"You guys, none of us knows the truth about Castle, not yet."

-Detective Beckett

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After six long seasons of knowing that Richard Castle and Detective Kate Beckett would eventually get married, it was finally going to happen during the final episode of season 6. Unfortunately for Castle and Beckett, Castle would get run off the road and never make it to the wedding. Detectives Beckett, Kevin Ryan, and Javier "Javi" Esposito make it to the crash site. Beckett is in tears because it appears that Castle died in the fiery crash. Thankfully after the fire fighters put the flames out, it 's discovered that there wasn't a body in the crash.

It's later noticed that there are two sets of footprints and drag marks leaving the crash site. After getting a fix on Castle's cell phone, they tracked it down to a junkyard. The signal was coming from an SUV that was in the process of being crushed. The guy crushing the car is eventually caught and interrogated by Beckett. Once again, there wasn't a body in the vehicle. Bringing the detectives back to square one. Days become weeks, and weeks become months. After two months of searching, a video surfaces of Castle making a drop of money in a dumpster. Later that night, the coast guards find Castle in a boat unconscious and almost dead.
More clues lead to Esposito, Beckett, and Ryan to the owner of the boat Castle was found in. He says that he saw a guy fitting Castle's description camping by the water and checking out his boat. Which happened to be the same boat that Castle was found in. The detectives take a look at the campsite and find some newspapers on Castle's disappearance and even the tux he was supposed to wear to his wedding. This evidence starts to mount: Ryan and Esposito start having doubts on whether or not Castle just decided to bail on Beckett.
Back at the hospital, Castle is finally awake and Beckett begins to question Castle on where he had been for the last two months. But Castle doesn't remember anything after the accident. To him, only a day or two has passed. Beckett brings Castle to the campsite and shows him where she saw his tux and where he had been staying. Castle says he would never stay there because of his paranoia of a tsunami. Beckett brings Castle to the house by the water to prove her point, to her surprise, the guy she talked to before was not the real owner of trailer and the boat. The guy they originally talked to was an imposter who was so good that he even had legitimate identification that fooled the police and the DMV.
Castle seems to be clear of the accusations of him skipping out on Beckett, but only time will tell what really happened and who has the type of power to fool the DMV, keep Castle away for two months, and to leave him with amnesia.  

Episode Grade: 7