The League Season 6 Episode 7: The Heavenly Fouler
Vahan Shakhpazyan-VAVEL USA

In this week’s episode of The League, Andre has acquired a cat named M’Lady, Ellie is sent to Sunday school, Jenny has to freeze a stool sample, and Pete has yet another new girlfriend.

The episode begins with Pete, Taco, Jenny, and Kevin making a bet not to make an inappropriate joke towards Andre and his new pussycat. The loser of the bet would have to give up their best running back.

Meanwhile, Jenny visits the doctors and finds out that she has a sluggish bowel and needs to provide the doctor with a stool sample. She is directed to place the sample in a bag and put it in the freezer, which is what she does.

Further, Pete’s new girlfriend, Penny, is a pet groomer, and Andre is interested in having her groom his new cat because he is going to have a photo shoot with M’Lady. With that in mind, the guys come up with a prank that they want to pull on Andre. Their idea is to tell Penny to groom M’Lady in the most ridiculous way possible, and Pete follows the plan as he lies to Penny that Andre wants his cat to be groomed in a preposterous way.

Moreover, Kevin is involved in a 3-on-3 basketball game with Father Maldoon, Ellie’s Sunday school teacher. During the game, Kevin is roughed up by Father Maldoon and leaves the game with a bunch of bumps and bruises.

Back at home, Kevin unknowingly uses Jenny’s frozen stool sample to treat his bruises, and he even packs a bag of it with him to the next 3-on-3 game, but this time Kevin is the one who bruises Father Maldoon and hands him a bag of the sample to use for the welt. However, the stool sample is a bit melted and begins to leak on Father Maldoon’s head, and Kevin finally discovers that there is stool in the bag.

The episode concludes with Penny showcasing M’Lady’s new look, which she has shaven half of the cat’s hair and tattooed M’Lady’s body. Andre freaks out and threatens to destroy Penny’s grooming company, while Penny breaks it off with Pete because he used her to orchestrate the prank. Lastly, Taco is the one who loses the bet as he ends up making an inappropriate joke about Andre and his cat.

Ruxin was once again absent from this episode. He was mentioned in the episode again, but he was missing in action. However, the episode was still great with a few hilarious scenes and the same entertaining and meaningless storylines.

Hopefully, we get a strong dose of Ruxin when he returns, whenever that would be. But at least this episode had some emphasis on the fantasy football league.

Episode 7 – Overall Grade: 8.2/10