The League Season 6 Episode 6: Breast Awareness Month
Vahan Shakhpazyan-VAVEL USA

It’s breast cancer awareness month in The League this week.

The episode begins with Andre dressed in pink clothing to support breast cancer awareness. Ellie, Jenny and Kevin’s daughter, is also showing her support by handing out pink ribbons. Ellie gives one to her mother, and the two set off to go get frozen yogurt. While at the yogurt parlor, Jenny, with a bandana wrapped on her head and the pink ribbon pinned to her shirt, unknowingly makes people believe that she has breast cancer as people at the yogurt place allow her to cut in line, and she even receives costless yogurt from the employee of the place.

Once Jenny finds out that her bandana makes people believe she has breast cancer, she uses the tactic during Ellie’s book club meeting when the other parents bash Jenny for not baking anything. Jenny puts on her bandana and makes the parents feel bad for her, and they excuse her for not bringing food for the get-together. However, Jenny also makes Ellie believe that she has breast cancer, and one of the parents, Pam, who really does have breast cancer, invites Jenny to her support group meeting. During the meeting, Jenny’s lie is revealed.

Meanwhile, Taco wants to raise breast awareness, not cancer. He shows up to Ellie’s book club meeting as well to offer his support for the awareness. In fact, Taco is the guest speaker for Pam’s support group, and during the support group’s session, he begins to talk about Jenny’s small breasts. The other women concur with Taco but support Jenny for having tiny breasts because they believe she has cancer, until an outraged Jenny pops open her chest and lets the ladies know that her breasts are not small and are beautiful. That’s when the group finds out that Jenny does not even have cancer.

In the meantime, Kevin, while getting his testicles checked out, finds out that his doctor is homosexual, and that disgusts Kevin. Throughout the episode, Kevin believes that he may have testicular cancer. As for Pete, after breaking up with Rosette, he sets his sights on another Asian-American co-worker, Amy, and earns himself a date. This makes the people at his workplace believe that he has “a thing” for Asians.

To prove that he does not, Pete dates a Caucasian woman from work named Shawna. After one date, Shawna breaks up with Pete, but he already proved his point. Afterward, Pete goes back to Amy where he finds out that after their date, Amy is going to go out with an African-American male from work. She tells Pete that her ex-boyfriend was African, so she is only dating Pete so people won’t think that she only dates “black dudes.”

For some reason, Ruxin does not show up in this episode. It is mentioned that Ruxin is away, but we do not know where he really is.

However, this was another solid episode of The League. Taco was hilarious with his breast awareness campaign. Though, The League has gone away from fantasy football a bit this season as the football league has rarely been mentioned throughout the last few episodes.

Episode 6 – Overall Grade: 8/10

The League returns next Wednesday on FXX at 10 pm ET.