'Castle' Heats Up *Spoilers Ahead*

After an insurance salesman is killed, Beckett and Castle investigate only to find that the killer isn't exactly visible.

Throughout this episode as the duo is trying to figure out who could have killed their vic, they also try to rediscover the physical side of their relationship.  Detective Kevin Ryan ends up getting a second job as a bouncer at a night club, which he is mercilessly teased about by his partner Detective Javier Esposito.  

Castle and Beckett encounter an invisible force when they journey back to their vic's apartment for his business ID.  Both are attacked and Castle gets his head knocked against the ground three times before the force vanishes and leaves the duo absolutely stunned.

Meanwhile, while alone in their bedroom the two start believing they are being watched and Castle even strings up over a dozen pots and pans as a booby-trap in order to give the couple piece of mind. They are interrupted by Castle's mother Martha and while it results in laughs for the audience, the duo is undoubtedly frustrated.

An easygoing pace is set once again in this episode and for the first time in season 7 the audience is treated to a fun, lighthearted Caskett, which was needed after a few weeks of rough waters.  The victim was in fact a scientist working for the government, working on an invisibility suit.  The killer is found out to be an Oceanography professor at a local university, who stole an invisibility suit that the vic was working on.

Eventually, Castle and Beckett get their long-desired coupling, but next week promises to be just as light hearted as this past week, and Castle fans don't seem to mind that one bit. [Description: nsert YouTube Video]

CASTLE is on ABC every Monday night at 10 PM ET.