South Park: "Cissy" Review
Wait, is that Wendy dressed like boy? IMAGE SOURCE ""

Full Spoliers Ahead:

The show starts off with the boys (Cartman, Kyle, Stan, and Kenny) standing at the bus stop with Cartman having an inner monologue about whether or not today will be the day he has the courage to do what he's been thinking of doing. Cartman has to poop and all the stalls of full. So Cartman finally does it. He puts a pink bow on his head and goes and uses the girl's bathroom. Wendy is furious and yells at Cartman and tells him to leave. Cartman tells her that it's okay because he's transgender. He is told to go to the principle's office. Principle tells him to stop but Cartman tells her he's transgender and that she has to deal with it. The principle is talking to Mr. Garrison (who knows about being transgender) and tells her that they should just let it happen because the alternative isn't something they want to deal with.

Back at Kyle's house, a reporter is questioning why such a big pop star like Lorde would play at a young kid's party (Last episode, Randy Marsh was dressed as Lorde) and the reporter found it very odd. Back at the Marsh's house, Randy's wife finds women's stockings in Randy's pants. Randy tells her that he likes to cross dress and because of all the other stuff Randy does, she kinda just accepts it. Randy gets a phone call from a record label and Randy tells them that he can no longer dress up like Lorde for them. But the company needs him, so he accepts it.
Back at a bar, the same reporter is at a bar talking to a guy who claimed to be Lorde's uncle explains that Lorde is such a great kid and she's a good geologist. She just fills in after lunch when Randy leaves. 

Back at the school, Cartman is again pooping in the women's restroom when gets the great news that he is getting his own bathroom separate from everyone else because of his transgender status. Cartman says that he will need special arrangements and gets an interior designer to make his bathroom exactly like he wants it. After Cartman gets his bathroom, the next day Wendy cuts her hair, dresses like a guy and gets a key to the restroom because she is now also transgender. Cartman believes this is complete bull sh!t, but unfortunately there's nothing Cartman can do with it because Wendell (Wendy's transgender name) talked to the principle earlier and there's nothing Cartman can do but share the bathroom. Cartman yells at Stan saying that he better get a hold of his girlfriend because everyone is saying that since Wendy is a dude and likes girls that he must be a girl. 

Back from the commercial break, Stan is standing outside of the three bathrooms and doesn't know which one to choose. He enters the transgender restroom and Cartman is in there and he is pissed off that another person is using his "Executive restroom". Stan tells the principle that so many people are transgender that he doesn't know where he fits in. 

Later that day, Stan asks his dad if he knows what it's like to feel one way and another at once. Randy replies, "Yes, Stan, I am Lorde". Randy explains that he has been Lorde for a while because he was tired of the bathroom stalls being full and started to dress like a woman and call himself Lorde so he could use the women's restroom. He says that it's so clean in there and he loves it. Stan is shocked to hear this news and asks how he does it. Randy simply replies "Auto tune". After Randy goes through the process to make him sound so good, Stan just faints.

Back from the last commercial beak, we see the E! Network is on because "That's how low you've sunk" (Direct quote from the show. This writer cracked up). The search for Lorde is on because she hasn't been seen in days. She went dark after her last tweet said "I realize now that I make people feel uncomfortable. I need to give this up and go back to being the old me". Spin Magazine says they know why and will be releasing a tell all in their magazine. Back at School, Cartman is making fun of Stan for being a "Ciss gender".

Randy is sitting outside in his backyard sulking when his wife comes out and asks if he's going to sit out and drink beer all day. He says, "Yes. It's ok, it's gluten costless though". She is about to leave when she says, "Do you know why young people like Lorde so much? Because she is something different. Most pop stars have to flash their tits and most kids are smart enough to get tired of it". Randy is shocked that she knows his secret. She goes on to say that she would tell Lorde to keep doing what she does because when someone's not allowed to express who they are inside, then we all lose. Randy gets a determined look in his eyes and "Lorde Music" plays in the background and Randy writes a song and everyone loves it. The students, the principle, Randy's daughter, and even the reporter who found out Randy's secret who even deletes the tell all article on who Lorde really is. 

The next day at school, the principle tells the students that anyone can use the bathroom of their choosing and anyone who has an issue with who's in the bathroom can use the special designated bathrooms. Stan tries to go the boy restroom when Butters walks out and tell Stan he has to use the Cissy bathroom. Stan goes in there, plays the music in there and enjoys it. And like his dad, he starts singing and writing his own songs.

Rating: 8.9

Another great episode. While it wasn't as hilarious as the first two episodes, it was still pretty damn funny. South Park is three for three this season so far. Kudos.