"Supernatural" was originally only supposed to go five seasons. Thanks to the fans that keep calling for more, they are now going into their tenth season. For those of you who have not seen the series and need a quick recap or if you like the show and want a refresher course, here you go. As always:


Some info will be left out so that you the readers will have some surprises in store if you decide look the show.

Season 1:

The good thing about this show is they get right into it from episode one season one. Right away we see Sam and Dean Winchester's mother die in a very dramatic way. The episode fast forwards right to the future where Sam is in college and Dean is coming to him for hellp hunting down a creature. After they catch it, Sam says that he can't go with Dean and continue his life as hunter. Sam goes back to his room where he finds his long time girlfriend on the ceiling and burning to death. She died the same way his mother died. This gives Sam the motivation to help Dean track down the demon that killed their mother and his girlfriends.

Episode to look: "Pilot"

This episode is the perfect starting point and not just because it's the very first episode. Everything you need to know about why the Winchesters do what they do is in this episode.

Season 2:

After Sam, Dean, and their father John (Yep. He comes out from where he was) are hit by an 18 wheeler, they all end up in the hospital. Sam and John are beat up but ok, but Dean is in a coma and it doesn't look like he is coming out of it. Dean ends up talking to a ghost of sorts that's trying to tell him that his time has come and that he needs to move on. Before Dean could make a decision, his father makes a deal to give him the colt that can kill anything and his soul in echange for his son's life.

Episode to look: "All Hell Breaks Loose" Part 2

In the previous episode, Sam dies in his brother's arms and Dean promises to take care of him. Dean gets desperate and goes to a crossroad demon to make a deal. His soul for his brothers. The standard contract is ten years, but the Winchesters are special and the demon only gives Dean a year. Dean accepts the terms and Sam is brought back to life.

Season 3:

Dean has less than a year to get out of his contract or he will be doomed to spend an eternity in Hell. Finally, they find out that out that a big bad in the demon world Lillith is the key to Dean's soul. Unfortunately, nothing they do can keep Dean from dying. Dean is mawled by Hell Hounds. The last thing we see is Dean in Hell being tortured.

Episode to look: "Mystery Spot"

Dean keeps dying and Sam keeps reliving it. It's pretty much "Groundhog Day" but more violant. The Trickster Loki was trying to get Sam used to the idea of Sam dying saying that there was nothing he could do to stop it. What makes this such a great episode are the creative ways that Deankeeps dying. Totally worth looking.

The angel Castiel
IMAGE SOURCE "static.tumblr.com"

Season 4:

Dean is back. Dean wakes up in the middle of a field with no idea how he escaped Hell. After a trip to a local store for water and porno magazine,Dean goes to find Sam. Sam has moved on after trying everything to find him and bring him back. What Dean doesn't know is that Sam has been using the demon blood in him to exercise demons from their hosts and is getting help from a demon named Ruby. Dean is not comfortable with this at all, but it's not Dean's choice. The major part of this season is the emergance of Angels as characters. One in particular is Castiel (who snatched Dean out of Hell). Castiel slowly realizes that what his mission is may not be what is right for the world.

Episode to look: "On the head of a Pin"

Dean finally gets his chance to torture the demon that tortured him for years while he was in Hell (Time moves different in Hell). During the demons torture, we find out that when Dean took over as the torturer of souls in Hell, he broke the first seal that got the ball rolling on Lucifer being reserected.

Season 5:

Lucifer has been freed from his cage and is walking the Earth in a mortal coil. The apocalypse is nigh. All that's waiting now is for Sam to say yes to Lucifer and Dean to say yes to Michael so they can fight all but destroy the world. Castiel loses a lot of his angel mojo and the four horsemen are also walking the Earth. All the chips are down and it's looking like Sam and Dean have no hope left.

Episode to look: "Hammer of the gods"

Sam and Dean end up in a hotel to rest up. Little do they know, there were forces at workl that led them right to that hotel on that night. A council of gods (including Odin, Kali, Ganesh and Baldur) decided to kidnap Sam and Dean in hopes to find a way to bargain to stop the Apocalypse. Gabriel (who was posing as Loki to avoid be found by the other angels) warns them that this was a terrible idea, but as gods tend to do, they think they know better and don't listen. Lucifer eventually finds them because of traitor amoung the council. What made this episode so great was Lucifer interacting with the council. We also see that even in a weaker vesil, Lucifer is stronger than the paegan gods.

Episode to look part 2: "The End"

This episode absolutely HAS to be mentioned. Dean wakes up five years in the future and finds out what the consequnces are of him not saying yes to be Michael's vesil. Sam eventually becomes Lucifer's vesil, the world is overrun by zombie like beings, and only a few humans remain left on the Earth that aren't infected by the Roanok disease. The visual of what the possibly happen is dark, but good for the viewers who almost want to see the "What if" scenerio.

Like his brother, Sam was also tortured in Hell
IMAGE SOURCE "wikia.nocookie.neT"

Season 6:

After Sam sacrificed himself to save the world, Dean starts to live a normal life. Girlfriend, kid (not his, but her's), a regular job he enjoys, and no more hunting. Dean eventually finds out that Sam is back on Earth. There's only one problem. Sam doens't have a soul. Sam's soul spent an undocumented amount amount of time being tortured by a pissed off Lucifer and Michael in a cage. To out his soul back would cause Sam to break and maybe even kill him. Eventually Castiel finds a way to put up a wall between his memories of Hell and everything else.

Episode to Look: "Weekend at Bobbies"

Bobby is the glue that holds almost all of the Hunters around the country together. He's the command center. For one episode, we see what Bobby does all day and how much a lot of the Hunters depend on him.

Is this still Castiel?
IMAGE SOURCE "media.tumblr.com"

Season 7:

Castiel is the new God and expects everyone bow before him and accept their new Lord. Only problem with this is the new power that Castiel holds is taking him over. Castiel was unaware that the power came from God's first creations the Leviathans. Eventually, they would take over Castiel's body and then the body of humans all over the country.

Episode to look: All of them

There wasn't one episode in particular that stood out. The whole season was full of gems and this writer highly recommends looking it from beginning to end. One thing that does stick out is the head Leviathan named Dick. The jokes Dean makes about his name are great, but the character itself was one of the best of the series.

Season 8:

At the end of season 7, Castiel and Dean were unaware that killing Dick would send them to purgatory (Purgatory is where all of the monsters and demons go to die). Season 8 starts with Dean somehow escaping with the help of a vampire. But Castiel did not come with him (Later we find out that Castiel stays behind sacrificing himself so Dean could escape). As always, Dean goes looking for Sam. But Sam has started a new life and left the hunting behind.

Episode to look: "Sacrifice"

Sam is down to his last task and it's killing him. But it's the difference between one life and closing the door to Hell forever. Dean tells Sam not to and stops Sam from completeing the last task. As Dean and Sam leave the church, they look to the sky and see all of the angels of Heaven falling to Earth.

Season 9:

Castiel is mortal and all of the Angels are on Earth and they are pissed off. Dean made a deal with an angel to keep Sam alive, but at the price that this angel would have to inhabit Sam's body without Sam's knowledge. The Metatron (Who fooled Castiel into losing his grace and sending the Angels back to Earth) is willing to kill as many humans as possible to create a story in which he becomes the new God.

Episode to look: "First Born"

Crowley and Dean come to an "understanding" and agree to team up to kill Abadon (he current ruler of Hell). One of the tools they need is "The first Blade". The blade the Cain used to slay Abel. The story told in the bible is not the one told in this episode. It's a much deeper tale than one of a jealous brother.