The Blacklist: Dr. Linus Creel

Is providing new information on the Blacklist a way to keep the FBI distracted in order for Red to do what he needs to do? Since no one can be trusted, Red is doing everything in his power to keep Naomi and her family safe by providing them with new identities and t flee the country. The FBI cannot be trusted, take the Monarch Douglas Bank incident for example.

Warrior gene, sounds like a science fiction thriller. Apparently the government has been identifying these genes in normal citizens. These chosen individuals are then manipulated to do their bidding. Project 7 was the by-product of the human genome project, which gave the scientist the power to identify these genes. These experiments are funded through what they call a black budget. Funding that does not exist in the public eye.

Dr. Linus Creel was part of the team that conducted these experiments as the lab assistant. He seems to have something to prove. He has been where the incidents have occurred or have been observing from a distance. It seems that these experiments that he has been conducting were not government sanctioned. Project 7 may have been discontinued and Dr. Linus Creel is trying to get funding continued by showing the senator who is in charge of the black budget that the experiments work.

Agent Keen has gone undercover to meet Dr. Creel one on one. While answering Dr. Creel's questions, we delve into how agent Keen really feels about Tom's betrayal. Putting everything on the table is what allowed her to convince Dr. Creel that she is unstable, broken, and ripe to be manipulated. Their goal was to gain access to Dr. Creel's laptop and information concerning the other patients.

Dr. Creel took a page from the show "catfish". He has been cat fishing these patients with anonymous threats and empty promises. Dr. Creel has been conducting these experiments on his own just to prove that he was able to manipulate these seven patients into doing what they were told to do. His sole purpose was to show the senator that his research is proof that Project 7 works and can used to save individuals with mental illness. From his perspective, Dr. Creel believes that if he dies on the hands of one of his patient, the research that he has conducted will be beneficial. He was shot down while holding agent Keen hostage with a gun to her throat. The shooter was the individual that agent Keen bumped into on the last episode. This shooter was later revealed as a hired gun to protect agent Keen from harm. Red was his employer. 

Although agent Keen met Naomi in person, Naomi was not able to answer any of agent Keen's questions pertaining to her past. What we end up asking is, who is Jennifer? What is agent Keen to Red? Some questions are answered, but more questions arise from those answers. What is behind the locked door? We leave this episode with agent Keen staring at a locked door that may have belonged to Tom.

Grade: 9/10