified girl. This woman, that Red is looking for is vital in his war against Berlin. Red is determined and even sought out Aram's assistance in locating this girl. This was unlike Red to ask someone else aside from agent Keen for assistance. Aram was unsuccessful; fortunately, Glen got a hit and gave the information to Red. We still do not know what role she will play in this war between Red and Berlin. 

Maddox has managed to weaponize the pneumonic plague strain and in aerosol form. The initial target is Washington D.C. While this sacrifice was made, it gave the FBI some much-needed clue to what Maddox is planning and how severe this will impact the nation. During a routine autopsy of the victim (patient zero). They discovered a rat hair used for specifically for science experiments. The FBI tracked it to a warehouse equipped with laboratory supplies. During the raid, agent Keen notices a computer monitor with red dots flashing in certain parts of the globe. These were the targets that Maddox has decided on. The targets were major cities around the world. The FBI has managed to ground most of the flights leaving the United States and informed the other countries of the crisis and to apprehend The Front members once they arrived at there target cities. While confronting the last Front follower at the airport, Samar came into contact and was infected with the plague the terrorist. Agent Keen managed to shoot down the terrorist but was too late prevent Samar from being infected.

Liz, throughout the episode has been deceiving the hired guard. She has hired her own double or look alike to stay at her apartment while she sneaks out the back to go to undisclosed meetings. Although she has been acting on her own, she seemed irritated that Red has been spending more time trying to locate the girl. Lately she has been reckless and making brash decisions, whether it's allowing a known criminal surgeon perform a non-proven method or enclosing herself with Samar who has been infected by the pneumonic plague. Will her actions now have regrettable consequences later?

Grade: 9/10