1. More Suicide Squad please!

One of the best things that happened last season was the Suicide Squad episode. Granted, the lineup wasn't that impressive (sorry, Shrapnel isn't what I would consider a heavy hitter) but it was still highly entertaining. This season should feature a revamped line up. Keep Bronze Tiger and Deadshot and add Harley Quinn (she was in the original episode off screen), and Captain Boomerang (who is supposed to show up in The Flash crossover episode).

The grand crescendo of the episode could be the Squad being in over their heads, but they end up saved by the newest member of the team: Deathstroke. It would be totally un-(Amanda) Waller like to have a potential asset like Deathstroke and not use him. If he is involved, Arrow has to be in the episode more so than he was in the first Suicide Squad episode. This will bring him into direct conflict with Waller and feed into the B story this season, which seems to circle around the fact that Oliver first met Waller while shipwrecked on Lian Yu.

2. Birds of Prey team up.

This one is a bit far fetched, but just go with it. Both the Huntress and Black Canary have been established in the Arrowverese, so why not team them up? Obviously the whole "Huntress is a murderer and Canary hates her guts thing" might make it hard to accomplish. Also, not being able to use Barbara Gordon (Batgirl/Oracle) also puts a damper on this purposed team-up... But have no fear! The incomparable Felicity Smoak is more that able to fill Barbara's shoes in this sense.

Source: dc.wikia.com

Best way to pull this off is to make this a self-contained story. Maybe force them all to work together because Arrow is indisposed for whatever reason. Maybe have Canary and Huntress be forced to work together to stop a mutual enemy. As far as who that should be, this writer has no idea, but watching Huntress and Canary kick butt while Oracle… err Felicity directs traffic sounds awesome.

3. More references to the other cities in the DC Universe.

On thing that stands out about this show is the fact that they have done such a good job incorporating some of the most random DC characters in the show (Solomon Grundy, Lyla Michaels, so forth). They need to expand on that and start referring to or even visiting some of the other famous locals in the DC Universe. So far there has been mentions of Blüdhaven and Keystone City. This writer’s personal favorite was when Malcolm Merlyn name-dropped Nanda Parbat. Why not bring up or visit Gotham, Metropolis and so forth? By making the universe larger it opens up the doorway for more spinoffs, cameos and Easter eggs.

4. Roy/Arsenal faces addiction.

They played with the idea of Roy being unstable last season. Granted it was due to the mirakuru in his veins and not a crippling heron addiction, but it was a start. One of the defining stories in Green Arrow history was the discovery that his trusted sidekick Speedy (Roy Harper) was addicted to heron. That story rocked Green Arrows world and drastically altered the Arrowverse. Seeing this play out in live action could bring even more depth to a show that already deals with some series issues (yes, it's a show about a guy in a green hood, but they have managed to touch on addiction and various other real world issues in the past).

5. Massive villain team up!

Now you are probably thinking, "Isn't this that same thing as number one on this list?” NO! It isn’t. The Suicide Squad may be made up of villains, but they don’t operate as such when they are together. They operate in shades of grey, which essentially means they can’t be classified as heroes or villains. Why not bring back a few old Arrow villains (and some new ones) and have an all out war towards the end of the season. You know were I am going with this: Arrow should come face to face with the Legion of Doom.

Source: dcmovies.wikia.com

We already know Ra’s al Ghul will be featured this season, but It wouldn’t make much sense to include Ra’s given the way he has been portrayed as of late (if it isn’t about the League of Assassins, he doesn’t want to be bothered) but having a recently resurrected Solomon Grundy, Merylin, China White, or Toy Man team up could potentially be epic. Obviously it would be great to include the likes of Lex Luthor, Gorilla Grodd, The Riddler, and Senestro, but it would be extremely unlikely that CW could get clearance to include any of them.

What do you guys think? What would you like to see included in Season 3 or Arrow? Sound off in the comments section below.